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Her hair spread on the pillow

Her breathing wasn't steady but it was good enough for someone who had been sleeping for two days

She hadn't woke up till I carried her out of the car

Meanwhile I managed to get a place for the people we carried with us

I wanna kill him

For her

I'd kill the world for her

I love her

I love her

I love her..

Her breathing is getting heavier


Unsteady and heavy

Her eyes jump open and she flinches at my touch on her cheek

A swift motion of a jump making my heart crush

Her backwards crawl against the headboard

"I'm cold.." she mumbles while holding the blanket

"You wanna lay down for me?" I look at her and hear her breathing stock

She nods but I could see she got scared again

I pull the blanket over her trying not to touch her by accident

"Thank you" she mumbles and grabs my hand kissing it softly

I let out a small smile

"Of course, are you hungry? I think my mother made dinner" I sit on the other side of the bed as far away from her as possible

She nods carefully

"Can I eat here?" She asks in a low mumble

I nod

"I'll get the food for you" I sigh and get up

"And can you ask your mother to come please" she mumbles very silently

With hearing it I walk away downstairs

"Mother, shes asking for you" I mumble while grabbing a plate and scooping her food up on it

"I'll go, Rhyd darling I know you want her to trust you but-.." I break my mother off

"I know.." I mumble "I know, she needs time but I'm sorry.. I missed her I just want her" I turn around about to walk back upstairs when I see her standing on the stairs

I look away and give the plate to my mother

"I'm going to the library" I mumble very quietly and walks away


Hearing his weak mumbles did something to me

It made me feel, selfish..

I didn't even think about how it could hurt him

He didn't see me for months where as normally we would see each other everyday

I didn't think it would effect him

But do I follow him to hug him?

No, cause I'm scared

I just look down at my hands while tears fill up my eyes and that was the reality

That was me right now

Fallen.  // 𝑚𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎 𝑠𝑚𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 18+Where stories live. Discover now