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Rock burst into laughter as soon as he got into the backseat with his adoptive father and uncle at the front.
"I couldn't help it, I'm sorry!" Rock laughed. "I just couldn't stop myself from laughing as soon as you walked in."
"I could tell," Andy smiled. "Anyway, what did your classmates say about my teaching?"
Rock grinned. "Everyone were saying that you're a much better teacher than Igniz. Kyo even said that your way of teaching was easier to understand too."
"What do you expect, it's Andy," Terry smirked. "He's calm and patient, who wouldn't understand him?"
"Well, certainly not a counsellor like you," Andy nudged his brother as he drove. "Also, send the picture of the book to your friends, I'll send you the picture later."
"Aight," Rock nodded. "Anyway, what's for dinner?"
"I thought you're the one who's gonna do the cooking," Terry glanced at him with a smirk.
Rock sighed. "Fine, what do you want?"
"Whatever you want," Terry shrugged.
"This isn't really helping, guys," Rock shook his head, so done with the two of them.
"How about some pasta?" Andy suggested. "I remember seeing a new pack of spiral in the fridge."
Rock shrugged. "Sure thing. I just need some tomatoes and some other things and we're good to go."
"Do you think we have everything?" Terry asked. "Because, last I checked, we were running out... a lot of things."
"Let's just make the pasta and go shopping later," Rock suggested. "We have whatever we need for pasta, that I know."
"Then I guess we're going home then," Andy said.

Kyo started talking nineteen to the dozen about his new Maths teacher as soon as he spotted his mother in the kitchen.
"So I wasn't wrong to hate him at all, he was a kidnapping syndicate that stole kids to be illegally adopted," Kyo continued. "And to think that he had been allowed to teach in our school."
Shizuka grimaced in disgust. "I must really speak to your principal about the teachers' backgrounds and who he's hiring. First, your homeroom teacher tries to ruin that Yagami boy, then another one harassed girls, then this one kidnapped children? What else?"
Kyo shrugged. "Who knows? At this point, I won't even be surprised to know that the principal is a serial killer."
Shizuka looked at him in surprise. "Now you're making me scared. I'll come over to see him tomorrow."
"Bring your naginata," Kyo suggested. "You know, that compact one you'd usually carry around in your pocket? Bring it with you."
"I will," Shizuka smirked. "Can you pass me the salt?"
Kyo went to get a few pinches of salt without a word and dumped it straight into the wok. Shizuka nodded approvingly and stirred it into the dish before covering the lid.
"Come on, let's make some tea," Shizuka said, reaching for the container of matcha.

"So how did it go?" Krizalid asked as soon as car the door closed behind his siblings. "Who's your new Maths teacher?"
"The counsellor's brother," Kay chuckled. "And also Rock's uncle."
"Andy Bogard is your new teacher?" Seirah asked. "Well, he's a good teacher. A very calm and patient guy. Way better than Igniz."
Kay smiled. "Yeah and a way better teacher too. Also, I need to buy a new book because the one that Igniz used doesn't have very good questions, apparently."
"Did he tell you where the book could be found?" Maxima asked as he drove.
"Yeah, at the school bookshop," Kay informed. "So yeah. I just need to bring money."
"I'll give you some later," Maxima said.
Kay nodded. "Aight."
They eventually stopped by a fast food restaurant and got themselves some extra cheesy hot dogs as a celebration for Igniz ending up behind bars. Kay still wondered how the vigilante got to know that he was a bad person, and wondered how they even got all the proof they needed for him to get arrested.
Well, for all Kay knew, the vigilante may have been a victim themselves, some very long time ago and decided to finally get their revenge now. It didn't reverse any of the damage done but at least justice was served.
Kay seriously wished that Igniz would be put behind bars forever, or thrown off to a faraway place like Russia where he would be forced to do labour work in freezing weather like he had seen in movies. Igniz certainly deserved that, in fact, he deserved far worse.


Kyo told his friends that he would be a bit late for their after-school study session since his mother was coming.
"Your mom is coming?" Iori asked in surprise. "Why?"
"To meet Bernstein," Kyo shrugged. "She has a bone to pick with him since... well, a lot of teachers in this school seem like whackos. First, there was Goenitz, then Yamada, and now Igniz. So yeah, she's very concerned."
"Who wouldn't be?" Ryo shrugged. "But my dad says that the other teachers are okay now."
Kyo gave him a frown. "At this point, even your dad's a suspect."
"Hey, you know he isn't," Iori cut in. "Dude, both of our dads are besties with him."
"I know that," Kyo sighed quietly.
"So we're just gonna wait until Auntie Shizuka arrives?" Benimaru sighed, a bored expression on his face.
"You guys can go to the library without me," Kyo said. "I'll stay here."
Iori shrugged and got up, so did his sister and everyone else besides Benimaru and Goro. They waved at the three of them and walked off in the direction of the library. Benimaru sighed and watched as Aiko left with her brother as well.
"What's up?" Goro asked, giving the blond a slight nudge.
"Yagami's sister is cute, don't you think?" Benimaru said.
Kyo sighed, shaking his head. "Ben, she already broke your heart without even dating you."
"Breaking the two-day record to twenty seconds," Goro added.
Benimaru shook his head. "No. Girls usually fall head over heels for those lines. But look what she did."
"Because she's normal and all the other girls that you've been chasing are... dumbos?" Kyo pointed out. "I'm actually surprised you haven't figured this out yet yourself and still end up with an inconsolable heartbreak afterwards."
"I guess I'm just hopeless," Benimaru admitted with a groan. "But what else can I do? Girls like that are the only ones that are willing to date me."
"Because you're rich and they're gold diggers?" Goro countered.
"But I'm handsome too, why doesn't anyone see that?" Benimaru desperately said.
"Everyone sees only that at this point," Goro smirked. "Why don't you try to show more of your character instead of just your stupid face?"
"My face isn't stupid, I'm gorgeous!" Benimaru flourished his face with both hands.
To his dismay, Kyo slapped him lightly right across his cheeks. Benimaru nearly lost his balance because of that. He would've fallen if it wasn't for Goro swiftly catching him by the shoulder.
"You're pathetic, do you know that?" Kyo rolled his eyes and took his phone out. "What's taking her so long?"
"Just leave her be, the traffic must be terrible since it's school-leaving time," Benimaru sighed, laying his head on the table. "Just wait for her, she'll be here soon."
Kyo nodded and watched the school gates to see if his mother was coming.

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