The First Day

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The first day of school. All the students rushed to their classrooms. Kyo Kusanagi walked into his new classroom with his good friends and stopped short when he spotted a student with flaming red hair sitting at the back, practically glaring at his phone with his icy blue eyes.
"Whoa, look at that guy," Benimaru Nikaido pointed at him, his blond hair falling in waves down his back. "I've never seen him around here before."
"Must be new here," Kyo quipped. "Come on, let's go say hi."
The three of them went towards the new boy and grinned. He looked up and glared back at them.
"Hi, you must be new here," Kyo smiled. "I'm Kusanagi Kyo."
"Kusanagi..." the boy grimaced. "You related Kusanagi Saisyu?"
"Why?" Kyo raised an eyebrow. "You got a problem with my family?"
The boy smirked. "The name's Iori. Yagami Iori. Does that ring a bell?"
Kyo groaned at the mention of his dad's friends' surname. "Yagami Iori?"
"The one and only," Iori smirked maliciously. "If you don't want your ugly face to look like pork chops, you better back off and leave me alone."
"Hey!" The blond stepped in. "Nobody talks to my friend like that!"
"Good, then you can leave," Iori chuckled and went back to his phone. "I don't have any business with you."
Kyo scowled and went to the aisle on the other side of the class. Iori shook his head and scooted closer towards his table. He looked up from his phone for a second and stopped short when he spotted a boy with rather unique traits enter the classroom.
The boy was dark-skinned, but his hair was a shocking shade of light grey, very close to white. His pale blue gaze swept across the classroom as he looked for a spot to sit.
Iori was a little surprised when he chose the spot next to him. Iori also found him looking very strange, considering he had brown skin, white hair, and blue eyes. Not that he wasn't good-looking, he was a very handsome young lad.
The boy completely ignored Iori and heavily sat down on the chair, shuffling his books out of his bag. Iori grimaced at the noise and took out his own notebook and pens too.
A girl with long purple hair walked in with a boy. The boy seemed to really like the girl, even pulling the chair for her to sit on.
"Kusanagi-san!" A boy suddenly exclaimed.
"Shingo!" Kyo exclaimed, standing up. "What are you doing here? Go back to your class!"
"I just came to thank you for these neat gloves, Kusanagi-san!" Shingo Yabuki beamed, showing him his gloved hands. "They're really comfortable!"
Iori snorted at the stupidity of the situation. It was as if Kyo was a celebrity, when he was a delinquent backbencher himself. He also spotted the white-haired boy shaking his head and smirked.
'Even this guy thinks Kyo is stupid,' Iori thought to himself, taking out his earphones. He put them into his ears and decided to listen to music instead.
Soon, more students came in, and Iori was a little annoyed to have someone sitting in front of him too. He looked quite strange too, really pale with a very long plait almost touching the ground. Now it technically coiled itself on the ground since he was seated.
A teacher walked in, a man with slightly long blond hair and a moustache. He smirked at the students as they stood up to greet him.
"My name is Rugal Bernstein," the man said in fluent Japanese despite being a foreigner. "I will be teaching you Physics."
Almost all of the students silently groaned.
The boy sitting in front of Iori turned around and whispered. "Isn't that the principal?"
Iori hummed in reply, slightly scared himself upon finding that the principal is their class teacher. "How is the principal our class teacher?"
"I don't think he is," the boy whispered. "There was a different name, looked kinda like Geometry..."
Iori snorted. "That's his name?"
"Yeah, I think," the boy grinned. "By the way, I'm Duo Lon. I'm new here."
"Iori," Iori smirked. "Yagami Iori."
"Nice to meet you, Iori," Duo smiled.
"So are you guys gonna wish me 'Good Morning' or not?" Rugal crossed his arms at the front. "Kids these days..." he muttered.
"Ohayo Gozaimasu, Bernstein-Sensei," the students greeted.
"Sit down," Rugal said, rather tight-lipped.
He started the lesson, and even gave them homework though it was only the first day.
"Kyo, I'm expecting your homework tomorrow," Rugal said, looking at Kyo who sat grinning for some reason. "And I want it complete."
"Yessir," Kyo chuckled, giving him a salute.
Rugal shook his head in disgust and left the classroom. Another teacher walked in, a very prim-looking man with an undercut and short blond curls at the top. He held his books under one arm and smirked.
"I am Mr. Goenitz, and I am your homeroom teacher," Goenitz said humbly. "I will be teaching you Geography."
"It matches his name," Kyo smirked, stretching his arm out to Benimaru next to him. "Goenitz, Geography. Luckily it isn't Geonitz!"
The students wished him a good morning, and sat down. Goenitz gave Kyo a disapproving look, but the latter didn't in the least seem scared.
"Dude, you better shut up," Benimaru whispered to him with a frown. "You might even end up getting sent to the counsellor!"
"Eh, who cares," Kyo shrugged. "Been there before, not like I can't handle going there again. Besides, Terry's like my best friend now."
Benimaru shook his head in dismay. "Just because he's nice and patient with you."
"Hey, he's actually really fun to talk to too," Kyo pointed out. "Bet he's super understanding towards his kids."
A blond boy sitting two spots in front of Benimaru smiled to himself but didn't say anything.
Goenitz started teaching them, and he seemed very interested in the subject, even digressing whenever it came to natural resources.
"We all have to thank Mother Nature because of all the resources she has given us," Goenitz said in an exaggerated manner. "Without her, we will be nothing!"
The white-haired boy that sat next to Iori suddenly snorted. Iori briefly glanced at him before turning back to the front. He was rather bored with the class himself and ended drawing crescents on his textbook.
"Now, I want you to get into groups of two, and discuss the effects of pollution towards Nature," Goenitz suddenly said. "Just go with the person next to you, come on! If we finish this fast, we can have an ice-breaking session since I see many new faces here. Besides, we need to assign tasks and stuff."
The white-haired boy turned towards the girl who sat next to him. To his dismay, that girl had already partnered up with another boy who sat next to her. He sighed and turned to his right to see the redhead, apparently with no partner too.
"Umm... can we partner up?" He asked, not sure how this grumpy-looking boy would respond.
"Sure," Iori said, much to his surprise. "You new here too?"
"Yeah..." he replied. "Just transferred. What's your name?"
"Yagami Iori," Iori said.
"I'm Kay Dash," the boy said, much to his surprise. "You can call me Dash."
"Sure," Iori shrugged. He couldn't help but wonder what a peculiar name it was.
K' proved to be quite cooperative despite groaning every time he did something. Iori found it a little annoying, but decided to not say anything since he did help him out with the assignment.
They were soon done, and Goenitz announced an ice breaking session.

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