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• tension


I look up at him carefully

"Please, fix me.. you can do it!" I say with hope while putting my hand on his chest

His brows frown and his teeth found the inside of his cheek

I could see it clearly from up close

I slowly glide my hand to the back of his neck launching it to his hair and holding it

As I stand on my tiptoes and pull his head closer, his lips find mine

Several memories and nightmares cross my mind in a mix of a tear slipping away over my cheek

But as he pushed me softly down by using my shoulders he looked in shock at me

"Are you sure of this?" He mumbles back and his nervousness made me wanna laugh

I should be the nervous one

Maybe his mother was right, he wouldn't hurt a woman

Not me

I nod slowly and pull his head closer to me again

My toes finding the same pressure and my lips forming around his

Sweet small and gentle kisses on the corner of my lips making them turn up into a weak smile

His hand finding my cheek and holding my head with his way too big hands

He was a pain in the ass but a damn good kisser

A small faint blush on my cheeks by his gentle kisses as he runs them down to my jaw

His body pulling me close in a mix of perfection

His lips were just as soft as I remembered and his body felt just as safe as before

Fast the nightmares went away as his body softly lifted me up and gently put me down

My hair in my face making him laugh and stroke it out of my face

But as his laugh made me tear up I could see the concern in his face

His features changing from a calm and warm river to a ocean of worries

"I'm okay, I promise, I'm crying of joy" I stroke his cheek and lift my head to give him a small kiss

But I don't pull back yet, I just calmly rest my head against his

Our noses connecting just as perfect as everything else

I slowly inhale my own lavender smell in my hair

The first shower was hard

Washing away the sins I blamed myself for

But now, now it was different

It didn't feel like my blame anymore

His lips find my neck and his mischievous grin on his face made me giggle

"I'm gonna take it slow okay? Tell me when to stop darling" he mumbles against my neck as seconds later he looks up to see my gaze

But it was only a smile

A smile

And eyes glistening with memories of the past

And a possible future

"Can I take your shirt off love?" He asks me and with a small nod I give him consent

"Use your words, I want you to be sure" he rubs my cheek with his thumb like he always does when he tries to comfort me

"Yes you can" I mumble carefully

I couldn't deny but feeling scared and I knew he saw that

But I had trust in him

Maybe that was a mistake but, isn't trust important?

Trusting someone so unconditionally much that you'd give them everything

Everything forever till they find someone else and shatter you to pieces

As he slowly lifts my shirt over my head and give me goosebumps by the cold air on my skin, I enjoy his kisses and letting my head relax in the soft bed

But as he stops his lips from touching me cleavage I look softly at him

"I don't think we should continue, this is enough for today" he looks at me waiting for me to agree

I nod slowly and pull him next to me on the bed softly resting my head on his chest

"That was amazing" I mumble and bury my head in his chest

"You were amazing, you are amazing" he says and gives a warm kiss on my head

"I was?" I ask him curiously

"You allowed me to touch you love, that's a big deal.. I'm proud of you" he kisses me softly

I nod and smile at his explanation

"Do you love me?" I ask him once again

"How could I not.." he sighs and smiles carefully at me
Short filler chapter, vote please

Fallen.  // 𝑚𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎 𝑠𝑚𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 18+Where stories live. Discover now