Teaming with problems

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Fade in to a shot of the New Republic's base. A scorpion tank drives into garage in the background. Cut to Matthews.

Matthews: I just think that...if you would just reconsider sir.

Matthews is shown to be talking to Grif and Bitters.

Matthews: (stutters) I mean, uh, I followed your order from day one with like, the burritos and...and... I'd follow you to the end, sir. I really would.

Grif looks at Bitters with a knowing look.

Grif: Bitters? What do I always say?

Bitters: (unenthused) "Nobody likes a kiss-ass."

Grif looks back at Matthews with a smirk.

Grif: Nobody likes a kiss-ass.

Matthews: But, sir!

Grif: Matthews, you are in fact a total kiss-ass. And nobody likes that. Bitters, do you like that?

Bitters: Nope.

Grif: Bitters doesn't like that. Because Bitters here is a maverick, a loose cannon. And people love loose cannons. I'm a bit of a loose cannon myself. Isn't that right Bitters?

Bitters: Actually, I'm starting to think you're just kinda lazy.

Grif: See that? Total loose cannon response. I respect that, Bitters.

Bitters: (sighs) Whatever.

Grif: So, as much it pains me, inside, I'm afraid I must deny your request to join our elite team, Matthews.

Matthews: (tearing up) Very well sir. I understand.

Matthews walks off.

Grif: Even in defeat, still a kiss-ass.

Simmons: (offscreen) Grif, hurry up!

Grif: Speaking of which...

Cut to Grif joining Tucker, Simmons, Thea and Caboose on a platform. Their four respective lieutenants, Bitters, Palomo, Jensen, Bailey and Smith stand below.

Simmons: (clears throat) Hello. Welcome evryone. Thank you for joining us here. Um, why don't we just go down the line and introduce ourselves?

Caboose: Um, hello. Ugh name is Michael J. Caboose.

All recruits: Hi Michael.

Simmons: No, I meant the recruits. Why would we need to introduce ourselves? They already know us.

Caboose: Yes, but do they know the "real" us.

Tucker: What does that even mean?

Caboose: Well that is a very interesting question, Tucker. Why don't you elaborate on those feelings?

Tucker: (groans) Just state your name.

Simmons: And tell us a fun fact about yourself.

Grif: (to Simmons) Really?

Smith: (clears throat) Permission to speak, sir?

Tucker: Uh, go for it?

Smith: Thank you, sir. Lieutenant John-

Grif: Hey, G.I. Joe? Could you drop the act? We don't have all day.

Smith: Oh, um very good, sir. My friends call me Smith. I've served the New Republic faithfully for several years and I believe Captain Caboose is one of the wisest individuals I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Sir!

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