396 6 3

« TW WARNINGS » (for this chapter)
• swearing
• weapons
• drugs



My brother have always been more with the girls then I have

I never gave it a shot with her

But as she lays on my chest with her head small whimpers of sleep coming out of her mouth I can't not imagine us

I'm not a guy to take advantage of a woman especially not a pregnant one

Feeling her stomach in my own giving a certain pressure felt so odd

And her hair spread over her face

Her lips realizing some visible drool that I wipe away

She's so calm

Resting so peacefully

I imagined her to be a wild sleeper

Pulling onto the blankets till you'd freeze to death under her mercy of sleep

I see a glance of my brother ikr he corner of my eye

I turn my head toward him and all I see is a guy with delated eyes, a firm clenched jaw and a fist waiting to slander upon his enemies

"You did this to her" I look him disgusted up and down

"You didn't even realize your own fucking actions till she yelled stop didn't you? Mhm? You didn't realize your hand on her throat as she was burning in pain huh?-.." he breaks me off

"Shut up!" I turn my gaze to her as I feel her body move a little

Turning my head back might have been a mistake but might not have been

"Does it feel good knowing she is scared of you? Knowing she doesn't trust you? She isn't wrong Rhyd.. I wouldn't fucking trust you either" I hold her bridal style in my arms as the blanket is still covering her

He didn't move, he didn't speak anymore

He just watches me leave with her upstairs

I put her in my bed covering her in my sheets and blankets

I don't look at her body once

I just want her comfortable and far away from him


I wake up warm and naked in a room I havent seen before

The smell of pizza enters my nose

I hear a small knock on the door following with Ro walking in

"I got you some clothes" he mumbles and puts them on the bed

A shared eye contact is between us as the room is silent

He has a weird glance in his eyes that I can't explain

"I'll leave you alone" he mumbles after multiple shared moments between us

"No.. I mean please no" a soft mumble is all I can return

"Alright I'll stay" he sits on the bed with his back facing me

I grab the clothes and don't leave my eyes off of him

I feel the soft clothes glide over my skin

Fallen.  // 𝑚𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎 𝑠𝑚𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 18+Where stories live. Discover now