Chapter 12

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I really didn't want to go back to school

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I really didn't want to go back to school. I had an anxiety attack after agreeing to be friends with Jacob. Being scared of the consequences and worrying about the future made me resort to somehow making my way to the bathroom and using the blade to scrape into my upper thigh.

And now I'm standing in the middle of the living room, glumly staring at the wall. I decided to wear ripped blue jeans with an oversized white shirt. On the front, a vintage, black and white picture was printed.

When I snapped out of my daydream, I check the time and make my way to Wayland's Yard and order a latte and a donut before slowly making my way to the bus stop.

When I make it to school, I quickly rush to my first lesson. I couldn't run too quickly because my legs were still sore. As soon as I approached civilisation, I felt like crying. I hate socialising with people.

As soon as I get into my psychology class, I hurriedly take a seat at the back of the classroom carefully. By the time the teacher had made it, I already had my textbooks, workbooks and pencils out.

She had quickly started with the lesson and I was rushing to write all the notes under the pressure of the time.

I had got everything written in time for when the lesson finished. My next lesson was a free period so I studied for a while before making my way to lunch.

After buying a chicken sandwich and a water bottle, I saunter to the back of the canteen and I sit at the furthest table. Propping my leg up against the table and leaning back, I take a bite of my sandwich before I feel soft arms wrap around my shoulders.

"Aria!" I hear a vaguely familiar voice scream into my ear and my mood instantly brightens up.

I don't really know Charlie all that well but I met him at the party and he seemed like a great guy.

"Girl, you have to come sit with us." He says. My breath catches in my throat and I smile up at him.

"It's okay, Charlie." He still has his arms around me.

I laugh when he pushes me forward and rests his cheek on my back.

"Please? I'll love you forever." I shake my head.

He pouts and scoots me over before parking himself on my lap. I heave at his weight and lean back in my chair. What the heck. He wrapped his soft arms around my neck before leaning in. My hand slaps over his mouth and I feel my eyes pop out of my socket.

"Okay fine!" I shout and he quickly stands up, putting his hand out for me to take.

He grins wildly and accepts my hand before pulling me up gently. I follow him to the table with all of his friends. Laura, Eve, Jonah and Jacob. I clear my throat before sitting in between Laura and Jacob. He gives me a small smile when I look over at him. I return it.

"If I were a t-rex, I'd try to hold you in my arms and cry because I can't resist the delicious taste of little humans like you." Is the the first thing I hear when I sit down.

I look over to Jonah, whose eyes were glinting at Eve as he says this. She rolls her eyes at him.

"You see that door?" Eve points at the double canteen doors. "I want you on the other side of it."

Jonah grins and nudges her with his shoulder before glancing at her and taking a bite of his burrito. Eve smirks and then her eyes land on me. Her smirk slowly fades and transforms into a scowl. I look away from her and at the food I have in front of me.

Charlie slaps me on the shoulder and perks next to me.

"My friend Aria here is the new addition to our super cool group, so you all better be nice to her or you'll have me to deal with me." He playfully glares at Eve, which causes her to roll her eyes.

"And me." I look over at Jacob and he sends me a wink. I smile at him and feel someone's eyes on me.

When I look over to Jonah, his eyes were on me, raking over my face. I small smirk was on his face and it made me slightly uncomfortable, truthfully.

"What have you got next?" Laura asks Eve and replies with "social studies".

"Guys, we all need to go and watch that new Ryan Reynolds movie in the cinema." Charlie says after taking a bite of his sandwich.

I til my head to the side on consideration. I could still feel Jonah's eyes in my and I squirmed in my seat.

Laura sent me a concerned look and I shook my head and waved it off. The rest of the lunch was spent in idle conversation and I found myself enjoying time around Jacob's friends. Especially Charlie, who had a very interesting sense of humour.

During my last lesson, I hadn't noticed before that Jonah was also in this class. He approached me near the end of the lesson and I almost shit myself by his close proximity.

"Aria, we're having a little get together tonight, you should come."

"Thanks Jonah, but Charlie already asked me." It was true. Right before I left the canteen, Charlie had cornered me and convinced me to go to his house for their get-together. I had reluctantly agreed.

"Oh, damn it. He always gets there before me." What does that mean? Not wanting the conversation to carry on, I bid goodbye to Jonah and focus on the lesson.

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