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"Okay, so why am I being called again?" Kyo played a racing game with his phone resting on the coffee table, on speaker mode with Iori in the line. "Yagami?"
"I have a plan to find out who's that weirdo that made me viral," Iori frowned, turning to his friends. Krizalid had joined them for some reason too, deciding to watch what was going on over a tin of butter biscuits.
"What are you gonna do?" Kay asked, interested.
"Okay... here's the thing," Iori began to tell them of his plan.

There was a loud noise, as if a car crashed from Kyo's end of the call.
"What was that?" Kay snorted.
"Yagami, you sure you won't get all of us in trouble or anything, right?" Kyo remarked next. "Especially me?"
"No, promise you won't," Iori said. "Just don't tell anyone about this, okay? Not even the teachers. We'll do this tomorrow morning."
"Do you even remember what happened?" Zayn asked. "You didn't seem like you were yourself."
"I watched the video and that's enough," Iori frowned slightly. "Alright, guys. Brace yourselves. There's gonna be some fun in class tomorrow."
"Fun for you, maybe," Kyo groaned.
"Well, you're the only one without fun here," Kay chuckled. "I'm looking forward to it."
"Can I come see too?" Zayn asked eagerly.
"Try, come if you can," Kay snorted.
"I have no idea what this is all about but can you send me a video of whatever that happens?" Krizalid chimed in.
"Hmm... Kriz-san, you have just given me an idea," Iori smiled. "Dash, take a video of the whole class when this is happening, okay?"
"Noted," Kay nodded.
"And send it to me," Krizalid piped up again.
"Sure," Iori shrugged. "That works too."
"I have a bad feeling about this, Niisan," Aiko gulped.
"Don't worry, everything will be fine," Iori assured. "But we have to keep it short and I'd have to recover."
"You'll come in at the last moment just like last time," Kay said. "I'll shoot you a text, okay?"
"Okay..." Aiko quietly said.
Iori sighed and hugged her. "Everything's gonna be fine, trust me."
There was a shuffling sound behind them and Maxima entered the room. He stopped short when he spotted the party in front of him.
"Okay, what's going on here?" Maxima questioned. "Don't tell me you guys had a party and are resting after cleaning the guests' mess."
"No, Uncle, we're the only ones here," Iori said. "We're just here for... fun."
Maxima smiled. "This is the first time Dash called someone over to hang out."
Aiko awkwardly took a sip of water before turning to him. "Actually, this is also our first time visiting a friend too..."
"Well, I guess then it's two milestones in one bird," Maxima smirked. "Pun intended."
"You're not mad that we brought Iori and his sister over, right?" Kay carefully said. "Aiko is also Kula's classmate."
Maxima nodded understandingly. "I see... so you're that boy."
"Yes, I am that boy," Iori sighed. "Someone made me viral in social media. I'm all over the Internet because of that."
"Oh my..." Maxima said in surprise.
"And we don't know who did it," Iori added.
"Oh my gosh..." Maxima said again.
"That's why we made a plan to find out whose work it is," Kay grinned. "We'll tell you about it tomorrow."
"Well, as long as you don't blow the school up or get yourselves in trouble, I'm okay with it," Maxima shrugged. "Ugh... I could so use a drink..."
Iori frowned, suddenly being reminded of his own father's old times. He nudged Aiko and stood up.
"We should be going now, Uncle," Iori bowed with his sister. "I don't wanna intrude any longer."
"Yeah, our dad's probably looking everywhere for us," Aiko added, bowing too. "Thank you for welcoming us."
"Is your uncle here yet?" Kay asked.
"No, we came by bike," Iori said before bowing to them. "Bye guys. See you tomorrow."
They saw themselves out and the others turned to their father.
"So." Zayn smirked. "How was your date?"
Maxima frowned, shaking his head. "Awful. She's my age, but called me Uncle as soon as she saw me. Not that she looked like a toddler, she looked way older than me too."
"What?" Krizalid exclaimed in surprise, sitting up.
"Yes, and she also made fun of me when I ordered two servings of dessert," Maxima grumbled, pouring himself some whiskey on the rocks before joining them on the couch. "Not like she was the one paying. Besides, she took two servings of main course. The main course was a big portion too, a whole lasagne."
"Ew..." Kay frowned, shaking his head. "Also, why does she get lasagne when we don't?"
Maxima took a sip of his liquor and frowned, placing his glass down on the table. "Gosh, I never thought about that..." he frowned for a moment, as if deep in thought, then grinned. "Tell you what, lasagne's for lunch tomorrow. How's that sound?"
Everyone started cheering, with Kula even hugging Kay for some reason.
"Yay, Lasagne!" Kula exclaimed the loudest.
"Wait, where's Seirah?" Maxima frowned, realising that she wasn't with them.
"In her room since she didn't wanna interrupt us," Kay pointed towards her room. "Unlike someone else who decided to sit here and snack." He gave Krizalid the side-eye.
"What, I gave you guys some too, didn't I?" Krizalid pointed out. "Also, Dad... these people are planning to-"
Kay cut him short by throwing a cushion at his face.
"We'll tell you tomorrow, Dad," Kay quickly said. "I'll even send you a video."
He pulled Krizalid to their room, together with Zayn.
"Kriz, you're so mean..." Kay growled.
Krizalid frowned. "You're so mean for throwing a pillow in my face!"
Kay groaned and just went to his bed to sit and play on his phone. Zayn shrugged and went to his bed too but Krizalid decided to go out to see what their father was doing. Maxima was still having his whiskey.
"Dad?" Krizalid decided to join him.
"Oh, hey, Kriz," Maxima greeted.
"How bad was the date?" Krizalid asked. "You seem pretty down ever since you came home."
Maxima shrugged. "I don't know, Kriz... I feel like I'm pressuring myself and you guys for trying to find the right woman after your mother. As it is, your mother died when you guys were still small and I was put in a coma for years. Then Igniz did some damage to you guys. Is it really worth finding another lady?"
Krizalid sighed and decided to pour himself a round of whiskey too. "I don't know, Dad. But I feel like you should. You deserve a second chance especially since you and Mom were not on the best terms when she died. How did the accident even happen, anyway?"
"We were fighting while I was driving and Erin... well, to her defence, she was drunk. She started attacking me, the car swerved and hit a tree. I was thrown out of the car, I think, but your mother... I didn't see what happened because that's the last thing I remember before waking up several years later."
"The car burst into flames while she was still in it," Krizalid sighed, sipping his whiskey. "I know that much because Igniz was saying something like that. He made us stay away since Seirah was only eleven and the rest of us were still very young, especially Kay and Zayn."
Maxima nodded but stopped short when Krizalid reached for the bottle again. "Kriz, no. Your alcohol tolerance is very low. Extremely low. Remember last time?"
"I don't, but from what I heard, it wasn't good," Krizalid sighed, putting the glass down. "Anyway, Dad. Don't give up too easily. I may have only seen Mom for a few years, but I can already tell that you deserve another chance."
Maxima sighed and got up, stretching himself. "You're right. Also, I wanna have a nice bath before bed."
Krizalid watched him enter his room and made his way back to his. He saw that his two younger brothers were now playing a card game on the ground instead.
So he decided to join them.

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