Falsely Berserk

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You remember our plan right
Yeah I do...
Iori put his phone back in his pocket and smirked at his sister. She gave him a look as if to say 'I've got a bad feeling about this, Niisan.' Iori just gave her a reassuring nod and turned back to the window to see if they were at school yet.
"Let's go," Iori said as soon as the car stopped in front of the KOF International School gates. "Bye, Uncle. Bye, Dad."
"Bye!" Aiko waved too.
"Bye guys, Dad will pick you up after school, okay?" Kazuhiro said, watching them through the mirror as they got out of the car.
"Come on, Kyo's already at school," Iori said. "Kay will text you to come when it's time."
"Okay..." Aiko gulped. "Be careful, Niisan. Okay?"
"Of course I will," Iori assured with a smile. "Alright, bye. Your class stairs are over there."
Aiko nodded and waved, going to her block. Iori sighed and made his way to his classroom, dragging his feet a little to seem tired. Kyo was already there and he looked up at him, a worried look on his face. Iori just gave him an assuring nod before slumping down on his chair with a grunt, laying his head down on his desk. Kyo turned around and gulped, a memory of the time Iori went berserk for real clear in his mind.
"I have a bad feeling about this, Yagami," Kyo said in a low voice.
Iori lifted his head slightly. "Don't worry. It's gonna work. We're gonna find out who that psycho is. Okay?"
Kyo nodded and turned back to the front. Kay walked in and sat down next to Iori, seeing how he was already putting his plan to action. But he also couldn't help but remember the last time he did that.
Kay nodded at Kyo and he instantly began. "Yagami, you're such an idiot, you know that?"
He didn't know how to continue but just went on, saying stupid remarks that might offend Iori. The redhead, on the other hand, tightly clenched his fists and started shaking.
"Iori, are you okay?" Kay asked, genuinely concerned. He went to Iori and patted his shoulder, but the redhead slid onto the ground with a groan. "Iori! Oh no, not again..."
Kyo came over and pushed Kay aside, crouching beside Iori to slap him awake. Kay rolled his eyes and went closer to look.
"Yagami, snap out of it, Psycho!" Kyo exclaimed as he slapped him.
Iori's eyes suddenly shot open as he roared at Kyo. The other boy quickly backed away, but Iori caught him by the collar, getting on top of him.
"Yagami!" Kyo exclaimed, trying to push him off. "Please, you're freaking me out!"
Iori let out a growl and brought his face towards Kyo's. "Just play along, I'm not gonna hurt you." He quickly told him in a low voice before letting out a loud wail.
Kyo heaved a sigh of relief but played along, pretending to kick Iori off. Iori backed off with an animalistic grunt and stood up with a roar. Kay was getting all of it, observing each one of their classmates to see if anyone were filming.
"Oh darn... I'll go call Ms. Mian again," Leona remarked and stood up to go.
Kay quickly blocked her way, his other hand holding his phone. "Leona, wait. He's putting this on."
"You... you're filming?" Leona asked in surprise. "It was you?!"
Kay shook his head. "No, it wasn't. I'm filming this now to see if I can find out who did. It's Iori's plan."
Leona looked up to see Iori banging his fists against the wall. The other boys ran to stop him, besides Kyo and Kay. Kensou was standing with Athena and watching too. Kay kept a close eye on them but neither of them were holding their phones. His gaze then swept the whole class and none of them were filming. Kyo came to him, heaving a sigh of relief.
"Gosh... fake or not, that was scary..." Kyo shuddered. "You found out who it is yet?"
"Not yet," Kay frowned. "No one's filming..."
"You're in on this too?!" Leona asked in surprise.
Kyo nodded. "Yeah... Yagami told us last night."
"Kyo, keep an eye on the others, I'm gonna call Aiko now," Kay said, stopping his recording.
"What's going on here?" Goenitz walked in. His gaze landed on Iori. "He's at it again?!"
Kay started texting Aiko to come over when Leona gasped.
"Guys, I think I know who it is!" Leona said urgently. "Look!"
The two boys both looked at where she pointed at and saw Goenitz holding his phone.
"Maybe he just wants to call Iori's uncle or something," Kay quipped.
"Maybe not," Kyo countered. "What if it is him?"
Kay frowned and made his way to the front of the class, behind Goenitz. He gasped when he actually noticed him filming. He raised his phone again and continued filming how Goenitz was recording. Leona frowned.
"I'm gonna go get Ms. Mian," Leona loudly announced again, turning to leave the classroom.
"Leona, don't... Yagami's fine!" Kyo told her in a low voice.
Leona frowned and shook her head. "I'm not going to get Mian. I'm getting my father and Bernstein. This has to stop."
Kyo looked at her in surprise as she stormed out of the classroom. "Who's her dad?"
He went to Kay and asked again. "Any idea who Leona's dad is?"
"It's Vice Principal Heidern," Kay pointed out. "You didn't know?"
"No..." Kyo shook his head.
"I thought you spent like five years in this school?" Kay snorted. "This is my first year and even I know."
"He only transferred here this year," Kyo rolled his eyes. "Also, Leona's gone off to get Rugal and her dad."
Kay looked at him in surprise. "She's way ahead of us!"
"Continue filming and send it to me later," Kyo smirked.
"You got it," Kay chuckled.
They watched the other boys trying to hold Iori off as he pretended to struggle out of their grasp. He clearly had no idea what else to do too since he just sat there, screaming instead.
"KYOOOOO!" Iori roared in a hoarse scream, hoping that Kyo would come and help him out. "KYOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
"Sorry, but no thanks..." Kyo gulped, staying away.
"I think you should go..." Kay frowned. "He needs someone to 'attack' and it's you according to our plan last night."
"Why can't you go?" Kyo asked, nodding towards the struggling redhead. "You're in on this too, aren't ya?"
"Yeah, but I'm filming," Kay pointed out. "I can't go. But poor guy needs help there. You should go."
They were arguing about it when Aiko stumbled into the class, looking at the scene in surprise. She was about to run to her brother but Kay quickly called her over.
"Don't, just let him," Kay said, shaking his head. "We already know who the culprit is. Leona's gone to get the principal."
"I hope she doesn't lose her way like last time though..." Kyo groaned. "Remember when she ran off to get Mian?"
"Oh yeah, you're right about that too..." Kay agreed.
"You guys sent the same person?!" Aiko said in surprise. "Seriously?"
She went out of the classroom and elbowed through the students gathered to see if they were coming. She spotted Leona leading Rugal and another big man down the lane towards the back stairs of the building. She smiled and turned to go back into the classroom when she spotted Zayn practically glued to the window. Aiko chuckled and went to him.
"You better come inside if you wanna get a better scene," Aiko smirked. "Come on."
Zayn followed her into the class and saw his brother filming with Kyo next to him. "You're actually filming?" He snorted.
"We need proof, don't we?" Kay smirked, zooming in on Goenitz. "Also, what are you doing here?"
"Dash, the whole block is outside, watching what's going on in here," Zayn pointed out.
"Well, it's only gonna get better," Aiko smirked. "Your friend is on her way with the principal."

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