"Fuck." He whispers into my neck, sending a thrill of excitement through my body.
His lips still smothered kisses over my neck and his hands roamed my body, starting at my chest, going down to my stomach. Caressing my soft skin, his thumb trailed c...
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Laura, Jacob and I had made plans to go shopping today. I know that dragging Jacob around with us wasn't ideal but I was willing to deal with my mind being a bitch just so I could spend time with him.
After dressing in a baggie brown hoodie and baggy trousers, I text Laura to see if she was ready. When she replies with a simple yes, I hurry out of my house and take the bus to her house. Jacob offered to pick me up but I declined because I didn't want to pressure him.
When I arrived outside their house, all the nerves that were built up inside of me finally erupted and I felt my hands shake slightly. Convincing myself that it was just the wind, I reach out and ring the doorbell to Laura's house. Just as I did it, Jacob steps out of his own house. The long bush separating both gardens wasn't big I could see him as he slipped his phone out of his pocket. He looked up at the right moment to see me gazing at him.
He was wearing an oversized beige sweater and grey sweatpants. Holy cow... I found myself staring at him for a beat too long and I had to clear my throat to bring myself out of my haze.
"Hey, you alright?" He asked, asking towards the bush. Just as I was about answer, Laura swings open her door and my thoughts are back on her.
"Hey girl!" She squeals when she skips out of her house and towards me.
Before I can process it, her arms are around me and she pulls me into a hug. Laura pulls away and we go over to Jacob's car. He was still standing next to the bush when we entered the driveway and he quickly moved away as me and Laura approach the car.
"Come on, lover boy." Laura speaks before Jacob unlocks the car. He chuckles quietly as he hops into the drivers seat. Laura pushes me into the passenger seat and jumps into the backseat.
"Aria, do you know how to drive?" Laura asks as she heaves herself into the car.
"I have my license but..." Do I tell them that my parents don't trust me enough to let me drive? "I don't own a car."
Laura hums in recrimination and Jacob starts up the car. My car is, in fact, in the garage and hasn't been used in a couple of months. I can't remember the last time my parents let me drive it. It would have been with them next to me, making sure I 'don't do something stupid.' That was their words whenever I asked them about it. Diane even agreed with them and that pissed me off even more.
Most of the ride was Laura and Jacob singing off-key to the songs on the radio and me laughing whenever Laura tried- but failing miserably- to attempt high notes.
When we arrived at the shopping centre and Jacob had finally found a parking space, we made our way to the nearest clothes shop and me and Laura went on a rampage. We randomly skipped through different shops with Jacob following behind, giving hesitant advice to the clothes that we had chosen.
Laura spotted Victoria's Secret and and grabbed my hand before dragging me towards the shop. I quickly look back at Jacob, who was rolling his eyes before he followed us in. I swallowed the lump in my throat.
Me and Laura scourged through the shop for a while before I lost her and ended up seeing her talking to one of the workers. Deciding to leave her be, I ended up walking around with Jacob.
Now we both stood opposite a bikini rack and, after tilting my head in confusion, I had picked up the red bikini. With nerves scattering throughout me, I placed it against my body and looked over to Jacob.
"What do you think?" His eyes widen before he clears his throat and shuffles on his feet.
"Erm... yeah, erm... yeah, it's- it's nice." He's being sketchy... he doesn't like it. He doesn't think you look nice in it... He thinks you look hideous.
I nod my head hesitantly before walking over to the changing rooms. After trying it on and buying a couple more sets, me, Jacob and Laura decide to get some ice cream. I got a mint choc-chip flavoured ice cream.
We finally leave the shopping centre at ten o'clock and Laura invited me in to her house for a quick dinner and a movie. I thanked the lord that it was the weekend tomorrow because I don't think I would have had the energy to wake up at the butt-crack of dawn.
When we entered the house, Chase was sprawled over a sofa and his eyes were fixated on the tv.
"Where's mum and dad?" Laura asks as she slips out of her boots.
"Out." Chase mumbles before Jacob shoves his feet of the sofa and slumps onto it himself.
Chase grins before they fist bump. I smile slightly and sit on the other sofa, bringing my knees up to my chin.
"What are you watching?" Jacob asks Chase as he rests his arm over the back of the sofa.
"13 Reasons Why."
Sometimes I try to pull a Hannah Baker. Unlike her, I don't succeed.
Jacob focuses on the Tv and Laura stalks towards Chase before pouncing on him and stealing the remote from him.
"Hey!" He whines before jumping up. Unfortunately for Laura, he towered over her.
"We're gonna watch a movie, so do us a favour and invisibility cloak yourself outta here."
"Laura, I'm watching something."
"Not anymore, pipsqueak. Shove off."
Chase huffs, defeated, and pulls a cigarette packet out of his back pocket.
"Got a lighter?" He asks Laura. She goes in to her purse and retrieves an orange lighter, passing it to him.
"Right kids," Laura collapses next to me. "What movie shall we watch?"
After we had picked a movie, me, Laura and Jacob had settled down and watched it. Jacob sat next to me when Chase arrived with a pizza, halfway through the movie.
After a while, I could feel my eyes drooping and tiredness had taken over my entire body.
"I think I'm gonna head home." I say, making no effort to get up.
"Want a ride?" Jacob asks.
I politely accept and Jacob ends up taking me home.
It wasn't until I had finished my shower and had collapsed into my bed that I had realised. I was happy. Truly happy. And I couldn't remember the last time I felt that way.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! (Not proof-read)
For the next one, I'm hoping to delve deeper into Aria's feelings and her ✨relationship✨ with 🥵Jacob🥵.