Fed vs new

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Open in on the radio jammer station, where Felix and Locus are waiting for the Reds and Blues' call.


Felix: Time's almost up.

Locus: (speaks on his radio) Bravo, report.

Bravo: (over radio) No visual on the targets. I... don't think they're coming, sir.

Locus: (to Bravo) Hmm... stay on guard.

Felix: Hmph, Guess they didn't trust us.

Felix glances at the mercenaries around them. He spots one from afar walking away into the shadows.

Felix: Locus... how many men did you bring with you?

Locus: Five. The rest were needed at the capital.

Felix: Ya don't say...

Cut to a disguised Carolina walking away.

Carolina: (speaks on her radio) Five pirates carrying prototypes. Mercs are sticking to their usual. I'm heading away from the jamming tower now...

Washington: (over radio) Did they see you?

Felix: (offscreen) Excuse me!

Carolina turns to see Felix standing on a platform above her, aiming his rifle at her.

Felix: (tauntingly) You look familiar. Have we met?

He fires at Carolina, disrupting her camouflage and restoring her cyan armor color.

Felix: (laughing) Ohhhh man! You are fast! Oh, but minus points on originality.

Carolina fires at him, but he activates his Hardlight Shield, deflecting the bullets. More pirates decloak around him.

Felix: See what I mean?

Carolina: All right. You have me.

Felix: So... where's the rest of the crew?

Carolina: They're not here. I came alone.

Felix: Well, that is classic you from what I've heard. But seeing as how they weren't at the gas station or the ship we so generously provided, I'm not sure I believe you.

Carolina: Well, I guess that's your problem.

Felix: Actually, if you don't tell your friends to come out and surrender, you're gonna to have a problem the size of a golf ball in the middle of your forehead.

Felix aims his rifle at Carolina only for Washington to appear behind him, weapon aimed at his head.

Washington: Funny... I was just about to tell you the same thing.

Felix glances at Wash smugly with a grin.

Felix: Oh hey, Wash. Heads up, you're going to feel like an asshole in three... two... aaaaaaand...

Locus decloaks right behind Washington, his shotgun pointed at him.

Locus: You continue to both surprise and disappoint me, Agent Washington...

Felix: (to Washington) Yeah, yeah. There it is.

Cut to Armonia and the standoff between the New Republic and the Federal Army of Chorus. Doyle and Kimball glare at each other.

Doyle: Never in all my life have I met a human being as selfish and bloodthirsty as you, Miss Kimball.

Kimball: How dare you!

Doyle: Marching into the capital thinking you could kick us while we're down. Have you no decency?

Kimball: We tried to be decent in the past, but we all remember how that turned out, don't we?

Red vs blue (Female OC) season 12Where stories live. Discover now