409 8 4

« TW WARNINGS » (for this chapter)
• swearing
• weapons
• character death


The middle of the night

His hot breath against my neck

His snores in my ear

I look at the gun on his bed side table and reach for it

The metal gun feels heavy and cold in my hands

I slowly lift my feet off of the ground and sneak out of the room

I look at the basement stairs doubting if I should do it or not

Opening the basement door slowly and watching him sitting there in his cell

Rotting away..

"Hello mon amor" he says with a grin on his face

I feel nauseous by him staring at me

I feel his hands all over my body again

I stand up tall and look him in the eyes

"Tell me why you did this" I say in a over confident way that wasn't realistic

"Cause your mine, mine!" He yells at me and looks me up and down

"And you'll be stuck forever knowing that!" He yells harder

I stay straight but my knees were so bendy I was scared I'd fall over

"Why are you here Aylin? You can't kill me, your just a stupid girl" he snaps out at me

I look at the gun and see a glance of the oversized hoodie covering my bump

I shoot against one of the metal bars of the cells and see him flinch in insanity

I hear rushes coming from above me looking for the horrific sound in the middle of the night

I slowly sit down on my knees in front of his cell and look him in the eyes

"I hope the rats finish you off, maybe you were right, I am a rat.. and I'm so done with you" I mumble lowly as he grabs my hair tightly

My hair that's been set in a bun to keep it out of my face

"I'd like to see you try!" He yells in my face

I spit in his face and yank myself off of the ground

"Be thankful I gave you that, cause that's the last fucking thing you'll have of me" I turn around and walk to the stairs ignoring his yells and see Rhydian standing there

He looks proud get conflicted in what just happened

I look at the small glance of anger in his eyes as he hears the words 'slut!' And 'whore' being yelled

I turn around and he goes silent stopping the yelling

I shoot him in his right knee, screams of pain being heard as I walk past Rhydian and he runs in shock after me

"What was that?!" He yells at me

I flinch immediately but don't turn around

"That was my fury" I mumble

He forces me to turn around and his anger was fully focused on me

"Are you fucking insane?!" He yells again and once again I flinch, his scaring me

Fallen.  // 𝑚𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎 𝑠𝑚𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 18+Where stories live. Discover now