| Twenty-two|

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After successfully finishing the whole banner, Mia was about to head home.

"Thank you for everything, auntie! I'm pretty sure everyone at home will love these cookies as much as I did." - She waved the bag containing a pot full of cookies the lady had baked for them in the afternoon.

"I hope so! I'll see you next week, right?" - The girl nodded. "Great! Jisungie, take her home safely, alright?"

He nodded.


The two kids left the house, walking side by side in awkward silence.

Everything went smoothly during the day because they were too busy studying to actually realise the situation they were in, but not now. Both of them were pretty much aware of each other's presence, and it was impossible to ignore it.

"So...what are you doing tomorrow?" - Jisung took the initiative.

"I didn't make any plans as I thought I'd be busy making the banner..." - She hummed as a sign of thinking. "Maybe I'll call a friend and spend the day watching movies. You?"

"I have nothing to do either..." - They nodded together.

Is this when I'm supposed to ask him out?

Mia spent one minute trying to figure out whether it was better to act clueless or be straightforward and ask him out on a date. The second option seemed promising. The worst he could do is say no, which, honestly, she doubted he would.

"There's an anniversary discount for the biggest amusement park in the city and tomorrow is the last day but I still haven't gone there...should we, uhm, go together?" - She tried to sound as careless as she could.

"O-oh, that's amazing! I mean, the discount, not that you didn't get to go." - He stuttered nervously. "Anyway, I'd love to go."

"Really?! Here, let me show you the rides." - Mia took the phone out of her bag and opened a blog post that talked about the Amusement Park and its must-go-to rides.

Like the teenagers they are, the two had so much fun talking about what they could do the next day that they barely noticed the girl's house on their right.

"Oh, we're here already." - She commented, soundly bummed.

Meanwhile, Jisung looked left and right, confused. "This is your house?" - He pointed at the oh-so-familiar beige house.

"Uhm...yeah?" - Mia replied quietly.

"Wait! Don't tell me..." - His pointed finger went back and forth between the house and the girl. "The brother that bakes brownies is-"

Jisung didn't even have to finish since said boy opened the front door. "Ji? What are you doing here?"

"Lix! Why are you-" - As Mia was about to fight her brother for interrupting their farewells, she turned to the boy next to her. "Wait, you know each other?"

"So he's the friend you spent the afternoon with?" - Felix went down to the gate.

"You knew about that?!"

"Was it supposed to be a secret?" - His gaze suddenly changed. "Were you not studying?"

"Felix!" - They yelled in unison.

"Sorry!" - He put his hands up in surrender. "Anyway, I didn't know you two were friends. How did it even happen? You're not from the same class."

The teens exchanged looks, hoping the other would say it. "His friends and my friends were hanging out at a Cafe so we...we realised we go to the same school, and yeah, that was it." - Mia explained briefly.

She wasn't about to tell her brother she asked him out because she thought he was cute.

"His friends? And I wasn't there?"

"I was with Minho..." - He clarified, despite knowing there was no need to.

"Oh! Nice!" - Felix nodded. "So...you wanna come in?"

Jisung spared a glance at Mia first. She didn't seem to dislike the idea.


"Come on!" - The blonde pulled him closer, leaving his sister behind. "What were you studying that took you the whole day?"

"Physics used up all morning, then we decided to work on a banner for that project."

"Huh...so the friend that invited you to be part of their group was actually my sister?" - Felix's mouth opened in awe. "The odds...who else is part of it? Anyone I know?"

Jisung pursed his lips and nodded slowly.


"Kira." - He smiled sarcastically.



"You're definitely sleeping over tonight."


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