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"How dare you tell her about what we shared together!"

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"How dare you tell her about what we shared together!"

"Shared?" Dominic rose from his chair and planted his hands on his desk as Karina stormed into the room. "There is nothing between us to share. I have stated it before and I will state it again for the last time. I am your employer and you are an employee. That is it. If you don't like that arrangement, you are free to break your contract and forfeit 50% of your payment. Those were the terms, walk if you want."

"You think threatening me with money will get me to forgive what you did?" She stopped just short of the two chairs arranged in front of his desk. She glared at him with her chin high and her arms crossed.

"I'm not threatening you. You are coming to me with concerns about your employment and I am reminding you of how you can leave this contract with rather minimal consequences. Most of my contractors have a lot more hoops to jump through to end their relationship with my company."

"What you did was wrong. It was not right for you to expose me like that to her. Why was it even her business?"

"It was wrong," said Dominic as he circled around his desk, "to expose yourself like that to me in the first place. We are not together. Not as lovers, maybe not even as friends."

"You are cruel, Dominic Cramer." Despite the pain in her words, Dom knew she would never shed a tear in front of him, or anyone, for that matter.

"I have killed five different Fortress elites. Cruel seems like a very fair word to describe me."

"And I could tell them that, you know?" She drew forward, stepping into the space between the two chairs that separated them. "I know all your dirty secrets."

"Oh, Karina," he said with a cock of his head, "you've only scratched the surface of my dirty secrets."

"Perhaps, I should just go then." The words hissed out from between her clenched teeth as she retreated to the center of the room where she had room to wave her arms around with exasperation. "Clearly you aren't as afraid of Fortress as you say you are."

"You can tell them, but they already have their suspicions. What they need is solid proof."

"I'll let their telepath scan me!" She spat the words, but they lacked the fire of her initial conviction.

"Not permissible in court and they know they can't half-ass an assault against me." He then stepped away from his desk, entering the center of the room and standing within arm's reach, so she felt the full extent of his height. "Do it, Karina. You'll just end up as another note in their file against me, but you won't be the one that seals the deal for them. You've never seen me in a mechanical suit, nor have you ever seen one in this house. Now, have you heard me talk about it? Absolutely, but at the end of the day, I might just be full of shit. To the court, I'm another narcissistic billionaire with delusions of grandeur. What will the telepath really find in there?"

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