Chapter 31

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College ended up calling up my parents and recommending a week off for the 'improvement of my mental health'

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College ended up calling up my parents and recommending a week off for the 'improvement of my mental health'.

I was fine. Totally fine.

When I finally went back, the first thing I noticed was that the friendship group was smaller.

"Where's... where's Jonah?" I ask as I slowly approach the dinner table that my friends were sitting at. Charlie jumps up, embracing me in a hug.

"Aria! I missed you so much." He mumbles into my hair and when he pulls away, I smile at him, ruffling his hair.

"I missed you too, Charlie." I say, glancing behind him. Eve makes eye contact with me and scowls before turning away. I frown. Moving to sit down, I smile at Jacob and sit next to him. I feel his hand caress my thigh and a small smile makes it's way onto my face.

"Jonah's... I don't actually know." Laura says, frowning slightly. "Has anyone been in contact with him?" I squirm uncomfortably in my seat. Nobody knows about what happened with Jonah. They don't know about what he said to me that day. How he spoke to me.

Jacob shakes his head form beside me and Charlie says, "Nope. Jonah's been quite MIA for a while now, actually." Then, he shrugs his shoulders and takes a bite of his sandwich that he just pulled out of his bag. "I'll call him tonight. See where he's at." Charlie says, with a mouthful of food.

"That is disgusting, Charlie." Eve snides, rolling her eyes at him before turning her head away. Laura glances at her, scrunching her eyebrows in confusion. She rolls her eyes and looks away, almost annoyed with Eve.

"Anyways..." Jacob says, sensing the awkwardness in the air. "I've got to get to footy training." He slowly stands up, his hand gliding up my back. I shiver. "Aria, can I speak to you? Walk me out?" I quickly nod and get up as Jacob holds my hand and leads me out of the canteen.

"Do you want to come over, tonight?" He asks, rubbing his hands up and down my arms. "My brother will be home, and... since your first impression of him isn't exactly... great, it'll be nice for you both to get to know each other."

I think about it. Meeting his brother... Who knows? Maybe we'll bond over our crippling mental disorders.

"Yeah." I say, refusing to overthink it. "Yeah, I'd like that." I smile, before leaning up and planting a kiss on his lips. "I'd like that a lot."

Jacob smiles down at me, moving a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Good." He whispers.


I don't think I can do this. Meeting his brother. Even though, technically, we've already met, this time it's just more... serious. Formal. I can't do formal. Jacob parked his car in the driveway of his house, and jumped out, walking around to open the door for me. He held his hand out and I took it, leaving the car with shaky legs.

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