545 9 1

« TW WARNINGS » (for this chapter)
• swearing
• weapons


His slow footsteps moving towards me could make my heartbeat shatter and it was close to doing so

His hands around my body and the save feeling of his breath on my ear

It felt good yet so scary

"It will all be okay, you still have the knife I gave you?" He asks me in a low whisper while he scans the room around himself and me

'I want you to have this' he says with a voice that I couldn't place

'To protect yourself if you need to'

I shake my head and feel the tears soak his suit as I lay my head on his shoulder

"He stripped me naked as soon as I came there, well that's what I remember" I swallow the words away as soon as I say them

"He did what?" His tone got dangerously dark making my red and freshly watered eyes look up at him while he looks at him

I move his head towards mine and look him in the eyes as I force him to do the same

"Please.. not now, I just got you back" I mumble softly under my breath

"I didn't knew I meant that much to you Varano" he says and the smirk lift up his lips

But no smile could do that to me right now

"Kill me fast, okay?" I mumble against his cheek tears slowly letting go

"I don't like to kill people slowly love, you should know better" he mumbles back and holds me just like he always did

His warm embrace around my cold one

Still scary

I close my eyes trying to forget what's gonna happen not noticing what I'm mumbling

"Do it fast.. please"

Something ticks my hand

I grab it

A gun..

I slowly open my eyes seeing my brother wink at me and grabbing the host of the party by his neck

A gun against his head, I also see Rhyd his brother and a beautiful girl joining in

They all grab someone and hold the gun against them

"Your not going anywhere without me love" he intertwined his fingers in mine

"Let us go or they'll die!" My brother yells once I see who the girls is holding


I let out a weak mumble "he has to come with us.." I look up at Rhyd

He just nods

With slow footsteps the group moves outside

No one in the room dared for the host to die

They just watched us leave but as soon as we let go of the unnecessary people and tried closing the door a couple of bullets came awfully close to our bodies

In a run we put everyone in the cars while I stay with Rhydian in one

As soon as I sit down and closed the door I felt a tiny bit safer

Yet not around men

Not even with him next to me

"Your eyes are still blood rushed" he mumbles

I sit on the edge of the car seat looking out of the window

Tears were falling down and everything finally hit me

"The one time I needed you, you weren't there" I managed to say in between sobs

I was panicking and tried to hide it

His hand grabbed my thigh trying to comfort me but I just put my hand around his throat in a fast defense mechanism

"Hey shh it's okay" he slowly lifts his hand away from my thigh and puts it back on the wheel focusing on the driving

I put my arms around my body and hold my head on my knees

"What did he do to you Aylin.." he says but I could hear he already knew

"I-I don't, I can't.." I mumble in between panicked breaths

"It's okay, I'm here now you'll sleep in your own bed or mine I don't care I'll sleep on the couch, but you'll be okay" he doesn't look at me and I don't look at him but his face was full on in my memories not a detail not being known

"I'll handle the mess" he mumbles and I could feel the sigh not being outed

After awhile of holding his mother's hand the only person I trusted and didn't got scared of

I managed not to cry, the tears stopped but the emotions were everywhere

I just fell asleep

half a hour of trying not to burst out crying

But months of hiding my emotions didn't just go away

Not like that


Her soft breaths and conscious sleep was all I could really focus on

The exhausted dark circles under her eyes weren't covered anymore by the make up that her tears washed away

Her two fingers on her left hand were crooked to a point I knew they were broken

Her small blush on her cheek from the cold tears and the effort of crying

Her lashes were soaked

I knew what happened

At least everyone could take a guess

Yet when her hand found my throat and I saw a glistening in her eyes of her being scared it still hurt

This isn't a fucking fairytale

She's my life

She's my everything

She's my world, the world I'm waiting to rock

I just wanna protect her

Have my arms around her and kiss her head

Loving her like she deserves

Cause I love her

I love Aylin Varano
Anyways I hope you liked the chapter  tell me if you did and if you have criticized it lmao ig

Fallen.  // 𝑚𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎 𝑠𝑚𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 18+Where stories live. Discover now