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« TW WARNINGS » (for this chapter)
• swearing
• weapons



Five pregnancy tests later and horror growing inside of her

Seeing her in shock and not saying a word was probably the scariest shit I've ever seen

Is she happy?

Is she mad?


Does she wanna throw herself off of the stairs?

I most definitely do

She couldn't tell my mother

She was ashamed

I told her not to be but all she did was just glare at me and ignore me

I on the other hand was panicking

I wanted to rush to my mother and ask her for help

But I couldn't

Aylin would hide it from the world till that child is born

And damn how I know she wouldn't do abortion

She ain't against it

But she wouldn't

She'd rather give herself depression and loose herself then do so

It's her personality

I noticed how her body changed yes but when I found her she was starved by him so I didn't think anything of it

I walk downstairs knowing she's save sleeping in bed

As I saw her asleep I noticed how her arms covered her stomach like a shield

My mind was just shut down by it and I didn't know what to do

I sit down on the kitchen counter and stare in front of me at the staircase

"Bro are you okay?" My brothers asks as he creeps up behind me to get milk

"She's pregnant" I mumble to him

His face drops to a shock

"I'm gonna be a uncle?" He asks and chuckles proudly to himself slapping my shoulder for support

"It's not my kid" I mumble lowly in a more angry tone

Now his grin drops

"He-.. shit.. is she okay?" He asks immediately

"I'm not sure, she's asleep now.. thank god" I put my head in my hands "I couldn't bare to see her glare at the wall any longer"

"What is she gonna do-.." I break him off by a rush of anger by his many questions

"Fucks sakes! Like I know! She didn't talk for a shit to me! She was just fucking silent!" I yell at him

"You think this is easy for me? I have to support her growing someone else's fucking child! The one fucking guy I wish I murdered a long time ago!" I stand up to my brother watching him closely

I look away to the wall

"I have to watch her grow a child, that isn't mine.." i repeat as I can feel the anger drop and the sadness grow

"She didn't decide yet, she hates him" he tells me

"Yea.. but she'd be a damn good mother, and she would regret taking a abortion.. I know she will" I mumble as I sit back down

"You should talk to mom, like seriously" he tells me

"She doesn't want anyone to know Ro, it's impossible to tell her cause you know how mother is" I sigh and feel like screaming

"Just don't push her, okay?" He tells me and leaves me to be with my feelings

I slowly get up and get a gun out of my locker

Walking down the stairs to the basement I see two men in cells

"Finally here to finish off the job you could never do?" His grin was tempting me to blow his head off

"Oh hello there mon amor" he says and looks behind me

I turn around and see Aylin shaking and looking like she's gonna cry

She looks at the gun and back at me and then at the door

"Don't you dare leave!" He yells at her

Her body was trembling and she looked so terrified

I walk towards her ignoring him and bring her back upstairs locking the basement door behind me

"Y-You keep him? This close to me? I-.." she looks in shock at the gun and she was shaking so badly

I take her in my arms and apologize to her for hundred times

"W-What were you gonna do with the g-gun?" She asks but I know she knew

"Aylin.." I look her in the eyes

I expected her to get mad and maybe even slap me

But she just bursts out crying

"I don't know what to do.." she says while crying "I'm so scared" she keeps crying harder till a point I see my mother appear

She mouth to me 'what's going on?'

I mouth back 'Shes pregnant'

My mother didn't think it was mine

Not once

She just rushed to her and hugged her

"It will be okay, listen to me it will be okay.."without being able to reach for her I let my mother slowly calming her down

"Let's get you to bed" she brings her upstairs as I follow them carefully

"Rhyd" she keeps saying while holding my hand and walking up the stairs

"A-Are you gonna leave me?" She asks while I see her trying not break down

"Of course not,'I'll always be here for you" i kiss her head softly

She buries her head in my chest and we stop
on the stairs, continuing to carry her to bed

She started falling asleep quickly once we got her up in my arms

"To clarify, she's pregnant by-.." I fast break her off by a nod

"Did she talk about it?" She asks carefully while I put her in bed

"Not till now, she just said she's afraid, I can't blame her" I mumble the last bit

"She's so fragile and so many things happened in such a short time.." I look at her

"I don't want her to go through this" I lay next to her and feel the urge to have a hug too

Her soft skin reaches out for mine with soft whimpers of emotion

She holds me like I'm a ghost waiting to disappear

"She needs you Rhyd, don't give up on her" my mother mumbles while waking away after kissing her head

I look at her eyes slowly fluttering open and small sobs coming out of her like a scared puppy

"It's okay it's okay it's okay" I rub her tiny bump and see her relax under the touch

Her sobs get silent and her head snuggles in my neck while her leg swings around my lower body

"Sleep well my love"
I know some of y'all hate the pregnancy trope-.. just continue reading you won't regret it, and follow my insta for more insiders

Fallen.  // 𝑚𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎 𝑠𝑚𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 18+Where stories live. Discover now