Something else entirely

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Fade in to the New Republic headquarters, where a Republic soldier is seen working on a warthog. Cut to Grif standing on a stage speaking to a crowd of Republic soldiers.


Grif: Boom! Huge explosion, you wouldn't believe it! He just shook it off though like it was nothing and he comes right at us!

Crowd: Ooooohh!

Grif: He cuts our rocket launcher in half, so Tucker goes in for a stab but nothing's working. That's when I knew what to do.

Crowd: Ahh!

Grif: I throw myself on top of him, taking him completely by surprise, but he has the strength of ten men!

Close up on Grif.

Grif: No, ten bears!

Crowd: Ohh! That's pretty cool... Bears are strong...

Grif: This guy's invincible. It looked like nothing was gonna stop him.

Republic Soldier 1: What did you do?

Grif: Huh? Oh, uhh we tied a car to him and threw it off a cliff.

Republic Soldier 2: ...That is the most metal thing I've ever heard.

Grif: So the moral of the story is, you never know when random, seemingly unimportant, stuff will turn out to be very important. Which is why you shouldn't question me when I tell you to build me something like a hammock, or...a human slingshot.

Simmons approaches Grif.

Simmons: Grif, what are you doing?

Grif looks at him with a grin.

Grif: Just tellin' these guys how we took down the Meta.

Simmons: Why?

Simmons' Lieutenant: (to Simmons) Is it true Simmons? Did he really growl like some sort

Jensen: And did he really have the strength of ten bears?

Simmons: Uh...I uh- um...more like, uh, you know, twenty bears.

Jensen: Wow!

Simmons' Lieutenant: So hot!

Grif gestures to the soldiers with a bigger grin.

Grif: That is why.

Simmons: (sighs) You're spending way too much time with Tucker.

An intercom activates. Kimball speaks.

Kimball: (over intercom) Grif, Simmons, and Caboose, report to my office immediately.

The intercom deactivates.

Grif: Well guys, it looks like that's it for today. Run along.

Cut to a view of the crowd. Caboose is suddenly seen among them.

Crowd: Awwwww.

Caboose: I like the part with the bears.

Cut to Kimball's office where Tucker is seen inside, looking at the ground and Thea talking to him.

Thea: You can't blame yourself Tucker. These things happen to allot of people every one, even the good leaders lose people.

Tucker: Sure.

Thea: This a actual war Tucker. This is what we signed up for before we were stations for project freelancer for experiments for the agents. This happens in a war Tucker.

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