The Truth.

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(A/N: starting a bit earlier today! Might incorporate Aiden into this one but idk yet hehe, tysm for all the votes and views eeeee :3)

Every kid has that moment when they feel that can conquer the world. Become president. Travel to mars. Free climb Mount Everest. You believe you can change the world if you've got the balls. It always happens when you least expect it. But then. Some kook turns up and tells you there's no eternal mystery. And all that talk about free climbing and mars and the president... bullshit. Magic gets ill and dies.

The Pogues eyes were shining as they stared into the screen on Pope's lap. The rocky seas couldn't falter their smiles. They searched the old wreck for what felt like eternity. Every corner filled with so much suspense Y/N felt like she was about to be sick. They looked in dismay as every square inch of the merchant was looked at and not one speck of gold was seen.
"It's not there." John B sighed. "Just pull the drone up." Thunder rumbled and the Pogues felt that they'd done all of this for nothing.
"Shit." Y/N rocked backwards and ran her hands through her hair. She sulked off to sit with JJ and lean on the control panel, her hands red and blistered.
"Look we can do another pass. Recharge the battery." Pope tried to reinstall hope. "We can- we can go back down."
John B pulled his hair back and his face crunched up.
"We've dome it three times. There's nothing there." JJ called back to the others, his arms were aching from the hours scouring the seabed.
"Shut up!" Kie shouted back.
Y/N looked back at them "what? It's true!"
"The gold could be buried we don't know!" She called as JJ secretly squeezed Y/N's hand.
"If it was there, it would've been found on the metal detector ok?!" John B snapped at everyone, his voice sounded shaky and JJ looked back at him with pity and concern. "Somebody beat us too it..."
"Or it was never there..." JJ muttered
"What a waste." Y/N sighed. The boat span around in the still relatively big waves, they sailed back to shore to return Pope's fathers boat. Kie sat down in defeat and John B pulled up his hood, feeling deflated. Pope watched helplessly as his friends moral diminished. Y/N lent on the control panel with JJ in silence. They'd spent hours out here... hell they'd even broken the law. And for what? Disappointment.

Y/N decided to head home after that. JJ went back to his place as well and Pope and Kie drove back together. Y/N said she'd rather walk. On route home she saw John B fly by in the HMS Pogue and wondered where he was heading too... probably somewhere to let out his frustration. (She didn't know the adventure he was about to go on, with the kook princess of everyone)
"Maybe I should too..." she muttered.
"You should what?" Came a familiar voice.
"Oh no..."
"What's wrong babes?" Aiden strolled next to her and grinned.
"I know you are. And how you betrayed the Pogues."
"I'm surprised they even mentioned my name." He chuckled.
"Me too. You won't however," she stopped walking to face him, "be surprised that I didn't tell them you kissed me!" She prodded him in the chest.
"As honey dont be like this. You're single after all, what's the harm? Besides you didn't let me make contact."
"I'm... i'm just really close with someone right now."
"Is that someone JJ?" He glared.
"Why do you even care. Just get on your bike I don't want to talk." And she kept walking.
"I care because I don't want to see JJ fuck another girl over." His jovial tone lessened.
"He wouldn't do that to me. How do you even know you were kids!" She glared at him.
"Oh that's what they told you huh?" Aiden raised an eyebrow. "I bet they all blamed my absence on my dads job."
"Yeah they did. Because you left them for a bunch of slack kooks." Y/N stopped again and glared at him.
"I left. Because JJ stole MY girlfriend in revenge for me moving to figure eight when we were fourteen."
"What? You're lying he's not like that."
"How would you even know, I've known him since we were kids. You're pretty Y/N, that's all he cares about." He put his hands on Y/N shoulders.
"What are you doing?" Another familiar voice echoed out of the trees. "I was just coming to see you Y/N..." It was JJ. Shit. "Well? You've been hooking up with this Kook poser?"
"No JJ dont be stupid I met him yeste-" Y/N pushed Aidens arms off her shoulders.
"You never told me you liked posh twats." And he glared at them both.
"You never told me you were a home wrecker." She spat back.
"We were fucking fourteen!" JJ raised his voice. "That was then and THIS," he pointed to Y/N and Aiden, "is now."
"Oh please two years ain't shit JJ! You've been spreading shit about me this whole time!"
"Oh watch it Poser your accents slipping."
"I love you Jay. I just need you to be honest with me. This isn't the big deal we all think it is..." Y/N breathing was shaky.
"Yeah it was just one kiss.. it's fine now. But just for the record JJ I don't forgiv-"
"What do you mean kiss." JJ glared at Aiden.
"It wasn't a kiss he just tried to and I pushed him off. Nothing else."
JJ held Y/N's face and looked into her eyes. They weren't the warm blue oceans she'd fell in love with. They were icey and angry. "I believe you. Still. That don't change the fact that this posing loser can't get over old shit! You still left us for some kooks!" He let go of Y/N and moved over to him.
"Just because I didn't visit for a month! You shoved your wonkey dick Down my girlfriends throat! And just because you didn't want the others to know I had to leave you guys for good. I guess I wanted MY revenge on your chick. Yeah- I know about your Pogue on Pogue macking."
JJ grabbed Aidens collar. "You know why we've been saying you left when we were kids? Because while you were gone Aiden. Our lives changed. We are not the same pushover kids who would follow leader Aidens every command. The month you left me... us..." his grip loosened. "I had to start spending time at home. By myself. He never hit me infront if you for some reason." He let go of Aiden. "Maybe saw you as respectable? I don't know..."
Aiden's eyed widened and he pressed his head against JJ's. "Jay... I can't forgive you for what you did to me." JJ sucked air in through his teeth. "You humiliated me and I lost all of my street cred dude.." he chucked weakly. "But I'm sorry I tried to take your girl. Really. Maybe we can all hang out sometime."
Y/N put her hand on JJ's head and he buried his watery eyes in her shoulder and hugged her waist. Y/N nodded at Aiden and smiled. "Should we keep his to ourselves?"
JJ shook his head up and down on Y/N's shoulder.
"Alright... I'll Um, I'll see you around." And Aiden left as quickly as he arrived. JJ rocked in Y/N's arms for a while longer. Relishing in her support and warmth.
"You should've told me Jay."
"Yeah I.. I know. Do you want to-"
"Go somewhere?"
"Yeah" he chuckled and wiped his eyes.
"I'd love too."

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