Just another day in Aegis VII

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Jaune is in bed sleeping as the alarm started going off on 7:00 AM.

Alarm: (BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, Click).

Jaune: good morning to you too.

He's getting up from his bed getting ready to work reminded to turn on the lights by two words.

Jaune: Lights on.

Lights turn itself on and flash in the room fill with few book about invention of tools, The Book Of Unitology, some comics, mechanics manual, engineers manual, and some weapons magazine. On the short bookshelf.

A terminal attached on the wall, a table with see through glass, tv frame hologram stuck on the wall.

He now goes to the safe to get his CEC ID, as well his engineer suit to put in the locker and he puts on his new outfit on in minute's, he goes to the desk to make his personal video log for himself as a holographic screen pops up.

Jaune: This is Jaune Arc, personal log I've been in Aegis VII for four months now, so right to the start I accepted to be an employee to the CEC also its stands for Concordance Extraction Corporations . I made some friends while working, and got another position on P-SEC, guess I'm in private on the ranks or something.

Jaune now get a little bit emotional to remember the events that happened back then.

Jaune: Well this is how it happen a mouth ago.

(One month ago)

Jaune walks to his work as an engineer to fix or functional machinery in the colony as well with other engineers & technicians.

Male engineer 1: Hey kid pass me som plasma cartridge will ya?

Jaune: Sure.

Jaune then pass some cartridge to an engineer.

Female technician 1: Welcome kid how you doing?

Jaune: Good, how you doing Tina?

Tina: Same here, by the way Sondra wants to talk you at the tram station.

Jaune: Oh? What she want with me?

Tina: Don't know but you gotta go now she hates waiting.

Jaune: Here I thought she kind.

Tina: (Laughing) she is, but a little childish.

Then he runs to the station quickly as possible when he see her looking at her watch, wearing white shirt with violet sleeves with black fingerless gloves on, short black skirt with leggings, black knee boots, and have long brown hair covering most of her shoulders, with glasses on as it matches with her deep green eyes.

Jaune: Hey Sondra just in time.

Sondra: . . .

Jaune: What?

Sondra: Your one second late.

Jaune: . . . Please tell me your joking?

Sondra: No I'm not.

She smile to see him and to teasing him when she said that, then they went onboard on the tram going to their specific section.

Sondra talk to Jaune to break the silence.

Sondra: So, want to talk about something or?

Jaune: Well I was going to that preaching thing your always wanting me go with you while the other guy rise his voice to preach about- uhh what's his name again?

Sondra: Deakin Abbott Jaune, he the one who preaches for others, anyways are you really going with me?

Jaune: Yeah I'm going to try it out anyway, at least I'll learn about your religion by that time.

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