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The trees above him spun in circles, the just setting sun glaring into his eyes like a flashlight, not helping the dizziness that he felt as he tried to get up. Luckly for the winter spirit, he had a tight grip on a small wrist, a small struggling wrist. In worry that he might lose whoever he had caught watching him, he forced himself to snap out of his daze. He wasn't angry or concerned, he simply chased the figure out of curiosity to who could or would be watching him doing something as small as a walk. It still interested him that humans could see him but... wait. He turned and looked at the struggling girl in his grasp. Was this even a human..? Her eyes were squeezed shut in her panic, her feet bare like his except they seemed more like paws, the padding under each toe and heels, the point and slight curve to the nails like claws. To answer his question, a big white ball of fur smacked him flat in the face as a last attempt to throw him off. Human's didnt have tails or paws or claws and animals didnt have human like forms or hair either. She couldn't be human and he didnt have a doubt once she opened her eyes. He almost let go in awe, they were so bright. His heart stirred slightly ((*has to interupt for this* >:O ITS NOT OUT OF LOVE)) as he looked down into the light bright green eyes, his veins racing with the urge for adventure all of the sudden, a happiness that had no origin flowing through and around his heart. There had to be some sort of magic behind it, he wondered in the depths of his mind, but he was pretty sure what the feeling was. Curiosity. The spirit was always in wonder and excitement of the fun activities he would engage in, that just came with the thrill of being young and innocent, but it was like he was dying to find out who she was, where she came from, what she was, ANYTHING. Then suddenly his thoughts started speaking on their own again. Maybe she's a spirit like you are. 

Thats it... he replied silently, blinking his gaze away as he grabbed the flailing and now crying child by the wrist, looking her dead in the eye with all of the confidence and security but also the peace and comfort he could manage. "I'm not going to hurt you." He said, bringing in a hint of a smile afterwards to prove his words true. She seemed to grow slightly more relaxed in his grip, but the fear still burned in her eyes. Fear... Jack looked down. If Pitch was on the rise, it wasnt just about helping the strange girl, but now it was to stop the fear before it would power the evil man even further. But then again, North told him to bring anyone or anything suspicious to the north pole and she definatally fit the discription of "suspisious".. He had to make the choice, follow orders and take the risk or hope that she was nothing and let her go. 

Jack sighed after a second of thought, releasing the small fox girl and holding his hands up to show that he wasn't about to attack, his hands were empty. She peered up at him with caution, but the struggle, the scared feeling her eyes were screaming at him before was now reduced to something smaller. Again, curiosity. Is that how quickly it took North to find my center..? Jack wondered. Was it as obvious as this girl's?

"Hey.. why were you watching me?" He dared to ask with a narrow of his eyes and a small michevious "Jack Frost" smirk to boost it. But instead of replying, the girl's brilliant eyes widened, she stood and turned and was gone through the darkening shadows of the trees in the sunsets blaring light before he could react. "Hey wait!" He called after but with no effect. Jack sighed again, rubbing his head. He should probably report this to North, whoever she was, she wasnt normal. "Wind, take me to the pole!" He shouted up to the skies, waiting patiently for just a few seconds before being swooped back up into the breeze's embrace and pushed at high speed towards the jolly man's home. 

Admin Note: Sorry if these next few chapters seem a little less detailed. I havent been feeling too well lately and my brain's been a little cloudy ^^' So bare with me. Until then, can you guess the name of the girl? I cant yet, I dont even know. Its so difficult and im such a perfectionist, I cant even think of a name to suit her!! >.< i'll find something ^^ But again, thank you for reading! 

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