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Najd and her parents came over to the Syburs' for dinner time. They were all looking forward to Sarimah's famous lamb Kabsa.
"I like how we were only talking about it at school," Najd chuckled. "And then my mom surprised me with it when I got home."
"And you told me not to talk about it," Kay frowned playfully.
Sarimah looked concerned. "You don't like my Kabsa?"
Najd quickly shook her head. "No, Mama. I told him that because I was starving and talking about something tasty made me hungrier."
"Good save," Nasir said in a low voice, nodding approvingly.
Najd gave him a strange look but shrugged and turned to the food laid out on the table. She didn't know what her father meant by that, not sure if he didn't like the Kabsa. Not that it seemed like it, Nasir always went for seconds whenever Sarimah cooks her signature dish.
There was a lot of food laid out, Sarimah had brought some ginger juice together with the Kabsa, Erin made some coleslaw to wash it down and lemon bars for dessert as well.
"This is quite the spread," Krizalid gleefully said as he sat down. "Mmm..."
They helped themselves to the meal, wolfing down the food as politely as they can. It was funny how Kay brought it up only earlier that day in school when mistaking marten for mutton. And now they were actually eating Kabsa for dinner.

Kyo sighed, seeing his friends' social media posts about WFC and something that looked incredibly delicious, which he didn't know the name of, and wondered what he would have for dinner. Shizuka was still busily preparing something in the kitchen, restricting him and his father from entering at any cost. It's not like they blamed her, the two of them somehow managed to annoy her countless times by doing something that could potentially destroy whatever she was making.
But he still decided to take his chances to see what his mother was doing.
Slowly, Kyo crept down the stairs and made a beeline for the kitchen. He could smell something delicious cooking, something that smelled like... like FISH!
Kyo gasped and ran to the kitchen. He spotted his father grilling fish at the stove while his mother was doing something at the grinder.
"What's up for dinner?" Kyo excitedly asked.
Saisyu turned to glance at him. "Fish."
"And for the first time, that's the correct answer," Shizuka chuckled. "You guys say fish for everything. What do you want for breakfast? Fish. What do you want for lunch? Fish. What should we get for dinner? Fish."
"That's because I actually want fish, Mom," Kyo pointed out. "I love fish."
"Just like your father," Saisyu added, smirking. "The reason why I love fishing."
Kyo frowned, putting two and two together. "You went fishing without me again?"
"You want fish for dinner, right?" Saisyu turned to him. "How will we have enough time if I waited for you?"
"Good point," Kyo shrugged. "Anyway, need any help?"
"Can you take my phone and order some drinks?" Saisyu said. "It's in the hall. I still can't figure out how to use that app..."
Kyo shrugged and took Saisyu's phone from the hall and sat himself in the kitchen again to order the drinks. Both his parents gave him contradicting statements, with Saisyu asking for club soda and Shizuka asking for yoghurt. Kyo frowned, wondering which one to take, seeing how his parents ended up arguing instead. Kyo sighed and just got club soda since that's what he felt would go along with grilled fish.
The drinks arrived before the food was done so Kyo decided to take cover in the living room to wait. Saisyu eventually burst into the room and roughly yanked him off the couch to drag him to the dining hall.
"What's up, Dad?" Kyo asked, surprised and confused at what Saisyu was doing. "Why are you pulling me like this?"
"Dinner's ready," Saisyu informed, making Kyo frown. "Your mother asked me to bring you."
"Then, let me go," Kyo groaned, freeing his arm. "I can walk too, ya know."
Saisyu grumbled as he followed Kyo to the dining hall where Shizuka was still setting the table. The fish was grilled to perfection, the meat soft and full of flavour. Kyo enjoyed every bit, kinda regretting that he didn't take part in the preparation of the fish.
But then the delivery guy arrived with the drinks so they had to pause their meal collect that instead.

The Yagamis heartily ate their chicken, hot and crispy, with snow pouring outside. It was a really cold day, even for winter, and eating WFC was certainly comforting.
"The chicken is really good today," Iori said, his mouth full. "Less oil too."
Masaomi smacked his hand slightly. "Don't talk with your mouth full."
Iori swallowed his mouthful. "Sorry..."
"But yeah, the chicken is really good today," Aiko said. She nudged her uncle's arm. "What's the occasion anyway? It's not every day we get to eat WFC."
Kazuhiro grinned. "Chizuru asked me out Friday night!"
"That's great," Masaomi smiled. "What are you guys doing?"
"I... don't know," Kazuhiro sighed. "She just invited me to go to the mall with her. Not sure how that's gonna turn out."
Iori grinned. "Oh, it can turn out in so many ways."
Aiko jumped in as well. "Like you can go for dinner, go for a movie, get drunk—"
"Aiko, you know I don't drink," Kazuhiro reminded.
"Yeah, but..." Aiko smirked. "I was referring to her. You might have to bring her home drunk."
"Yeah, then carry her bridal-style while she mutters confessions that she might not want you to know," Iori added, grinning as he described the situation that played into a clear movie in Kazuhiro's head.
"And then you bring her home and she kisses you in that drunk state," Aiko continued.
Kazuhiro turned red at their detailed descriptions. Masaomi burst into laughter and patted his brother's back.
"Come on, Hiro, it would be fun!" Masaomi grinned. "Bringing her home drunk is romantic!"
"In what way?" Kazuhiro groaned. "Won't it be awkward?"
"I don't know, but that's a common trope in a lot of the romance stories I've read," Aiko shrugged.
Masaomi looked at her in surprise. "What kind of books are you reading, girl?"
"Romantic stories?" Aiko repeated awkwardly. "But don't worry, I don't pick the raunchy ones."
Masaomi relaxed. "Good." He turned to Kazuhiro. "Hiro, don't listen to these two," he pointed at his laughing children. "Just go and have fun with her, be natural, and..." he grinned, "try to get her drunk."
"Niisan!" Kazuhiro groaned. "You're just as bad as these two!"
"I know," Masaomi chuckled. "I can't help it, that was such a good scenario to put you in."
Kazuhiro sighed. "If it ever happens, I'm leaving her in the bar."
The rest started protesting at this.
"Uncle, why?!" Iori piped up. "That is so dangerous! It could end badly in so many ways!"
Aiko nodded in agreement as she started listing. "She could get hurt, she could fall somewhere, she could get lost, she could take the wrong train and get lost, she can get onto the wrong bus and get lost, she could take the wrong taxi and get lost, she could end up in an accident, she could end up... lost!"
"She's right," Masaomi nodded in agreement as he looked at his brother.
That made Kazuhiro worried. "Okay, okay. I won't bring her to any alcohol-serving establishments, okay?"
"Good call," Iori nodded.
Kazuhiro gave him a funny look. "I thought bringing her to the alcohol-serving establishment was your good call?"
"Forget what we said, Kagura-sensei's safety is at stake here!" Iori turned the table.
"Yeah, it's dangerous!" Aiko added.
Kazuhiro just sighed and continued to eat his chicken.

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