Cakes and Cookies

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It was the day before Kazuhiro's birthday and the three Yagamis decided to get in action now, before he returns home from work. Masaomi picked his children up from school the three headed off to carry out their plan. The first thing on their agenda was to go to the bakery and get the cake.
"I seriously hope they didn't mess it up," Masaomi groaned as he made way towards the bakery. "I told them like so many times that I wanted a chocolate cake with fresh strawberries and strawberry cream. They asked me if I wanted a strawberry jam-filled banana cake with chocolate frosting!"
"If they do that, punch them, Dad," Iori grimaced. "But seriously though. Strawberry jam-filled banana cake?"
"That doesn't sound that bad if you ask me," Aiko added. "But that's still not what we ordered."
"Yeah, and that's exactly why they'll be receiving a knuckle sandwich if they mess it up," Masaomi retorted. "And I have to get cookies too since... well, your uncle walked in on me just when I said 'strawberry cream' and I had to tell him that I was buying cookies to cover it up."
Aiko sighed. "Why did that beer tap have to explode? Right when we were planning for his birthday too..."
"It's like that beer tap was actually out to get us," Iori added, frowning. "Bad beer tap..."
"Yeah, and let's just hope that the bakery sells strawberry cream cookies too," Masaomi sighed. "He asked me to get three jars when I told him that I was just getting two."
"Well, at least we're getting some strawberry cream cookies, three jars of it too," Iori shrugged. "We can have them for breakfast in the coming days."
"Are we inviting anyone else?" Aiko asked.
"Well, I called Takuma and Saisyu, so your friends might come too," Masaomi shrugged. "You wanna invite anyone else?"
"Shall I call Dash and Zayn?" Iori suggested. "They're nice."
"I think you should call your Geography teacher," Aiko suggested, nudging her brother with a smirk. "What do you think?"
"You mean the guy that made Iori viral? I don't think so. That's the last person I wanna see."
"No, Dad, not him," Iori chuckled. "Aiko meant my new Geo teacher. You know, Kagura-sensei?"
Masaomi's eyes lit up with realisation. "Oh! Yes, yes you should invite her. Your uncle actually has a crush on her, but he doesn't wanna admit it. Well, I don't blame him, he had a lot of other things to worry about."
"Well, it's over now, so we can try, right?" Aiko grinned.
Iori snorted. "She's already shipping them, Dad."
"I've been shipping them from the start, she isn't the first," Masaomi smirked. "Anyway, come on. We are almost there."

The bakery did a splendid job with the cake, a large round chocolate cake with light red strawberry frosting, dripping with melted chocolate and topped with slices of strawberries.
"It looks lovely..." Aiko remarked in awe. "Should we write anything at the top?"
Masaomi asked the staff to write a message on top with chocolate frosting. They did a nice job with that too, leaving them to wonder what the message would look like if they had written it instead.
"I feel like it would look like a disaster if I tried," Iori snorted. "Wonder how they write so nicely with frosting."
Masaomi pulled Aiko to speak. "Can you guys try to find cookies with strawberry cream? Doesn't matter the cookie flavour, as long as it has strawberry cream."
Aiko nodded and pulled her brother around the shop to see if they had what they needed. Iori smirked and pointed to one of the display cases with strawberry cream cookie sandwiches and called to Masaomi, who came right over and had the staff pack them into three jars, finishing the entire batch on display. The bakery staff wondered how much they liked strawberries since whatever they bought seemed to be strawberry oriented.
Masaomi groaned slightly at the amount he had to pay, especially because of the three jars of cookies. But what was there to complain? They still got cookies.
"Let's go," Masaomi said, carefully carrying the cake. "Can you guys get the cookie jars?"
The two grabbed the jars and followed their father to their car. Aiko carefully held onto the cake in the front passenger seat while Iori held the cookies.
"I have a question," Aiko suddenly piped up, balancing the cake on her lap with her hands clasping the box. "How are we gonna hide the cake from Uncle?"
The others gasped, images of Kazuhiro snooping the fridge filling their heads.
"Darn, we have to keep him away from the fridge tonight," Masaomi groaned. "Can you guys try to distract him while I'm at work?"
"We'll try," Iori sighed. "At this point, we need to stakeout in the kitchen."
Aiko nodded in agreement. "That seems to be the only way."
"Great, you handle that, distract him with those cookies, and make sure he does not open the fridge. Not once."
"I think we can cover tonight, what about tomorrow morning?" Iori pointed out. "Uncle is normally one of the earliest to wake up and make breakfast."
"I'll handle that," Masaomi said. "I'll wake up an hour earlier and make breakfast. So when he comes to the kitchen, I'll bar him from nearing the fridge. Deal?"
"Deal!" The siblings said in unison.
Masaomi smirked. "Great, now to carry out our mission."

"Want to come to our house for... party?" Kay read the message from Iori. He turned to his brother, who sat wolfing on grapes and frowned slightly. "Iori's inviting us over for his uncle's birthday. You wanna go?"
Zayn swallowed his mouthful and shrugged. "Sure, why not. Hey, maybe we can bring Mom or Kriz."
"Did someone say birthday?" Krizalid practically teleported beside them, much to their surprise. "Sign me up!"
"Okay, Kriz has agreed, what about Mom?" Kay snorted. He looked around for her but found no trace. "Speaking of Mom, where is she?"
"I think she's making lunch... or something," Krizalid shrugged. "Wanna go check out?"
They made their way to the kitchen to see Erin taking out trays of cookies from the oven.
"Are those cookies?" Zayn said in surprise.
Erin smiled. "Aye, shortbread biscuits."
"Can I try one?" Krizalid sprang beside her, his eyes shining at the tray of biscuits.
"Go right ahead, but be careful because it's still hot," Erin chuckled and proceeded to put another batch into the oven.
Zayn ran to the sink to cool his fingers under running water. "I can tell."
"Oh my gosh, you okay, honey?" Erin ran to his side to examine his fingers. "My poor baby."
The others burst into laughter when she kissed his stinging fingers.
"I'm sure it's fine, Mom," Zayn smiled. "It doesn't burn anymore. See? They're not even red!"
"Be careful, okay?" Erin said, touching his face before going back to making another batch. "Can one of you drive me over to Nakano so that I can give Sarimah a batch of these too?"
Kay shrugged. "Sure, I can bring you on my bike."
"Or we can borrow Seirah's car," Krizalid suggested with a grin.
Zayn snorted. "Why not just borrow Seirah at this point?"
"Are you guys gossiping about me?" Seirah appeared, dressed in shorts and t-shirt with her hair pulled into pigtails.
"No, we aren't talking about you, we just want to borrow you," Zayn chuckled. "Mom wants to visit Najd and Co."
"To deliver biscuits," Erin added cheerfully. "But first, I need to finish these batches first."
"Oh!" Seirah chuckled. "Can I help?"
"Sure," Erin nodded, mixing more dough in a large ceramic bowl.
Kay finally remembered about the party and decided to bring it up. "So, my friend just invited us over to his uncle's birthday. Wanna go?"
"Which friend?" Seirah asked. "Iori? Kyo?"
"Iori," Kay said. "He said that Kyo and Ryo would be coming too since... well, their dads are besties."
Erin snorted. "Kyo, Ryo. Are they brothers? Their names sound alike."
"Nah," Kay snorted. "They aren't. But their dads are besties, together with Iori's."
"Well, if it's your friend then go right ahead," Erin shrugged, tasting the dough to see if it was right. "Take your brother with you."
Krizalid smirked. "Which brother?"
"You wanna go too?" Erin asked.
"I know Iori, he came over a few times too, he's besties with Zayn too," Krizalid shrugged. "So yeah, maybe we can all get onto Dash's bike and-"
"Hold up, my bike can't fit you and Zayn," Kay pointed out.
Krizalid sighed and turned to Seirah. "Sei, can we borrow your car? The Ford would be much to big for just us three..."
"Sure," Seirah chuckled. "I can drive you if you want, Kula can come along too."
"Nah, you're staying with me to help make the fruit cake," Erin said. "Let them got for that party, we have fun baking."
Hearing this, the brothers started protesting, even insisting on staying behind and miss the party.

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