The Thinking.

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(A/N: I am tireddd today :P back at work and all. hehe)

"I know Pope has it." Mrs Limbrey stared at the photo of the key. "He ran. That proves it. If he won't give us what we want, we'll have to take it. Right?"
Aiden nodded. "Yes ma'am."
Limbrey grunted as she pulled herself to her feet, staring into a dark gloomy picture. Many people- drowning in an inky ocean. More man than water. Every single one of them reached up towards a glowing figure, standing on the sea.

John B lead Sarah out of the house at sunrise, anxious to leave. Rafe and Barry both knew they were here and they had to leave.
"Where's JJ and Y/N?" Sarah looked around.
"I dunno... Didn't hear them come back last night?"
"...Y/N!? JJ!?" Sarah called out.
"Mrmph..." Y/N mumbled up in the tree, her eyed flickered open. She saw she wasn't wearing a shirt and screamed, putting her hands over her boobs.
JJ opened his eyes at that, panicking.
"OH DUDE! PUT IT AWAY!" John B covered his eyes and looked at the floor."
"Oh my GOD..." Sarah put her hands over her head and stared down, wide eyed.
JJ put his uh... thing away, and zipped up his now dry shorts. He grabbed his shirt and climbed down quickly.
"What were you thinking!?" John B shouted at him.
"There wasn't much blood going to my brain John B!" JJ fired back.
Y/N awkwardly tried to climb down with an arm over her chest. JJ ran over and threw his shirt over her.
"Thanks." She laughed, "I think I probably have some clothes inside."
"I think.. John B's will fit me." JJ made a face, following Y/N inside.
"Be quick!" Sarah shot at them.
"If the HMS gets here and you don't we're not waiting!" John B called over at them as they giggled, racing through John B's house.

Y/N got to the wardrobe first, snatching a tank top (tied in a knot to shorten it) and some of her old shorts, she tossed some clothes at JJ as he tried to get past her and  borrow some of John B's cargo shorts and a grey tank. 
"Kay let's go." JJ announced as he bolted from the room. Y/N sped after him, trying to get past and almost tripping over his feet.
Sarah and John B looked up at them from the start of the wooden pier. Sarah laughed slightly and waved them over just as a boat tore through the nearby water towards the Pogues. 
"Hey!" Y/N waved.
"Let's go." John B stood up quickly, jogging towards the end on the pier with Sarah. JJ and Y/N followed suit.
Kie looked at Pope awkwardly as they sailed in silence. They smiled tight grins at one another. Pope exhaled deeply, "Do you want to get the--" He nodded at the anchor and rope.
"Yeah." Kie replied bluntly, standing up.
They slowly pulled into the pier, tying up the boat.
"Hey wait, don't tie up!" John B stopped them.
"Finally." JJ wandered over, "Took your time pulling up."
 "What?" Kie looked confused.
Y/N jumped down the stairs from the square fishing section to the boat-tie up. "We're dipping." She climbed on, sighing in relief as she took the pressure off her legs. The bullet wound's anger softening.
"Why?" Kie asked.
"What are you talking about?" Pope seconded the confusion.
"What happened last night?" John B asked the pair of them.
"We slept-"
"Together?" Y/N whispered.
"On the break..." Pope shot her an awkward look.
"Slept yeah... WE, were up all night." JJ patted his shoulder as he jumped onto the boat next to Y/N, gathering the anchor.
"We gotta get the hell out of here." John B told them, helping Sarah onto the boat and passing her his bag.
Sarah caught them up, "Rafe knows we're here. We need to leave now." 
"Okay." Kie said calmly unknotting the rope she tied.

"-had a full on tantrum." Y/N finished explaining the story.
"Almost shot me dude." JJ poked his finger between his eyes.
Kie sighed, "Jesus..."
They sailed to a more desolate part of the OBX, a small island only half visible at high tide. The anchor dropped again and the six of them climbed to solid land. Kie and Sarah sat on an old fallen tree, Pope on the floor with Y/N. JJ and JB were pacing together.
"Look... If Rafe and Barry know," Kie sighed, "It's only a matter of time before the whole island knows you're back."
"I told you." JJ snapped. "Should've gone south man."
"I know it's your home John B.. but we could've laid low somewhere until you were off the hook."
"Just stop it." He replied.
"Why does no one ever listen!" JJ exclaimed, angry.
Sarah looked down and fiddled with her fingers, she was near crying.
"JJ stop!" John B approached him, "I get it, I get it. I understand."
Sarah spoke, "I have an idea." The pogues looked to her. "With me back, my dad's going to have to choose between me and Rafe."
No one spoke. Rafe had been fiercely loyal to Ward and Sarah hadn't...
"Sarah, Sarah--"John B went over to her gently.
"He's going to choose me!" She cried out.
Y/N put a hand on her from the floor, "S, Ward is a liar. He has lied to you before and he'll do it again. He won't tell the truth if you go back and S..." She paused, wondering if she should say this, "S what if he chooses Rafe."
"You saw how happy he was that I was alive!"
"Yeah but we also tried to steal his gold! Rafe has been very loyal to Ward Sarah... And he will do anything to keep his family together. You should know that by now."
Sarah sighed. 
Kie agreed, "He won't tell the truth after all that's happened."
"No I.. I know it sounds crazy." Sarah gulped.
Kie snapped, "Yeah! It does."
"I know!!" Sarah sparked up. Y/N squeezed her hand. She didn't speak for a moment, looking around at her friends. "But he's my dad. And I know him and I know he loves me."
Y/N sighed and stood up, going to stand with JJ.
"She didn't know he was a straight up killer for years.. Know him my ass." JJ mumbled in her ear.
"I'm just asking for two hours!" Sarah asked them. The Pogues all looked unsure.
No one spoke- but she stood up anyway, walking towards the boat.
"Sarah..." John B called her, she stopped. "Are you sure?"
Sarah nodded eagerly. "Mm-hmm."
"Okay." John B held her head onto his. "Be careful."
And she went off, on her own.
"Shouldn't someone go with her..." Y/N asked.
John B shook his head, "No... she'll be okay."

Sarah sailed down towards her family house. Leaving the Pogues to brood anxiously on the island.
Sarah tied up the small boat next to her fathers bigger one. She stared up at her old home... It was looming up ahead of her. It was unnerving. Sarah tried to control her breathing as she walked down the pier. Was she ready to go home? Was she ready to live with these people again? "No.. no." Sarah stopped and turned around, walking back towards the sun. Then she remembered that the Pogues were counting on her. The wind pulled against her, but Sarah knew that she needed Ward to see her again. So continued walking.
Ward pulled up in his car with his shades on, still texting on his phone. He climbed out of the car and slammed the door behind him.
He looked up and saw Sarah... slowly pulling his shades down and gasping. His hands shaking. He gasped, and chuckled. Running down to the pier towards his daughter. "Sarah! Oh my god Sarah!"
"Stay back stay back." She held her hand out, stopping him.
"Okay okay I'm just... I'm back. I'm back." Ward put his hands up.
"Okay..." Ward put his hands on his head. "I'm back I'm back..." he slowly backed up.
Sarah was breathing shakily, "I swear to god..."
Ward chuckled, "I'm so happy.... I'm sorry hah-"
"Where's Rafe." Sarah eyed the house.
Ward looked around, "Um uh- I.. I don't know. He's not home. He's not home.." He assured her. Ward then pointed at her shoulder bandage. "You okay..?"
"Yes. Almost lost Y/N but..." She sighed, "Rafe shot at me dad."
"He didn't mean too sweetheart it was an accident." Ward shook his head. "I didn't think I was ever going to see you again! And here you are... you're home."
Sarah felt tears prick her eyes, he was still defending Rafe... "I'm not coming home."
Ward went to hug her, "Sare Bear you're here-"
Sarah jumped away, "I said stay back!"
Ward jumped backwards, "I'm staying back... I'm right here. I just... I wanna protect you Sarah. I could help protect some of your friends too! But I can't do that while you're with him. He's got you in all these situations... You have no idea what it's been like!" Ward chuckled, then he teared up, "I thought... I thought you we're dead."
Sarah tensed. "Remember the night of the storm?"
"Yes. Yes.."
"On the radio you promised me that if I came back you would tell the truth."
Ward wiped a tear from his cheek. Staring at Sarah.
"You remember?" She demanded.
Ward didn't say anything. He barely moved- only the fall and rise of his chest being proof of his life.
"....I'm going to testify against you. That you lied."
Ward rubbed his eyes, and stopped smiling.
"And that Rafe lied. And tat Rose lied."
Ward now saw that Rose was right. "Oh sweetie-"
"Just convince Rafe to turn himself in."
Ward started at her. "I'm not gunna do that."
Sarah's throat closed up with emotion. He chose Rafe. "But why!? John B didn't shoot Peterkin."
"But he's the reason she's dead."
"What!?" Sarah exclaimed. 
"I offered to help him.. for just the tiniest but of what was already rightfully mine. He said no. You know why? Because he's greedy. Like his father before him."
"The father you killed!?"
"HE IS SO..." He shouted over her, "So crazy... for that goddamn gold, that he wouldn't share any of it with the one person that could help him. So crazy for that gold that he pulls his van in front of our airplane, almost killing me and YOU on that tarmac!" He pointed at her. "That's why Peterkin was even there!"
Sarah sighed, looking down and sniffling. 
"That is why it all happened. HIM."
Sarah shook her head, "No... It was Rafe. He gunna get caught and he's gunna drag you all down with him."
"Honey... He's not. Because I'm not gunna let that happen. Don't you understand that? Sarah this family. All of this." He gestured to their grand estate, "I didn't have it growing up. Any of it. And if you think there is ANYTHING that I wouldn't do to keep us all together. Sweetheart you haven't been paying attention."
"If you don't tell the truth you'll never see me again."
"You don't mean that. You're my baby Sarah. Rafe knows it. But no, I'm not choosing between my daughter and my son. I can't. But I will tell you that in the end, it will be okay. We will all be okay and we will be back here. Together. Like a family."
Sarah walked up and stood close to him. Staring him dead in the eyes. "What happened to you." and she walked off. Glancing over her shoulder every once in a while to make sure he wasn't following her. She started to run as she cried. Untying the boat and driving back to the Pogues.
Ward watched her sail away, sadly...

(A/N: Am sleepy hate ward mmmmm
Until next time Xx)

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