The Argument.

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(A/: hi guyysss... 👋 so um. That last chapter happened... bit late this one but never mind eh!
Hope you enjoy x)

The house bell rung and Y/N scrambled up from outside John B's and went to the door. It was Pope.
"Hey!" Y/N smiled
"Hi you." Pope waved at Y/N. He walked in, saying "Kie said she'll get to John B's by herself."
Y/N nodded, "oh alright then. JAY!" She shouted. "GET UP WE NEED TO GO!" And with a quick smile at Pope she went to get dressed.
JJ bumped into her in the door way, grabbing her waist and swinging around her, "hey babygirl." He said into her neck. His boxers close to falling down.
"JJ Pope's here." She said in his ear. JJ jumped back and saw Pope. He ran into his room to get his shorts and shirt on.
Once they were dressed JJ got his bike and just managed to sit everyone into it.
"Hold on Y/N..." Pope said to Y/N who was sitting precariously on the back of the bike. Pope held onto JJ and the bike roared to life. Jumping and twisting through the woods towards John B's house.

Aiden watched them drive away. His brown hair, fuller than JJ's, flicking neatly over his sharp green eyes. His muscles contracted as he saw the three of them ride away. To where? He didn't know. He just wanted to talk to that girl. I know he wasn't supposed to actually want her but when he got that close to a kiss... it was all he could fantasize about.
(A/N: ty oi_papi  matson_flo  i_LOVE_books2002 For helping with the design!)

Upon arrival, Y/N noticed John B wasn't there. But Kie's car was.
She came out of the door, "he's gone to get something." She shrugged and smiled. "Come sit down."
They disembarked and followed JJ over to the porch. Settling down nicely.
Pope looked at the horizon awkwardly, "the ocean looks really blue today..."
JJ and Y/N looked into the ocean and started laughing.
Pope threw them a glance, "What?!"
"Nothin... nothin." JJ sniffed and covered his smile, sliding a hand down Y/N's thigh.
Kie narrowed her eyes at them and thought for a moment. "Oh you fucking-" she threw a pillow at them.
Y/N laughed harder and Kie couldn't help but join in. The door clicked. John B walked through the house and out to the porch.
"Oh hey Jo-" Y/N began, she stopped when she saw who followed him. Sarah. Oh no. JJ, Pope and Y/N all looked down.
Kie shot up from her seat, "no effing way!" She said, walking over, "you brought her here? So what she's in on this now?"
Sarah stared at her emotionless with a 'high and mightly' look in her eye. Like Kie was a child having a tantrum.
John B looked to Pope who said, "I dunno..."
JJ put a hand onto his chest, "Look, all I care is that her cut comes out of your share."
"You know I don't remember taking a vote!" Piped up Kie. "This is our thing. A Pogue thing."
"She's here." Sarah muttered, pointing at Y/N.
"I am a Pogue! you little-" Y/N went to rush over to her but JJ held her down and covered her mouth.
Pope spoke up, "I gotta say. I am, just a tad uncomfortable with all of this.". As the kindest and most rational of the bunch, this was saying something.
"Thank you!" Kie exclaimed.
"When are you comfortable!" John B sighed.
"I dunno. I rode here pretty comfortably on the back of JJ's bike." Pope replied, glaring at Sarah.
Y/N pried JJ's hand off of her mouth, "with the intention of meeting only Pogues here to continue with a POGUE STYLE adventure." She spat.
"It's true. The most relaxed I've ever seen him." JJ nodded.
John B looked pissed, "that's cute guys."
"You know we were all extremely comfortable..." Y/N mumbled.
Kie snarled "Before you brought her anyway."
"Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Sarah Raised her voice.
"Then leave!" Kie shouted back louder. Thinking that Sarah should just keep her mouth shut.
Sarah just scoffed, "I told you." She said to John B.
Kie shook her head at them "Told him what; Exactly?" She paused. "That you're a liar?"
"No that you're a shit-talking bitch!" Sarah spat back. Any chance that someone would've been okay with her immediately died after that. Y/N went to jump Sarah again but Pope pulled her down.
JJ's eyes went wide and he bit his lip, "oh shit!"
Pope just gasped and looked away.
"Oh yeah?!" Kie hissed.
"Yeah." She nodded back.
"When have I ever lied?!"
("My money's on kie." JJ whispered.)
"You get somebody close to you-"
"I didn't-"
"And then you-"
"Bitch faced l-"
"And the party-"
They argued over each other loudly.
(Y/N whispered, "Come on Kie get on with it...". Itching for a fight.)
"Everybody shut up!" Shouted John B.
Kie looked close to tears and Sarah sat back with John B smugly.
"Kie. You are my best friend, right." John B said to her. Kie shrugged and raised her eyebrows. John B looked at Sarah, "and Sarah, you're..." he chucked. "You're my...."
Sarah smiled at him and whispered, "say it."
He nodded slowly, "you're my girlfriend."
"Oh that's new..." JJ mumbled. Him, Pope and Y/N were sitting close together, and they all looked away from John B at the same time. Either looking pissed or disappointed.
"She's your girlfriend now?" Kie crossed her arms. "What was all the talk about using her for information?" She looked to the other three, then back to John B, "get a map. Cut her loose."
He ran his fingers through his hair.
"You said you were using me?" Sarah sounded hurt.
No one spoke up...
"No." John B uttered.
Kie instantly replied, "yes you did!"
Pope agreed, "yeah you did..."
"I heard those words." Y/N raised her eyebrows and cocked her head to the side.
JJ nodded, "yeah me too bro.."
John B cut them all off saying, "look, love just walked in, okay?"
"Oh vomit." Kie snarkily said.
"I didn't expect it!" He retorted. "It just- it... it kind of happened." He looked at Sarah for a moment. "I'm not gunna deny it...." Sarah didn't react. "Right?" John B said.
Pope whispered "Oh that's corny." And the three Pogues on the sofa made retching sounds.
Kie didn't even look at John B. "Look cut the bullshit John B." Everyone shut up. "If she's in I'm out."
John B licked his teeth, "I'm not doing this... I can't."
"You are gonna decide." Kie reinforced.
"I can't!" John B said over her.
"I'm very interested, actually. Me or her?" She felt tears well in her eyes.
"Both." He shrugged.
Pope whistled and JJ whispered "went for the Hail Mary."
Y/N sighed, "oh shit..."
Kie glared at him and threw the door open, storming out. The three of them tutted and grimaced. The door slammed.
"It'll be cool. Right?" Sarah said, referring to a past Conversation they had. Smiling in a mocking sweetness.
"Shut up Sarah." Y/N buried her face in her hands.
They sat awkwardly.
Sarah stopped smiling, "I'm gonna leave."
"Sarah Dont." Muttered John B.
"Gonna let y'all chat. Let me know." And walked inside.
Y/N would have much rather she left and Kie had come back upon seeing her departure. But that didn't happen. John B bashes his head against the wall.
"I'd just like to say. You handled that beautifully." JJ commented. John B wanted to bring up Y/N and JJ's weird relationship as a counter point, but couldn't be asked anymore.
Y/N sighed. Now not only was their friendship group broken, but it wouldn't be fair to not let Kie in on the gold but let Sarah in...
"How are we going to make them get along? Or at least stand being near each other for a bit? Just so we can get the gold and then Sarah can leave?" Asked Y/N.
"Sarah's not leaving." Shot John B.
Y/N sighed, "whatever." She saw Kie at the dock, "I'm going to see Kie." And stood you to leave.
"We do need to do something though. At this rate we won't get shit." She heard JJ say as she left.

Y/N pushed open the door to the porch's netting and strolled down to where Kie sat. She dangled her legs into the water and looked upset.
"Hey." She said as she sat down.
Kie looked up at her, "hey."
"I would've chosen you." Y/N offered. She wasn't John B. But she was someone.
"Thanks..." Kie muttered. She looked upset. Kie was tough, she didn't want to show weakness but in that moment she felt one hot tear tumble down her cheek.
Y/N pulled her in for a hug and held her close. Kie looked at her with watery eyes, "she's going to ruin everything. Trust me. It'll be her fault when John B gets hurt. Or worse."
Y/N pressed her cheeks onto Kie's head and wiped her tear off of her cheek. "She won't be around forever. He'll probably get bored."
"Have you seen her?" Kie sniffed. "He won't get bored." And scoffed.
"He seemed to get bored of us. And we're drop dead gorgeous." Y/N chuckled.
Kie chuckled too. "I just... I thought I meant more to him." She relaxed and rested her head on Y/N's shoulder.
"You mean the world to him" Y/N assured her.
"It's hard always being the rock to lean on. Thanks for letting me cry here."
"Dont thank me. It's normal to cry and I'm proud of you." Y/N replied. "You're strong Kie. And being strong isn't always being happy and optimistic. It's being sad and pushed down, but being able to get back up again. This will pass." She reassured her.
Kie nodded and sat up. "We'll get John B back soon."
It was then Pope walked over.
He sat down on the other side of kie, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder and said "corpses cry too you know... well. They secrete fluid from their eyes.". He was so awkward...
"Maybe not compare my feeling to secretions?" Kie snapped. Pulling up her tough walls and staring out to sea.
"Technically it's discharge." He replied.
Y/N whined , "Technically it's disgusting."
A moment passed... "I'll stop taking now..." he replied.
Kie looked close to tears again, so Pope put his arm around her shoulders and let it hang limp.
"What are you doing?" Sighed Kie and pushed his arm off.
"I saw Y/N do it... I- I don't know." He said awkwardly.
Kie sniffed again and lent against a post, bringing her feet up from dangling over the edge. Y/N squeezed her hand and she nodded slightly with a small smile. Kie nodded back.
After a moment, she looked to Pope and said, "just be your.. usual weird self. Okay? I hate John B right now..."
Pope looked down. "It's because I know how this ends! I've seen this movie. I stared in it. I mean freshman year..."
Pope and Y/N turned to Kie, giving her their full attention.
Kie continued, (A/N: TW, suicide) it was my first year at the Kook academy. Do you know how intimidating that is?" Kie looked at Pope this time. He looked at Y/N... she had a nervous colour on her cheeks but pushed it aside to listen to her friend. "It's like... one of these things is obviously not like the others. I mean I didn't have anything in common with anyone... and just as I'm about to slit my wrists. The queen asks me if I wanna go save baby turtles."
Y/N nodded, "that must've felt good. To be included."
Kie smiles and nodded, "it did... on our first day together. We walked to the beach. We waited for the hatch and we kept the seagulls off so that the turtles could get to the water."
"That... actually sounds really nice." Pope said.
Kie sniffed, her tears slowing down. "It was the best day of my life..." she looked lost in her memories.
Her smile disappeared, "and then she turned on me. Like she does with everyone. I'm not doing this with her." She was referring back to the Gold. "He's gonna have to choose."
"You know he can't do that." Pope sighed.
"Why not."
Pope looked to the house and said, "Because he's an idiot." Instead of 'because he's in love'.
No one spoke. They just sat in each other's company. Thinking.
Pope stood up. "If it were me... I know who I'd choose." And walked off like a nervous schoolboy.
Y/N sat with Kie and they listened to the waves trickle past them and splash against the banks.
"He's a good friend." Kie said.
Y/N nodded.
"So are you." She looked at her. Y/N smiled and put her hand on Kie's. They dangled their legs over the dock again and felt the cold water run between their toes.

(A/N: did you like that episode? It's so sad 😭 John B and Sarah seriously pisses me off in this one 😂 Sarah especially. And like- how can you fall in love after like a week? I wouldn't know- I'm too afraid 😂 but it does push my buttons 😂 but I cannot WAIT for the next episode after 'Parcel 9' because it says "JJ's reckless behavior increases" and yes pleaseee 🥵🥵❤️❤️🤤😍
Until next time!)

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