The Relationships.

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(A/N: im really busy this weekend, i'm super sorry if i miss an upload x)

Barry was doing pull-ups on a bar on his porch at around 11am. It was screwed into the roof beams, rather precariously might I add, and covered in sweat. He was wearing a white tank-top and black shorts. Hip-hop music bubbled in the background. Rafe was nearby on a worn out sofa, sleeping in blissful ignorance. His phone was buzzing loudly and repeatedly. 
Rafe's eyes flickered open.
"Morning country club." Barry dropped down from the bar, "How you sleep?" 
Rafe groggily reached for his phone. It was a text from his father. Sent through an encrypted message. Saying: 'Do not come home. Cops here. I'll come to you. Dad x'
Barry was reaching for a towel and drying the sweat from his skin. He looked over and saw the look of Rafe's face as he sat up in alarm, "Yo, you straight?" he asked him.
"Shit." Rafe whispered. Suddenly throwing his phone. It clattered and fell across the concrete.
"Goddamn what's goin on bro!?" Barry said loudly in surprise.
Rafe was breathing shakily, "Just give me a sec alright." He stood up and walked out towards the land surrounding Barry's makeshift house.

Back at Pope's home, Heyward was tipping a laundry basket of ice into some trays of shrimp. A man was slowly walking up to him. A leather jacket draped around his figure, still portraying the strength he was hiding beneath it. Heyward backed into him accidentally, making him jump ever so slightly. He turned and lent his ice on the wooden bench in front of him, asking "Can I help you?" 
The man slid some shades off of his face, "Oh, uh... I think you can."
Heyward thought he knew this man... He looked like a boy Pope knew once...

John B's house was full of Pogues. John B was there of course swinging on a hammock with Sarah, and so were Y/N and Kie- due to the fact they basically lived there. They were in the kitchen together, Kie making some food while Y/N sat on the table. Soft reggae music played gently in the background.
"John B." Sarah said to John B. "What's wrong."
He was looking out to sea, moping. "Nothing's wrong Sarah."
"Is this about Topper?"
"Oh you mean Tops?" John B sighed.
Sarah sat up on her hands, "...I literally had nowhere to go last night. Rafe almost- Rafe tried to kill me."
John B raised his eyebrows, "I'm sorry okay? I- I'm sorry I couldn't be there when you needed me."
"I'm not blaming you for that." She said gently.
"Listen, Sarah. I- uh... I think your father tried to have me killed in jail last night. That's twice. He's already murdered my dad." He told her, changing the subject.
Sarah sighed and looked out to sea, "I'm sorry. I don't know what to say."
"Okay but that's not the point. Why.. Why didn't you tell Topper." 
"I did."
"Sarah you're not just my girlfriend."
"I know."
"Okay so why didn't you tell him?"
She sighed and sat up more.
"Are you embarrassed?" He finally asked what he'd been thinking.
"No I'm not embarrassed." 
"Okay then why?" He snapped.
"It just felt weird to say it after he just saved my life!" She reasoned.
"You know what-" John B began.
"It's not-"
"Whatever. Whatever. It's not important. All right?" He sat up, swinging his legs off of the hammock and walking inside, saying "It's not a big deal, Sarah."
It obviously was.

While that conversation was happening, JJ had wandered into the kitchen with Kie and Y/N. He slid onto the table next to Y/N and put his hands in his lap.
"No Y/N, the lake region is in the UK."
"No it's in Cumbria! That's America."
Kie dropped the knife she was buttering a sandwich for herself with and turned around, "Y/N no Cumbria is in the UK, you're thinking of Colombia."
(A/N: Based on a convo i had today in collage)
"Babe there ain't no Colombia in the USA. I would know, I have escape plans for every state." JJ told her.
"Okay..." Kie picked up her knife and finished her food.
"What's your plan to get to.... Texas?" Y/N asked him.
"Okay so I'd grab some cash and hitch to Charlotte, lay low for a while. If it starts to heat up early I get down to Atlanta in Georgia. Swapping cars on the way. Then I go through Alabama and Mississippi. Making pit stops, getting jobs, laying low-"
"Getting jobs is laying low?" Kie asked, sitting on the counter with them.
"Cash in hand jobs though." Y/N told her.
"Yeah we'll find some sneaky ones you know." JJ said, throwing an arm around her.
"We?" Kie asked them.
"Yeah I ain't going anywhere without her." He chuckled.
Y/N lent into him and kissed his cheek. "Cute."
"That's me.." He hugged her.
"Okay... okay." Kie took a bite of her food and put a hand out, stopping them, "What about after Mississippi?" 
"Right so, after Mississippi, Is through Arkansas and down into Dallas y'know?" JJ finished.
Kie made a face, "So.. all of your escape plans are just... drive away?" 
"Well how else do you get to places?" Y/N tilted her head.
"Wha-" Kie looked amazed.
Y/N chuckled and stole a half of her sandwich, ripping it in half and snacking on it with JJ.
Kie sighed and finished the last bite on her plate. "All right kids." She dropped the plate in the sink and walked towards the sofa.

"Oh shit Kie toss us a beer." Y/N clapped twice.
Kie broke open a box in the nearby minifridge and threw two beers towards JJ and Y/N.
"You wanna shotgun 'em?" JJ grinned.
"Yeah." She laughed.
"Oh I'll race you." Kie stood up with a can too.
Y/N looked outside to see John B storming towards the house, "Uh oh.. Lovers tiff." They chuckled. 
"Yikes." Kie bit her lip.
Y/N opened the door, "Hey John B you wanna shotgun with us in the name of freedom?"
Sarah watched him walk towards the pogues, she felt isolated from them... just like before.
John B walked past her.
"Sarah you wanna-"
"No!" She shouted back, walking down to the beach.
"Right..." Kie appeared by her side. "He looks pissed so. Have fun with that." She walked off to find Pope tinkering in the garage.

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