After school talks of food

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"So how was school?" Masaomi asked as soon as they got into the car.
"Boring," Aiko said the same time her brother said, "Lot's of stuff happened."
"I see you guys have different experiences today," Masaomi chuckled. "Aiko, you start first."
"Well, classes went on as usual and the badminton coach didn't come," Aiko said, leaning against the front seat. "So we all sat around and did nothing for three hours."
"You could've finished your homework," Masaomi pointed out, shrugging slightly.
"Yeah, but I was done with that in a flash, and then I was bored," Aiko sighed.
"You could've read a book," Iori added.
"Finished that too," Aiko grumbled, holding up a novel with the bookmark placed between the back cover and last page. "And none of my friends are in badminton too."
There was a moment of silence at her rather sad confession.
"Okay... then what about Iori?" Masaomi said, moving on. "What happened on your end?"
Iori started telling him about how he arrived to no one in the classroom besides his friends even when there was no assembly, how Chris had joined Kula and Kay was enraged at that, how Kay swooped in to whisk Kula away, how they ditched Najd and went to have drinks in the foyer, how Hotaru had smuggled a marten to school, how said marten had escaped and landed on Rock, how none of them had any idea what animal Itokatsu even was until Rock had said, and how Najd eventually came to join them.
"She smuggled a marten to school?" Masaomi said in surprise. "How does it look like? I've never seen one in person before."
"It's really cute," Iori said. "It looked like a teddy bear mixed with a squirrel and a ferret."
"That's adorable!" Aiko squealed. "And I was stuck in stupidly boring Badminton. Boo..."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Iori asked. "You usually document everything on our group chat, why didn't say a thing about being bored?"
Aiko sighed. "Because I ended up falling asleep..."
"There's your answer," Masaomi snorted. "Anyway, your uncle is buying WFC for dinner. We have to pick him up."
There were cheers from the teens as Masaomi drove straight to the WFC outlet near their home.

"Do you know there's this animal called a marten?" Kay asked as soon as he got into the car.
"Of course I do," Maxima said. "Such adorable little things."
"Looked like a blond rat," Kula remarked, much to their amusement.
Seirah chuckled. "Come on, Kula. Martens are really cute."
"Aye, I have seen one before," Erin added. "Really cute, those beautiful creatures."
"How come you guys saw it but didn't show us?" Zayn asked. "I would've loved to have seen this marten."
"You were too busy with Isolde, how could we have interrupted the two of you?" Kay pointed out.
"That's nice, I guess," Isolde smiled.
Kula chuckled. "Dash thought it was called mutton."
"Mutton?" Erin snorted. "Oh... speaking of which, Sarimah is coming over with her famous Kabsa!"
"Oh yes! I was just thinking of it," Zayn grinned.
"Same, dude," Kay added.
Maxima chuckled. "The two of you be thinking about food in school."
"Well, yeah, imagine playing chess for three hours," Kay pointed out.
Zayn gasped. "Dad, he's lying. He and Najd skipped chess to come hang with us near the basketball court."
Erin snickered. "Busted."
Kay shrugged. "Eh, there wasn't even a teacher around. We grew bored and went over since Iori warned us about that Chris menace being around Kula. I had to get her outta there."
"Dash, Chris is my friend," Kula argued. "He's a nice boy."
"Didn't look like it when he threw a basketball at Iori," Zayn countered. "That kid is a menace."
"And I agree with Zayn," Seirah added. "He be talking about being nice while in detention when he was sitting there for doing the exact opposite. He is a menace to the society."
Maxima snorted. "Wow, this kid's got haters."
"And darn right he deserves them," Zayn stated. "He's a terrible person."
"Never mind that, do you guys know a Hotaru?" Kay asked, pointing at Zayn and Isolde.
"Yeah?" The two of them answered in unison.
"I've seen her around the corridor," Zayn said. "She's in choir with us too."
"She's in my class," Isolde said. "Why do you ask?"
"She's the one who smuggles that mutton to school," Kay said.
"Marten," Maxima corrected.
"Okay, fine, she's the one who brings that marten to school," Kay sighed.
"Oh..." Isolde said. "Wow, none of us had any idea. Not even when we were in class earlier."
"Well, that thing leapt out of her bag and straight at my friend," Kay said. "Surprisingly, he's the only one who actually knew what that thing was."
Kula snorted. "Dash thought it was a baby goat, mutton!"
Kay smirked. "Kula thought it was a rat."
"It looked like one!" Kula defended herself. "Not like mutton."
"The name sounded like mutton," Kay pointed out.
Kula couldn't argue with that, it was true that the two words sounded alike.

Kazuhiro got into the car, the scent of fried chicken coming in with him.
"Hey, Uncle," Aiko greeted as soon as he came in. "What did you get?"
Kazuhiro shuffled around in his seat to rearrange the bags he was holding between himself and Iori. "Well, I definitely got meat, as Iori would like." He smirked. "I also got nuggets, cheesy potato wedges, and... ice cream."
"Kazuhiro, but it's snowing!" Masaomi pointed out. "You literally got ice when it's falling from the sky!"
Kazuhiro chuckled. "Nah, I'm kidding. I didn't get ice cream. I got us strawberry jelly instead."
"Excellent," Iori grinned. "Thanks for getting us this, Uncle. It's been a long and tiring day."
"I know," Kazuhiro smiled as he placed a hand on the young man's shoulder. "You guys had to stay back till so late!"
"But it's okay, WFC is the perfect end to a hectic day," Aiko sighed happily. "Anyway, should we watch a movie tonight?"
"Sure, as long as you don't take too long to choose one," Masaomi remarked. "The other day you took an hour. It was so late, we didn't even get to finish the movie!"
"It's not like you guys help, the three of you are all glued to your phones!" Aiko argued. "You always push the remote to me."
Iori snorted. "That's because you're the expert. No one else can type on TV with the remote."
"Really fast too," Masaomi smirked as he chimed in.
"Without even looking," Kazuhiro added, nodding in approval.
Aiko sighed. "It's not fair that you're using this as a reason."

I just came up with a neat surname for the K' gang. The Syburs. If y'all read my other books, Maxima goes by Cyber as his last name while Krizalid goes by Flame, K' is just... Dash, Seirah Whip. Zayn... I'm not sure yet, but in this book he goes by Sybur lol. Dash becomes Kay's middle name now.

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