Thin ice

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Fade in to a row of cones lined up on a concrete barrier. A shot fires and misses a cone. Cut to Palomo watching Bitters do target practice but miss.

Palomo: Missed.

Bitters fires again

Palomo: Missed.

Bitters fires again

Palomo: Missed.

Bitters glances at Palomo angrily.

Bitters: Palomo? I know when I miss...!

Bitters looks at the target and fires again.

Palomo: Are you missing on purpose?

Bitters: Oh alright, that's it!

Bitters turns and begins to beat up Palomo. Cut to Jensen and Bailey; punching and shouting can be heard in the background.

Palomo: (off screen) Ow! Ow! Ow! It was a legitimate question!

Bitters: Am I missing now?!

Jensen: (Sighs)

Bailey: Think we should stop them?

Jensen: I don't think we should.

Bailey: Yeah me neither.

Smith approaches Jensen and Bailey.

Smith: Well, I spoke with Kimball. Search and rescue has been denied.

Bitters stops beating Palomo and looks at Smith with his arms crossed.

Bitters: Yeah well good riddance. They never cared about us anyway.

Jensen: How could you say that? They left because they didn't want us getting hurt.

Bitters: Yeah, well what do you call this? They didn't take us to get shot, but they sure as hell left us to die!

Bailey: Don't you dare talk about Thea like that! She doesn't leave people behind like that! Its because she was threatened or because it was to protect us!

Jensen: (voice breaks) ...We don't know that, they could come back.

Smith: Their message didn't exactly specify.

Palomo: They'll come back. I know they'll come back.

Palomo raises his rifle. A shot is fired and hits a cone. They look at the cone impressed that he shot it.

Bitters: Nice shot.

Palomo: Wasn't me

Cut to Felix behind them, revealed to be the one who shot the cone.

Felix: You shouldn't be so hard on the guys. They did what they thought was best. Can't fault them for that. Still, I'm gonna beat the living shit out of those five when I find them.

Smith: When you find them?

Felix: Tell Kimball I'm buying back one of the warthogs I sold her.

Felix leaves.

Jensen: But Felix, she said we weren't allowed to go after them! It was a direct order!

Felix: Well orders only work on soldiers! I am a mercenary.

Cut to a Federal Army outpost base, located in an icy area. Simmons, Grif, Tucker, Thea and Caboose are seen standing behind a wall at the compound.


Simmons: This is it. According to our data, the Federal Army base is just on the other side of this wall.

Tucker: About time! My ass was asleep for so long, I thought it slipped into a coma!

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