Chapter 45

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We all pick up our weapons and head to the gate.

"Build up a wall. Nobody is coming in without our say," Thorin says. "I want this fortress made safe by sunup."

We continue to haul broken hunks of stone and place them in the hole, making a giant wall. I wipe the sweat from my brow and continue to work.

Levers and pulleys are used to get stone to the top of our makeshift barrier.

"This mountain was hard-won. I will not see it taken again," Thorin growls.

"The people of Lake-town have nothing. They came to us in need," Kili says angrily. "They have lost everything."

"Do not tell me what they have lost," Thorin scoffs. "I know well enough their hardship. Those who have lived through dragon fire should rejoice! They have much to be grateful for."

"Why should they rejoice?! All of them have lost loved ones, and some of them have lost their entire families! What should they be grateful for? That they aren't dead? Most of them probably wish that they were!" I yell.

"Silence, Nossa! Some of us have lost our entire families as well!" Thorin yells back. I shut up and keep working, my mind wandering to Thror and Thrain. Of course.

Thorin sighs and watches Dale, where lights are burning brightly.

"More stone! Bring more stone to the gate!"

When we finish, Balin walks over to Fili and I.

"Do you want your wedding to be a big thing, or can I pronounce you husband and wife now?" he asks. He sounds weary and sad, and I look up at Fili.

"Do it now." Fili nods, and Balin leads us to where the others are sitting, including Thorin. They sit and watch as Balin changes me from a Stonehelm to a Durin.

When we're done, we get hugs from everyone and lots of congratulations.

"Welcome to the bloodline, Nossa," Thorin says, putting his hand on my shoulder. I smile at him, and he gives me a small smile that isn't his own in return before walking away. Kili hugs us multiple times and looks the happiest that he has since Thorin got sick.

"Nossa, let's go to our room. It's late," Fili says after everyone starts turning in for the night. We walk to our room and Fili kisses me roughly.

"I need you so badly," he mumbles. I kiss back, wrapping my arms around him.

"Then have me."

I knew that tonight, we would do more than just sleep.

A/N: See, this is why I don't write smut. Because that one sentence made me awkward. Ugh.

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