Chapter 22

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Jacob's face breaks into a grin when he sees me, causing me to smile back. Charlie's eyes flitter over to mine and he grins goofily before waving me over. I'd rather have stayed in my little corner but I gather the little courage I had to walk over to them. Jacob had taken a few steps towards me and all three of us met in the middle.

"Hey, you made it." Jacob smiles down at me before hugging me. He smelled so good, but that's beside the point.

"Yeah, my parents gave my car back and I was able to drive here."

"Wait... parents? I thought they weren't coming back for another month?"

"Business trip ended early. They're home." I say unenthusiastically.

Jacob must have sensed my discomfort because he dropped the subject quickly. Charlie had disappeared into the crowd and I take a another sip of my drink.

When another guy approaches Jacob, I quickly get away from the atmosphere. I seriously need to take a breather, especially with all the thoughts running through my mind. I wanted it to stop, I know it was stupid to even think those things. I don't even know why I had those images in my head, especially when I was right in front of him but I couldn't stop them from rummaging through me. It did something to me, I don't know how to describe it.

Imagine a fire burning and add being turned on into it. That's what was burning in the tip of my stomach. I needed to take a breath of fresh air before I let myself face him again.

Sitting at the edge of the pool, I dip my fingers into it. When I realised that it was too cold to dip my toes into it, I quickly turn around before bumping into someone. Jonah.

He smiled down at me and I shiver ran down my spine. I felt uncomfortable to how close he was to me, even his golden brown eyes weren't appealing. I didn't know a lot about Jonah, but something about his character made me feel uneasy and antsy. I tried to back away from him but if I did, I would fall into the pool.

He edged closer to me and I had to force myself to stay fixated to my position. His warm breathe hit my face and I could feel it fanning my cheek.

"What's wrong?" If I didn't feel creeped out around him, I would think that he was... concerned?

"Nothing... you're just really close to me." I whisper, ducking my head to stop him from staring at me.

"Shit, sorry." He makes no move to step away from me. Maybe he just misunderstood my connotations.

"Do you... need anything?" I make a habit of staring at my fingernails to avoid eye contact with him.

Instead of answering my question, he decides to change the subject.

"I heard about the anxiety." My head snaps up to him, my eyes wide.


"The anxiety, Aria. Feel kinda bad for you." My mouth falls open and I feel like slapping him.

"W-" Who told him? Who would- Laura. Of course it was, she never liked me. She never apologised for all the shit she put me through. I should have seen this coming weeks ago. And yet, I welcomed her into my life with open arms.

I glare up at him before pushing him away from me and walking away. I didn't have the energy to fight and I just wanted to go home.

I shouldn't have come here. This was a bad idea. Stupid, stupid-

"Aria!" I instantly stop walking to the side of the house when I hear his voice. I feel his hand softly landing on my elbow before he turns me around to face him. "Are you leaving?" Worry was encasing his tone and I suddenly felt guilty for trying to leave so early on into the party.

"Yeah... I just... don't really feel comfortable right now."

Jacob nods his head in understanding. He's silent for a minute before he carries on speaking.

"Well... I can take you home— wait, you have your own car— well, I can-" I had stopped listening but I stead focused on how his mouth moved slowly as he spoke. Each syllable was pronounced. I focused on how he licked his lips every time he paused and how he had smile lines on the side of his mouth and how his dimples would pop out whenever he talked.

I may not admit it out loud, but I was staring at his mouth. Like, really staring at his mouth. I suddenly remember what I was thinking about not a mere ten minutes ago and my mind gets completely taken over by my thoughts.

Should I do it? No, he'll never talk to you again. Yes, he might like it. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes.

"Or we could see each other tomorrow-" fuck it. I stop him from talking by leaning my head up and lightly pressing my lips against his.

I hear Jacob's sharp intake of breath and immediately regret my decision. But I'm frozen in place, we both are.

I had my lips on his, but none of us were moving. This is so embarrassing. Idiot. I don't try to move and neither does he, we stick to each other and the glue wasn't subsiding.

And then Jacob's head moves back. My eyes open and I see that his were wide and his cheeks were ablaze.

Just as I'm about to apologise, Jacob's hand snakes around my neck and he steps forward, planting his lips onto mine. Now it was my turn to stop breathing. I feel the cold tip of his fingers on the side of my neck and I lean into his touch.

This time, our lips move along with each other and it isn't as awkward as the last. Jacob moves my head closer to him and deepens the kiss. It was slow, sweet and magical. I'm living, dying, smiling, conflicted, and overwhelmed- all in one moment. It's a thousand moments trapped in one. As he pulls away slightly, I feel his warm breathe against my slightly parted lips. Our foreheads were touching and my eyes were closed.

I didn't want anyone to disturb me from this peaceful position. I wanted to capture it in a glass bottle and treasure it forever.

"Go on a date with me, Bailey. Please." Jacob whispers, his breathe wafting my lips.

The nickname thing.

And then I process what he just said.


So... That happened.


I'm currently screaming and crying at how cute this is.

I would like to thank my (least) favourite cousin for helping me come up with the process of that kiss. I would also like to thank her for making me change his stupid outfit in the previous chapter xoxo.

I've also changed the name of this book again. It's now called It Wasn't Love and I hope this is the last time I change the name.


-H ⚫️⚪️⚫️⚪️

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