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(10 minutes later.)

Nate and Lexine has arrived bay 34, Nate look for any Necromorphs. Lexine yells for his name.

Lexine: Nate!

He ran to her call. He sees Eckhardt tied up. He went inside of the room Weller on the wall while Dr. Howells treats him.

Dr. Howells: Careful dear. He's still breathing, but he needs rest.

Lexine: Sergeant. Wake up.

Weller: Lex?

Nate: What happened? Eckhardt is tied up.

Weller: God damn traitor tries to kill the Doc... and the rookie. And you we're right he was a Unitologist he- is going to take the shuttle for himself. This isn't a stab wound. Son of a bitch shot me.

Nate: Why? Who cares if he's a marker-head. Why would he do that?

Jaune: Why? I'm going to ask the same questions later. I know Lexine isn't safe near people like him. Whoever Eckhardt send a message to. They will come after her.

Lexine is starting to get scared. Jaune look at her feeling sorry.

Jaune: Lex your the one who is not going insane with the others around you. You have a give. And other certain people like Eckhardt will take advantage with that give that isn't there's.

Lexine: What give?

Jaune: You have an ability to block a signal from the Marker. With others around you they are safe because of you.

Lexine: I'm not. I'm just a curse. I lost my friends My dad, Sam, So-

She stop as Jaune felt a great pain on his chest. He misses her and there nothing he can do. He shakes his head, back to reality.

Jaune: Your not the curse Lex. You still got me, Weller, Howells, And last McNeill. Now wipe off those tears. Have faith you all are gonna make it out of here.

She calms down & look at him.

Lexine: Thanks Jaune.

Jaune smiles at her. Then he look at the shuttle.

Jaune: Weller. Can that ship fly?

Weller: Yeah. I open the hatches the computer needs to configure a manual launch. But there's one problem.

Nate: I'm afraid you say that.

Weller: The ADS Cannons remember the fireworks show on the way here?

Dr. Howells: WHAT!?!

Nate & Jaune: Shit.

Jaune: I forgot about that.

Weller: It's okay. I can do it myself...

He falls back down.

Jaune: Hell no. Not with that wound.

Dr. Howells: he's right, you are not ready to get up.

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