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Elaina Hart missed the sunlight

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Elaina Hart missed the sunlight.

The mattress hugged her body, the blankets wrapped her in warmth, and the pillows cradled her head. It had been a very good sleep. However, waking up in the windowless cell with only a few dim lamps to give definition to the various trappings around the room dampened whatever progress her restful slumber made. She could have conjured up her safe space, her field within the trees, but she'd know it was an illusion. At that point, everything felt like an illusion to her.

"I hope you don't mind, but I brought you breakfast. I was going to wait until you got out of bed, but you've been lying there for hours since you woke up. Seemed like some food might be all you needed to come out of the covers."

The shock of the stranger's voice did more to pop Elaina out of bed than the smell of crispy bacon and freshly squeezed orange juice. She sat up straight and pressed her back against the wall as she drew her knees to her chest. Once her nerves settled, she found a woman with tight, silvery curls and soft creases outlining her features. Despite the woman's apparent age, she stood taller than most. Some of the height came from the polished leather loafers she wore, but Elaina speculated that the woman's stature had more to do with her perfectly aligned spine and long, elegant neck.

"Ooh, I felt that a little," the stranger said with a small smile on her cherry red lips. "A zip of surprise, that was. What an interesting gift. I'd love to see more some day. I've encountered those gifted with the ability to project emotions before, but not one capable of contorting a mind's perceptions." She chortled, raising a thin hand up to her mouth, her eyes disappearing behind the rise of her grin. "What a treasure you are."

Elaina blinked a few times to see if this, too, was a figment of her imagination.

"Who are you?"

"Tudor," she replied with a bow. "I'm the chief officer of domestic services for Mr. Cramer." After rising from her curtsy, she glanced around the room. "I furnished the space for you, bought a few outfits — I'll order more once I have a better sense of what you like — and I will provide your meals. Mr. Cramer assured me you were not a vegan, so I hope the addition of bacon and eggs to your plate is of no offense."

"I... Thank you, that sounds delicious." Part of Elaina questioned whether they might have laced the food and drink with something, but she also figured they could have done whatever they wanted to her while she was passed out. Choosing to be optimistic about her situation, she gave in to her stomach's demands and scooted to the edge of the bed with intentions to head for the small table that sat by the bookshelf in the room. She paused her progress when she noticed the books that were still present on the shelf.

Was everything I remember just a nightmare? Maybe the guards knocked me out before I even had a chance to seek vengeance.

"Are you all right?" asked Tudor, with a slight cock of her head. "Is it your dress? I don't stand for undressing a person without consent, so that sadly meant you had to sleep in that gown of yours. I will see that it is properly cleaned, and the wrinkles removed."

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