Chapter 14

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Rivendell is beautiful, there's no doubt about it.  Waterfalls rush down the rocks and lush greenery, and the buildings look as though they're built into the side of the mountain behind it. 

"Wow," I mumble. 

"The City of Imladris," Gandalf says.  "In the common tongue, it's known by another name."

"Rivendell," Bilbo mutters, his eyes trained on the city. 

All of us look at each other as Gandalf continues to explain. 

"Here lies the Last Homely House East of the Sea." 

Thorin turns on his heel and faces Gandalf. 

"This was your plan all along," he growls. "To seek refuge with our enemy." 

They've never seemed like enemies, but then again, I've never seen elves. 

"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield," Gandalf says. "The only ill will to be fond in this valley is that which you bring yourself." 

"You think the Elves will give our quest their blessing?" Thorin asks. 

"We don't have to tell them," I say.  

"Enough, Nossa," Thorin snarls.  I nod quickly and back away.  I feel a hand on my arm and look up to see Fili.  Thorin turns back to Gandalf. 

"They will try to stop us."

"Of course they will.  But we have questions that need to be answered," Gandalf finishes.  Thorin looks down at the rock underneath his feet, not saying a word. "If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact." 

Gandalf pauses. 

"And respect.  And no small degree of charm.  Which is why you will leave the talking to me." 

With that, we walk to the grand city.  We pass over a small, rocky hill before reaching a river.  A bridge of stone has been carefully carved over a sparkling blue river, which we walk over silently.

At the end of the brige there are two statues of warrior elves before a large stone circle.  There are exits and staircases all around the circular platform, and a few elven guards watch us cautiously. 

As we look around, an elven man with flowing brown hair and silk robes approaches us, walking down a staircase to get to where we are. 

"Mithrandir!" he calls.  I cock my head in confusion.  Who's Mithrandir? 

Gandalf turns and smiles. 

"Ah, Lindir!"

The elf crosses his hand across his chest and bows his head in respect.

"Wait, he's Mitrandir?" I whisper to Fili and Kili.  They shrug and nod.

Thorin eyes the elf with hatred and whispers something to Dwalin.  Lindir says something to Gandalf in Elvish, and the wizard responds. 

"I must speak to Lord Elrond."

"My Lord Elrond is not here," Lindir says. 

"Not here?  Where is he?" Gandalf asks. 

Just then, horns are heard, as well as the clopping of horse's hooves.  All of us turn to see about 20 elves riding towards us. 

"Close ranks!" Thorin shouts to us in Dwarvish.  We all get in a huddle, our weapons at the ready.  Bilbo, of course, doesn't understand Dwarvish, so I pull him into the circle.

The elves start circling around us on their horses while we brandish our weapons in front of us. 

"Gandalf," one of the elves greet. 

"Lord Elrond," Gandalf replies, a light smile on his face. 

They begin speaking in Elvish gibberish, and Thorin looks around with distaste. 

"Strange for orcs to come so close to our borders," Elrond says, finally in English. "Something or someone has drawn them near."  The elf hands his sword to Lindir and looks around at us. 

"That may have been us," Gandalf says, observing the company. 

Thorin steps forward, looking up at the Elf Lord. 

"Welcome, Thorin, son of Thrain," Elrond greets. 

"I do not believe we have met," Thorin states. 

"You have your grandfather's bearing," Elrond says.  "I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain." 

"Indeed?  He made no mention of you," Thorin says.  We all stare at him in disbelief, amazed that he would actually say that to our host. 

Elrond sighs deeply and starts speaking in Elvish.  After Thorin's remark, I wouldn't be surprised if he was saying, "Get out of my kingdom before I send my soldiers after you.  Trust me, they don't miss when they shoot." 

"What is he saying?" Gloin demands, lifting his weapon. "Does he offer us insult?!" 

All the dwarves start muttering angrily, and Gandalf chuckles. 

"No, Master Gloin, he's offering you food." 

I squint my eyes and we form a huddle.

"Maybe they poisoned it," Bofur suggests. 

"I doubt it," Kili says. 

"I'm hungry," Bombur whines. 

"I don't care whether they poisoned it or not.  I'm hungry and I'm willing to take their food," I say finally.  Everyone nods and turns back to the Elf king. 

"Well, in that case, lead on," Gloin says. 

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