Enjoying my hell

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Jaune walks though the door as he enters the hall with what looks like tanks along a flesh like corruption embedded into the walls. Jaune sees the a person stuck onto the wall like in medical deck.

Jaune: Ugh. That thing again? I swear it's like a Guardian or something.

He saw the guardian is getting ready to attack as it shot its pods on his direction, the pod's tentacle comes out then shot something right at Jaune.

Jaune: Shit!!!

He dodged its shot & pulls out his sword to cut it in half, he re-sheath his sword and turns into his rifle. Jaune fires his stasis energy at the guardian. It slows down temporarily at the time it pulls all its tentacles back inside the body. He fires his rifle full-auto at it as it dies by cutting its cords from his bullets.

Jaune make his way to the large room where he search for the bloated creatures he heard a heavy distorted breathing somewhere in the large empty flesh room as he enters.

Jaune: What in ungodly terrible sound is that?

He walk though to a door with green misty substance he sees it big like Hammond said. He looked at it horrified to see the person in the state he's been going. He fire his rifle at it parts of its body blown off, the poison air lifted when it dies.

He got out the room. Feeling down for someone turn into something he sees. As he woke up in his thoughts by getting hit by a dart like bone on his shoulder.

Jaune: Ugh... damnit.

He look around in the room. And finds himself surrounded by Necromorphs he pull out a bone on his shoulder & scream in pain, he pulls his plasma blade right at the slasher like zombie as it lunges at Jaune. He cut it in half and it's arms off.

Jaune: Okay fuckers! WHO'S NEXT!!!

They all charge at him & the same for Jaune. He fires his rounds in his rifle & pistol until it runs out and begins to transform to his sword and shield. He slice most other Necromorphs limbs off. The brute came out and charged right at him. He move out in its way to crashes to a wall.

He sheath his blade and his handle bladeless into plasma blade he charged at it, firing a stasis on the brute, he got on its back trying to test his own theory, the energy wears off on the brute it jerk it's body in order to thrown Jaune off like a bull in a rodeo. He holds tight as he jerks his blade a bit.

The brute fell down on the floor as Jaune got off the large creature. He fires his last shot at the back. It roars the last breath as it dies.

Jaune: I got shot by an infected baby's dart. I nearly died from a horde of Necromorphs. And I hear that same noise from that thing I killed.

He looked around the room as he thought he's hearing things. He look down where barrel contraption is. With it also another bloated creature. Wondering how it got there.

Jaune: I'm not gonna ask about that...

He open the contraption, he use the stasis to slow down temporarily he points his pistol and fires at its head. Died right after closing. He began to hear & faint, he goes to the third level. He sees nothing turning around an other one sitting behind little  further on the grilled floor bridge. He kills it and head back to the elevator to level 3 to 2.

Jaune: I need a vacation when this is done.

When he enters the next hallway cover with organic flesh everywhere he walks into it with caution. A surprise is getting worst for him.

Jaune: Gah. Ahhh! Fucking A you tentacled asshole!

He kept firing his weapons until empty it's clips. It exploded & decapitated it as it other half retreated. Jaune got back up and walk to his next room. It get mor worst in the room is getting more organic flesh surrounding area's Jaune has no choice to head on though, by Zero-G

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