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« TW WARNINGS » (for this chapter)
• after math of rape


The next morning I could feel my body hurt as I see him sleeping under me

"See who's in charge now" I chuckle and kiss his nose

He opens one eye and looks cheeky at me

"Me" he says while he grabs me and turns us around

I let out pouts and roll my eyes

"Not fair!" I slap his chest playfully

"Bath time?" He mumbles as he looks upon my half naked body

I push him off of me and crawl under the covers again

"Let's get you in bath" he gets up and carries me bridal style to the bathroom

I groan at him feeling the cold air

The oversized shirt he put on me covers even the skirt I was still wearing

He slowly sits me down on the sink and I feel my legs shaking and my arms hurting

"Want me to do it darling?" He asks me as i nod at him in response

He slowly undresses me and puts the tap on

He massages my shoulders trying to relive the pain

It wasn't  working at all but that wasn't the point

It was the after care that mattered, I didn't have gotten it in months

With him it was just..

Just.. afterwards was worse

The crying and blaming yourself

He slapped me and hurt me if I made one peep

He just threw me in a corner like a rat and forced me to sit their while I was shaking from core

After a week I just got numb

The feeling of my body being pushed down to the edge

The feeling of physically not being possible to take it every single day

If there was a day he missed, he'd do it twice

That were the hardest days

"Aylin?" Rhyd questions me

He probably saw me being distracted

"I'm fine" I swallow away the pain again and once again feel disgusting

Not cause Rhydian touched me

But because I was

I was disgusting

I am disgusting

He nods slowly and carries me into the bath

He carefully washes my hair while I look at the wall

The water was burning yet my skin has goosebumps and was ice cold

"Aylin what's going on" he asks while he stops washing my hair

My eyes tear up and my gaze gets blurry

"M-Memories" I mumble carefully and silent sobs escape

"Bad ones?" He asks which I answer with a nod

He grabs my hand and softly kisses it while helping me out of the bath

He dries me completely and helps me put my pyjama on

"I'm gonna get my mother for you, alright?" He asks me one last time

I nod carefully and hug the pillow instead of his chest

About ten minutes later his mother walks in and sits next to me

Sobs gently leave me as she sits in pity looking at me

"Rhyd told me you freaked out, he thinks you did" his mother talks but my mind isn't listening

I sit up and look at her with tears in my eyes

"W-Will it get e-easier?" I mumble with sobs

"After awhile, after you found true love" she pushes my head in her chest and hugs me

I look at Rhyd standing in the doorway and fast hide my head again

I hear a crack of the floor of him leaving and look up at his mother

"I feel disgusting" I say honestly

"All woman do, when they experienced it.. of course you do, he put those thoughts in your head that you deserved it.. you didn't Aylin" she looks at me in pity

"Your a good girl dear, don't let him destroy you by those thoughts" she kisses my head

I look at Ro standing in the doorframe and looking at us

"We heard you yesterday" he mumbles lightly

"Darling not-.." his mother starts but he breaks her off

"No, it's good.. I think you needed it" he says carefully

Ro always tried to cheer me up, he was funny but this side I didn't see yet

"My mother is right with some things, you shouldn't let him ruin you like that" he doesn't move or look at me

Like he knew I would freak out if he did

I nod slowly and looks down at my hands

"He broke two of my fingers cause I stole a gun" I mumble

"I had to give a guard a blow job to get that gun" I swallow away the words again

I lay on my back and look at the ceiling

Ro moves slowly onto the bed and mumbles some things to his mother while the tears just explode out of my eyes

But no sound

Not a peep

"One day he came back home drunk after he went out with his friends" my words stay steady for as far as they could

"Aylin, don't" Ro mumbles as he looks at me

"I'm sorry" I say carefully trying not to get him mad

"That's okay" he says and gets up

"It is?" I look at him and sit up

"Of course, come to me if you need anything okay? Maybe a funny joke" he mumbles but I couldn't see any funny thing right now

"I want him back" I tell his mother

" I'll get him for you" she gets up and five minutes later Rhyd walks back in

"Can I hug you?" He asks as he slowly moves toward me being very subconscious of my situation

"Yes please" I mumble as I feel a cold running down my body

He hugs me

A warm inviting hug

"I love you" I mumble

"Don't cry" he responds as he wipes the tears

"Rhyd?" I ask again

"Yes darling?" He looks at me slowly while holding me

"I don't feel good" I mumble against him

"Aylin.. did he uh.." he tilts my head

I look in shock and realize his question

"He didn't.."
This was so bad.. anyways worst chapter ever

Fallen.  // 𝑚𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎 𝑠𝑚𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 18+Where stories live. Discover now