Art Class

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The students looked at the schedule and groaned when they saw that they had gym class. So they headed off to the locker room and changed before going over to the gymnasium.
Their teacher was whom Kyo thought was Kay's sister the day before.
"I have a question," Kyo raised his hand. "Are you Kay's sister?"
"Yes," their teacher nodded.
"Then why do you have different surnames?" Kyo asked curiously.
"You shouldn't meddle in what doesn't concern you," Kay glowered at him.
"That's a good one," Iori nodded approvingly.
Kyo said no more and the class went on.
Soon, the class was over, and everyone went back to their classroom. Another teacher stepped in. It was a woman. Though she was dressed professionally, following it all dress code, she still managed to make her outfit look somewhat revealing with figure-hugging garments.
"Ohayo Gozaimasu, class!" The teacher grinned. "My name is Shiranui Mai, and I'll be teaching you Art."
"Hey, we're getting Shiranui-Sensei again!" Benimaru exclaimed. Kyo was drooling, and so were most of the boys in class. "Whoa, she's even hotter now!"
Iori looked visibly uncomfortable, holding onto his stomach. He suddenly raised his hand to get the teacher's attention.
"I'm sorry, Sensei, but can I use the bathroom?" Iori said. "Looking at you turns my stomach."
"Oof..." Kay smirked next to him.
"How dare you say that?!" Mai looked enraged. "Are you really a boy?"
"I'm sorry, Sensei," Iori said before letting out a gag.
"Miss, I think you should let him go," Kay added. "Or else, he might vomit all over me."
Iori nodded at her and ran out of the classroom.
"Can I go with him?" Kay hid a smirk. "I need to see if he's okay."
Mai sighed. "You may go."
Kay nodded and ran after the redhead, grinning as soon as he was out.
Mai shook her head with a frown. She looked at the students and motioned for them to sit down. "Just... just sit down, guys."
She asked them to take out their drawing books and draw something to express their feelings.

Iori ran into a bathroom stall and emptied the contents of his stomach. Kay ran after him and watched from outside the stall, not knowing what he should do.
"Are you okay?" Kay asked when Iori finally stopped retching.
"I am..." Iori panted, flushing the toilet. "Just lost all of my breakfast."
Kay frowned. "What actually happened?"
"I dunno, my stomach started churning as soon as she came in," Iori shuddered. "It literally somersaulted inside of me." And then he stopped short. "Wait, why are you here?"
Kay shrugged. "I used you as an excuse to make an escape too. Just said I wanted to see if you're okay."
Iori shook his head and went towards a sink. He washed his hands and face, even gurgling some water. He turned towards Kay and sighed. "I don't smell like vomit, right?"
Kay frowned. "You do..."
"Great..." Iori groaned.
"I have some cologne on me," K' shrugged, pulling out a pocket-sized bottle. "You want some?"
Iori looked at him in surprise but accepted his offer anyway.
"You seem oddly generous," Iori returned the cologne.
Kay shrugged. "Just helping out."
They went back to class together and saw that everyone were drawing something on their drawing books.
"What are we supposed to do?" Iori whispered to Kay, nodding at Mai as they went back to their places.
"Draw your feelings in your drawing book," Mai informed.
"Okay, Sensei," the boys said at once.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Kay asked as he sat down. "You said you lost all of your breakfast?"
"I'm fine..." Iori frowned. "As long as I'm not looking at this Shiranui person, I'm fine."
"This is the first time I'm seeing someone vomit after seeing a pretty lady," Kay shrugged, smirking.
"You call that pretty?" Iori pointed at Mai, who was drawing something on the whiteboard. "I know she's beautiful and all, but look at her. Even if she's wearing something professional, look at her mannerisms."
Kay nodded thoughtfully. "When you said your stomach turned when looking at her, she asked if you're really a boy!"
"See what I mean?" Iori frowned. "I've seen this lady before, she entered some Ninjutsu tournament. You should've seen how she was dressed..."
Kay silently took his phone out and started looking her up. His eyes almost fell out of his head when he saw a picture of her during the tournament, wearing her family's traditional garb.
"Okay, I see what you mean," Kay put his phone back under his coat. "But why is she a teacher if she's such a good fighter?"
Iori simply shrugged. "Maybe she's good at art and like teaching?"
"Sounds about right," Kay nodded, smirking.
"Show me what you've drawn once you're done," Mai said, sitting at the teacher's table after having drawn a squirrel looking at a butterfly on a flower.
Rock stood up and slowly went towards her, holding his art book.
"What's up with him?" Benimaru motioned his head towards him as he turned to Kyo.
"I'm not really sure," Kyo shrugged, watching Rock stagger towards Mai.
Rock finally came to her. "Sen-Sensei?"
"Yes?" Mai chirpily turned towards him.
"I-I...I have done it," Rock finally said. "Is... is it good?"
Mai shifted slightly on her chair and looked at his drawing. It was a drawing of a young man with large angel-like wings.
"Very well done," Mai smiled, taking out her red pen. She flipped the paper and marked it, giving him an A+.
"Thank you, Sensei," Rock bowed and quickly left. He walked briskly back to his place and sat down, heaving a sigh of relief.
"Must be a shy one..." Benimaru said thoughtfully. A mischievous smirk appeared on his face. "We should lick him into shape!"
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Kyo asked, glancing at the American boy. "Let's just leave the poor guy be!"
To Kyo's dismay, Benimaru got up and sauntered towards Rock. "Hey there, pal!"
Rock looked at him in surprise. "You're... you're Benimaru, right?"
"The one and only," Benimaru said, smirking boyishly.
'Okay, what does this guy want with me?' Rock thought, confused. He had heard of Benimaru, he was famous all over social media for being a teen model, even starring in a few ads. 'Terry warned me about this guy...'
"Say, how about I give you a few tips on women?" Benimaru grinned.
'I don't blame Terry...' Rock sighed. He shook his head and spoke to Benimaru. "Sorry, I don't think I have time for that."
"But you need to know how to deal with girls!" Benimaru retorted.
"Benimaru!" Mai called from the front. "What did I tell you about talking in class last year?"
Benimaru rolled his eyes and turned back to Rock. "Oi! I'll tell you during break time."
Rock shook his head. "No thanks. I'm not interested in learning anything from you. This is school, I've come to study, not flirt."
And with that, he turned away and ignored Benimaru. Benimaru just stared at him, dumbfounded, but respected his wish nonetheless. He went back to his place and sat down with a sigh.
"Darn, he's bold," Kyo noted. "Also, don't just talk to anyone you've just met like that? He probably thinks you're a player."
"Great, that's another to the list," Benimaru groaned and went back to his art book. "Anyway, you done?"
"Not yet," Kyo said and continued drawing.
Art Class was soon over, and another teacher came in. It was a white-haired man that looked kinda strict.
"Good morning, everyone!" Everyone almost laughed when they heard his voice.
"Aww he actually sounds so cute!" Athena whispered to Kensou. "He has a strict face but such a soft voice!"
Kensou snorted. "I say he sounds kinda funny."
"I will be teaching you Biology," the teacher said.
"Sir, what is your name?" Someone asked.
"You can call me Zero-Sensei," the man said. "My name is Geronimo Zero."
"Now that's a strange name," Iori whispered to Kay.
"Ugh... he used to be my brother's boss..." Kay groaned. "Has a pet lion too, and sometimes volunteers to help orphanages."
"That's kinda nice of him," Iori smiled, watching Zero put his stuff down on the table before going over to the whiteboard to start his class. "I'd never have known a face like that could be so kind."
Kay nodded. "Yeah. He's kind of an honourable man."
Iori nodded and took his books out for class.

Also the part where Iori pukes is inspired by his intro dialogue with Mai. Yes, he says the exact same thing and she asks him if he's really a dude.
And the Zero part, the part where his voice is soft for his face. I was referring to his voice in KOF 2002 UM. I didn't really notice his voice until someone mentioned it to me. I even sent it to my friend, who told me that it was really cute to have a character whose face looked stern but voice so soft. I think it matches his personality too. Because Zero, is a nice man despite being involved with NESTS.

I also left the evidence for these two at the top of this chapter if you wanna check it out.


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