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I could feel the tears in my eyes as a hand kept pressing on a bruise but not ever did I loose eye contact with him

His eyes were exploding with emotions

While mine were the bare minimum with that

As I loose his eyes looking at mine and getting dragged to the middle I finally see what a beautiful place this is

The perfect place to die

"Let's start the bidding, you all know how it works, hand in the air if you bid but if you bid you'll have to kill her too"

I could feel my throat clench together not knowing what to do

"Let's start at hundred thousand"

A hand

"Fifteen thousand for him"

The hand was connected to the mans beside me

A hand

"Two million" I hear a angry but emotional voice


His eyes connect with mine

Another hand

"Five million" a guy says that winks at me in a way that tells me enough

But my eyes meet him again

Another hand

"Ten million" his dark voice says while looking at me

I bite my lip and acknowledge the blood running down it

Kasper has a gambling debt, he can't afford to go much higher

And lets not start about his people he still has to pay

I give a quick nod to Rhydian assuring him he'll win

"Twenty million" someone offers just as Rhydian put his hand up

I move my eyes towards the familiar voice

"L-Leo?" Tears falling down my cheeks and a blurry vision of my brother in front of me is being seen

I can see even Kasper being in shock by my brothers betrayal

The room was silent as I hear my brother's sentence form

"I'm sorry dear sister" he mumbles

"Twenty five million" Rhydian his voice got dark and angry

My tears absorbed their self in my face like a sponge

He terrified me when he was mad

"Thirty million!" Kasper fast says and everyone could hear the shock in his voice

He can't afford thirty million

"Fifty, fifty million" Rhydian says and I see my brother walking away and Kasper holding my hand with the two broken fingers that makes me wanna cry of pain

And I do so

Small tears of joy mixed within pain

He won

He has to kill me

The love of my.. no

He has to kill me, Rhydian has to kill me

Fallen.  // 𝑚𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎 𝑠𝑚𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 18+Where stories live. Discover now