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"I'm not going to lie, I was starting to like my cell

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"I'm not going to lie, I was starting to like my cell."

Elaina found solace in the quiet solitude of her imprisonment. It lacked the greenery and fresh mountain air, but she was safe. Perhaps she was locked inside, but people were also locked outside. The harm she had brought upon Cat, upon Melissa, wouldn't happen again, so long as she just stayed away from everyone.

"Well, Ms. Hart," replied Walt as they strode down a painfully white hallway, "I can assure you that you will continue to enjoy those accommodations until Mr. Cramer deems you trustworthy of such freedom."

"How many brownie points do I have to earn, considering I've already escaped and attempted to have your boss skewer himself?"

Despite being allowed to walk the corridors of the expansive house, her entourage consisted of more than the overly considerate Walt. They were also flanked by guards with stony faces and intense expressions. She decided to name the guards, Thing 1 and Thing 2, before turning her attention to the windows that lined one wall. Outside, the moon still lingered in a purple sky while the dawn light painted the distant tops of San Francisco's skyscrapers. It wasn't as beautiful as watching the morning sun crest over the mountains, but it would do for now.

"I don't believe he's using a point system to monitor your progress."

Elaina turned back to her chaperone, her eyes squinting and one brow raising as she appraised Walt's response.

"Well," she said with a sigh, "I feel like I should at least get an entire tray of brownie points to offset some of it since he's the one that considered fucking me before stabbing me in the chest."

"My statement about your level of trustworthiness was not meant to be held in comparison to Mr. Cramer's trustworthiness. It is valid to feel uncertain about him after what occurred between the two of you."

Once again, Elaina considered Walt's unique responses. He's an odd duck, but maybe that's why I like him.

"There you two are," called out a familiar voice. "I was wondering what was taking you so long. Was our guest unwilling to get out of bed this morning?" Elaina turned her tired eyes to find Cat stepping out into the hallway with a light stride and a wide smile.

"Hmm," answered Walt, though he didn't elaborate further.

"I was just talking to your sidekick," replied Elaina as she directed her thumb towards her quiet escort, "about brownies and how much I like my room. In fact, I was quite cozy in my bed and wouldn't mind another hour or so of sleep." She then stretched her arms above her head as a dramatic yawn widened her lips.

"Well," replied her captor, "I wouldn't want you starting your first day of training when you aren't fully awake." He then looked at Walt before continuing. "Take her back to her cell and we will begin after lunch."

The silent aide looked over his employer while the guards shifted their weight, though their steady gaze forward did not alter. After a second of thought, Elaina's guide turned his golden-brown eyes on to her.

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