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"I've got the drinks- Han Jihyo!! What are you doing with my phone!?" - Mia put the tray down, snatching the device from the girl's hands.

"I just did something you should've done days ago."

Mia turned the screen on again, just to see the message app open.

"Who the hell did you- no...I was over him already! He'll think I'm a weirdo for texting so late." - Mia shouted at her friend's face, soon turning the volume down as people were staring.

"Great. He'll get to know your real side first." - Doyum spoke while getting his cup of passion fruit juice.

"Jeon Doyum! I'll-"

The girl cut herself as a notification sound caught the trio's attention.

|oh hi!!
|it's okay, I didn't text you either...

"Look at this! He sounds so awkward!" - Mia pointed at the screen, as if the other two weren't reading the texts already.

"It's not awkward if you don't make it awkward. Ask him what he's been up to." - Doyum suggested.


"Don't send that, oh my God! 'I've been thinking about you', she's gonna think you're a creep!" - Minho yelled at his younger friend.

"But that's...fine. What else did I do?"

Jisung put his phone down and stared at the sky. As he did so, two of his friends exchanged mischievous looks.

"just hanging out with some friends"
"I'll have to start studying more soon though"
"you go to my school so you should know why"
"how come I've never seen you there? you're not easy to miss"

"That should do." - Changbin said while handing the object back to his friend.

"What? Oh my God! What the hell!? How did you even- Dude!?" - Jisung looked desperately at the screen, hoping the messages would dissappear if he stared long enough.

"Chan was about to ask her out but I stole the phone from him, you should thank me."

The young boy looked at the blonde with moving eyebrows and an open mouth.

"What? You've taken long enough." - The eldest put his hands up on defense.

"It's been two minutes...you freaked her out!"

- ☆ -

"You should've told us he went to your school!"

Jihyo and Doyum panicked while Mia just stood there, waiting for them to sit down again.

"That's not the issue here, Jihan! 'you're not easy to miss', hello!? He's straight up flirting with her!" - He pointed at the last text.

"Isn't that the whole point?" - Mia finally spoke.

The other two became statues.


"Weren't you over the guy?" - Jihyo sat down slowly.

"I mean, now that you've texted him, I don't see a reason to back off."

Doyum started clapping dramatically.

"You've finally realized you won't ever marry Tom Holland. I'm proud." - He put an arm around her neck.

"Shut up." - She rolled her eyes.

"Okay but back to the school thing! That's what his text was about after all." - Jihyo reminded.

"Ah, right. I hope we don't meet, though. My brother studies there too, I don't  want him seeing me flirting around."

"Why? I thought he was chill about it?" - Doyum questioned, a bit confused.

"He is! But still, it'd be weird. Like, imagine I'm there having a moment with the guy and then from the corner of my eye I see my brother? No." - Mia shook her head, erasing the image.

"Oh~ a secret relationship then?" - A smirk grew on Jihyo's face.

"Gosh, I've been texting him for a few minutes only, let's stop with the scenarios."

Just then, Mia noticed she still hadn't replied, although nearly ten minutes had passed.

"What are you gonna say?" - Doyum scooted closer, his face almost gluing on the girl's.


Mia searched on her brain for all the knowledge she had about flirting, first dates and blind dates - 90% of that coming from dramas and movies, the other 10% from books.

"haha really?"
"I saw you a few days ago"
"you definelty stand out in the crowd"


"Say you'll remember me

Standing in a nice dress"


Wildest Dreams, Taylor Swift

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