Artifact's discovery

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A couple of days later, view of a rocky site showing most of the colony, in the terrain of nothing of rock and wind blowing dust in one direction, four people wearing full armored engineer suit and one of them is Jaune Arc, ordered to watch over the dig team he's with to no problem when the device started beeping.


Jennifer: 30 meters, whatever it is it's just up ahead.

Team member: Any idea what it is?

Jennifer: Not a clue. This planet is right up on seismic activity, so protocol says we require to check it out, so we're checking it out.

Jennifer sees Jaune staring at one place he remembered months ago. A burnt out pod in a view where anyone can see it in distances Jennifer goes to the boy to see he's okay.

Jennifer: You alright Jaune?

Jaune: Yeah it's just. I forgot that this was here also, same for me for getting founded in a first place.

Team member: So that's the one weird ship you came from?

Jaune: its a pod actually, so its really weird for this to happened for the the first time here.

???: Alright heads up we got a smell crater up ahead, watch your footing.

They all jump & slide down the crater as went deeper in the cave till its gets darker.

Jennifer: Topple your flares, lets take a look for what we're dealing with.

As they go on Jaune look around to see there something happened to the walls.

Team member: There something strange about these walls, there's evidence of chemical weathering.

Jaune: Colin?

As Colin climb up he sees a large scares on the walls.

Colin: And there's symmetrical 45 degree scarring on these walls.

Jennifer: Anybody else think these marks resemble the ones made by an E-34?

Team member: Well, I would if we weren't several million light years from home on a previously unexplored rock.

Jennifer: Yet we have E-34 drag lines as well.

Colin: Nobody's used an E-34 Elephant drilling rig in over a hundred and fifty years. Hell I've only seen them in books.

As the two men left Jennifer tells Jaune to call in.

Jennifer: Jaune can you call the colony? Somebody's been messing around out here.

Jaune: Sure thing Jen.

Jaune was about to call command when Colin calls to the both of them.

Colin: Jen, Jaune, you're going to want to look at this.

Then the both go look at the direction to what we're they looking at. They see a large spiral twisted rock that is all red with strange symbols imbedded in it. They were shock as well.

Jennifer: Oh, My God. We've got to call this in

Jaune: Right I'm on it.

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