Chapter 15

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Hazel. Her hazel eyes were a radiating brown sun, warmed with inner gold. From under her unkempt dark hair, peeked eyes of hazel and honey. They shone like sunlight on polished stone and hid a wealth of well justified mistrust.

It's so difficult liking someone. You overanalyse every little thing they do, and you tend to assume the worst all the time. One day they make you feel so special, and the next you wonder if they have feelings for you at all. Your mind is enthralled with them and you have all these things you're urging to tell them but you can't feel the courage and you fear that they don't feel the same way. It's like your whole life revolves around them in every possible way, your mood, how your day goes, and everything else. I hate it when you can't stop thinking about that one person... and deep inside you know they probably haven't thought about you once.

That was how I was feeling when Aria's body heat slipped away from me and I let her move away from me. I knew it. Deep inside I knew that there was no way that she would like a guy that she's only known for a little over a month but I had hope. The bad thing is, that hope is diminishing every time I see her, because there's no way that she notices me the way that I notice her. The way that I overanalyse every look she gives me and the way that I watch her whenever she isn't looking. Before I knew of her, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason.

I like her a lot. She makes me happy. She makes me laugh. She's smart. She's a little crazy, and awkward, and her smile alone makes my whole day.

It's scary to find someone who makes you happy. You start giving them all your attention because they're what makes you forget everything bad that's going on in your life. They're the first person you want to talk to, just so you can start and end your day with a smile. It all sounds great to have that someone, but it's scary to know how easily they could just leave and take that happiness away too when they go.

Aria pushed me away so damn much. I went a week without talking to her because I didn't want to push beyond her limits but it killed me inside. I was putting myself through this excruciating pain, just because she wasn't ready to speak and open herself up to me.

She told me she had therapy sessions. I never asked why, I didn't want to pressure her. In her own time, she might tell me and I would sit and listen. I will always listen.

Liking someone is like a candle. It can melt, burn out and you have no idea how long it can last. True love is the eternal light from the sun. Always there. Whether you like it or not. And sometimes, it's hard to admit when you've fallen in love with someone who can't be yours.

Loving someone, and not being loved in return... worst feeling in the world.

I'll choose her. And I'll choose her over and over and over. Without pause, with a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing her.

A/N: Our baby Jacob is in love :)

This is a one-off change of POV just so that the readers could see Jacob's feelings towards Aria.

So yeah, his feeling went from liking her, to liking her a lot, to loving her. And we've yet to see him head over heels for her.

I might have another Jacob POV at the end of the book but I don't know quite yet.

I have an explanation as to why Jacob fell in love so quickly but I'm not gonna tell you:) Your gonna have to guess and I might reveal it at the end of the book.

I hope you enjoyed this short chapter!

-H ⚫️⚪️⚫️⚪️

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