True Fear, True Love, Acceptance of The End

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Okay, for one I should totally not be writing right now since tomorrow’s a school day and I need to be sleeping (3 am) ._. but I really want to write ^^ I also had a question for anyone who’d want to answer… am I the only one that really enjoys hurting people in my stories? Like Grey for the most part. He’s supposed to be a really strong character but I keep beating him up, like I probably will in this chapter. Does that make me a bad person or something to enjoy writing that sort of stuff? But this will most likely be the last time I get Grey hurt all that badly… Jack however… I have plans for Jack… Either way, Thank you for reading, hope everyone starting school has a good year, and have a good night.

Also, this story should be ending… somewhat soon, from what I have planned. Hopefully it turned out to be something special though so far, it’s honestly the first thing I really ever continued writing and one of the first stories I’ve started before.  I might extend it but… not too sure I guess ^^’ Whatever works works I guess

Anyways, Grey and Ilia chapter only this time... Next chapter should for the most part be focused on Jack once more.

Get up. She had been deep in her mind, lost in the depths of her dreams, and yet two simple but suddenly bold and outstanding words shocked her out of her unconsciousness. Get up. It was like a voice foreign to her had spoken into her mind, shocking her timid thoughts into opening their eyes, and therefor opening hers. Brilliantly bright, minty green irises flashed wide open, the darkness slamming into them so fiercely that she had to blink a few times to comprehend what she was seeing. Black, soft but somewhat leathery fabric was in front of her, a hint of blood red in the corner of her vision… Her anxiety was relieved immediately by colors most people would be somewhat nervous about. She didn’t lift her head but she could tell he already sensed with some unknown power that she was awake… She herself could always do that, but she was part animal, the spirit of animals. An abrupt, rude thought pitched up in the back of her mind, questioning if Grey might’ve been becoming an animal himself. No, the rest of her rejected automatically, so opposed to that possibility that she nearly said the quick answer out loud. But no… her pale lips didn’t open, eyes focusing through the darkness that they had grown easily accustomed to somehow despite the girl having been for the most part asleep. How long had she been out…? They seemed to still be in the same place on the floor, she was still curled up on the relatively soft but somewhat worn cloth that made up the cape with the shredded ends that she was so familiar with… Had Pitch left? Grey would’ve woken her up if something had happened. But it was silent, as if it were any other night. The only difference she could sense was a very feeble, fading tension still barely drifting in the air, like a balloon that was running low on gas to float with… just hovering, but ever so slightly. Honestly if they weren’t on the floor of the pole’s hallway and if the two visible mountains of collapsed rock on either side of them weren’t there, Ilia might’ve questioned whether the events even happened.

Grey was tense, she could feel that he was awake and alert, not allowing himself to drift off when there was no reason to believe that Pitch had left. They were still out there, waiting… but for what? Even before she went to sleep they had been sitting with complete lack of action for hours. Was the nightmare king possibly going to try and starve them out? No… she had seen the pent up anger in him long before she had met Jack Frost, back to what felt like forever before when she had followed a strange, furious black horse slide into a hollow at the base of a large tree. Before she found a huge castle-like layout where she thought there was only dirt, where she had explored it with an irresistible desire and wound up an hour later with a foreign black sand forming into a collar, the man that gave her a feeling of unease turning into the enemy of her newfound friends. If she had known where her life would lead in such a short span of around a year, Ilia probably wouldn’t have believed it. She lived in solitude mostly, occasionally passing Grey but mostly spending her time playing in the forests, helping animals out of traps and scavenging for food when they couldn’t find any on their own. She always loved to help, but never knew that she would ever come to enjoy being around people. Humans had negativity floating around their souls, drifting in the air as they breathed, so heavy the she could hardly stand to be within a few feet of it. She liked to play with the human children, they didn’t have so much of that aura most of the time, but the grown ones would always get in the way with their cars or their hunting… Children were like puppies, they were new to the world, a fresh light in their eyes that matched the light in Jack’s or even slightly compared to the luminance of her own.  Their hearts were full, not yet rotten by the weight of responsibility and the pressures of time, they could understand when something bad was happening but they wouldn’t grow as stressed about it because they all had a trust, no matter how false, that everything would eventually be okay. If any humans were worth being by at all it was the children… and now she was with the guardians, spirits designed especially to lighten these young humans’ lives. It made her happy to be around happy people, it made her heart and soul sing with laughter when she could finally play with a real spirit just like herself. When she saw Grey, a spirit that had been through so much and had a nearly hopeless future smiling, when she played tricks and jokes with Jack, when Tooth taught her something new about the world or North gave her toys made specifically for her and the animals she cared about… They did things for her because they loved her. Saying “I love you” is hard to believe after a while of being rejected. She had once asked Grey why she understood that so well and he claimed that it was thanks to something that happened while she was alive… but the guardians didn’t say it, they showed it. They expressed that they loved her not just through words but through gifts, through hugs and smiles and acceptance, through a family that she had completely lost hope in having for some time.

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