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« TW WARNINGS » (for this chapter)
• swearing
• tension ;)



The ball is today and after getting convinced by my mother I focus myself on my work

I asked my old friend Victoria Black to go with me

Her roundings were more extreem then Aylin her body could serve

I loved her body

It was perfect and I'd never think less of her by having less of a ass or tinier tits

She was perfect in my eyes

But that meant the dress ripped apart as soon as Vic her thighs came into the yellow dress

She choose a dark blue silk one with a matching tie for me

My feet travel me to Aylin her room where my mother was doing Victoria her hair

"You know, we don't have to go" she mumbles turning her head getting a burn stain on her neck from my mother who had a bad reflex with the curling iron

"You are going Rhyd, it's bad for the business if you don't" my brother alerts me but he was just saying it cause mother was there

he looks onto the girl in the chair fast afterwards

Ro and her grew up together and I've seen them get closer since they managed to get the word sex out of their mouths

Victoria wanted to go with him and we all knew that but my brother refused to go

My mother convinced him but by the time I managed to convince Vic and he got one of his-... how would we call her?

Old mistress?

She'd arrive here fast enough but I could see off of my brothers face he wished it would take as long as possible for her to arrive

Looking inside Aylin her room and seeing the stuff I gave her

The memories of her laying naked on my bed manage to acknowledge my mind;

I walk into the room the scent of vanilla ice cream and cranberry pie catches my nose

Her laying naked cuddled up in the sheets I got her

The bite of cake making a mess on her nose as the whipped cream gets on it

The music blasting through the air what makes me wonder what got her in the mood to do these things

In a slow motion her eyes travel to mine acknowledging my body standing in the doorway

I feel the urge to touch her lips and wipe away the red stain the cranberries left on it

Like a natural lips stick made of her beauty from eating

The fucking world could acknowledge that even when she was covered in the mess of food she looked perfect

"Perché stai mangiando la torta di mirtilli?" I look closely at her

"Why I'm eating cranberry pie? Cause I want to" she says with a grin turning up her mouth

"Join me if you want" she takes a bite of the fitting ice cream

I slowly unbutton my blouse for her and soon enough she looks me up and down under breaking my hands from moving with her voice

"I never said naked darling" she acknowledges fast away making a rose cheeky glow go up from my neck to my cheeks

I finish taking of my blouse and crawl next to her in bed

I look at the half eaten cake on the bed

"You want a bit?" She looks at me in a chuckle

My nod slowly came as the fork with the piece of cake on it travels towards my mouth

The whipped cream was a ask to escalate and so it slowly did as it traveled around my lips

I finish the bite of food in my mouth and lift my arm to wipe it away but she fast away grabs my wrist stopping me

"Let me fix that for you" her legs crawl her closer to me getting her onto my lap

Her ass putting pressure on my dick, while her head came claustrophobically close

Her tongue travels around my lips taking in the substance of the whipped cream

After she pulled back and my lips were covered in her warm salvia she looks at me

She just looks

For a couple seconds it was silent just the tension traveling beyond each others body

Her hips bucked up after the most loving seconds of my life but my hands automatically holding her down made her frown at me

"Give me a minute" my hands traveling calmly from her waist to her ass

My fingertips growing white by the tension I put in her ass

"One minute more to see me naked?" Her grin wasn't possible not to see and my desperation was hanging in the air

And in my pants

"Or a hour to get you fucked up" I whispers in her ear

"Just like you are made for, my fuck up" I stroke her out of the way in a low ponytail with my hands making a clear hint for her

"If you wanna fuck, we'll fuck but I'll put cake down my throat if I want something down it" she gets up again making my dick beg for her to come back

"I know your"-...

The memory gets broken off by my mother clapping her hands in front of my face

"W-What?" I question

"We are ready" Victoria her voice interrupted my mother's open mouth

"Exactly, now hurry up you both you don't wanna get late" my mother says while pushing me to the door

We walk downstairs meeting Lora? Lena?

Yea something that ends with the A

"Nice to see you again Lyssa" my brother says while taking her arm


That's it, I was close enough I suppose

My brother turned around meeting Victoria her jealous gaze while walking by

We walk out to the car outside waiting for us

the driver in his seat, and as I close the door

The next hour begins

Fallen.  // 𝑚𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎 𝑠𝑚𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 18+Where stories live. Discover now