Chapter 43

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This chapter contains sexual content.

Every now and then, I climb out of my bedroom window and into the roof below it

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Every now and then, I climb out of my bedroom window and into the roof below it. It's slightly slanted and has an amazing view. I sit down-or lay down, on a good day- and look up at the stars. It's mesmerising.

When the darkness hits and everything around me is gloomy, the sky and the stars seem to be the only light. And, I love it. I need a little more light in my life, recently. Everything is so dull.

The faint sound of the doorbell downstairs catches my attention and I slowly climb up the roof and back into my bedroom. I rush down the stairs, opening the front door.

Jacob stands there, a glass tray in his hand. "Hi." He says, smiling at me. "I made you lasagne. Well, my mum made it. I helped her, though."

"Aww, that's so sweet of you. Come in." I say, moving out of the way to let him in. Jacob walks in and follows me into the kitchen. He places the tray on the counter, pulling away the cling film that covered the top and I hand him the knife that I had taken out of the cabinet.

Watching as he cuts two small pieces before putting them in the plate, I ask him, "how's your ankle?" It's been almost two weeks since he sprained it, and I haven't had the chance to ask him if it has healed.

"Fully healed." He says. "It's as good as new, now." He wiggled his foot in a circle to prove it. "I haven't gone back to training, yet, but I'm planning on going tomorrow morning."

"That's good. Sorry I didn't ask before."

Jacob shrugs his shoulders, picking up both plates and walking out of the kitchen. "It's okay. You're going through a lot." He places the plates in the coffee table and I grab two forks before joining him on the sofa.

I put on a movie and we eat in silence, secretly stealing glances at each other. Weirdly, everything between us seems totally normal. We may not be dating, but we don't need to be constantly touching to enjoy the time we spend together.


"Do you remember-" Jacob laughs. We had finished eating, and we were both leaning back on the sofa. "Do you remember when we knocked on Laura's door and ran down the street before she opened it?"

"Yeah." I chuckle. "And it was her dad that opened the door." I say, looking to my side at his beautiful face.

"He was fuming." Jacob says. "He wouldn't speak to me for the rest of the day." Then, he looks to the side at me. "That was a fun day." He says, looking me in my eyes.

"Yeah." I whisper. I can feel it. The way the air and atmosphere changed. The way his face changed when he looked at me and how we're really close to each other. Jacob lifts his hand, moving a strand of my dark hair out of my face and behind my ear.

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