You know who we are

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In a hospital bed laid a soldier with black hair sleeping, but awoke by beeping.

???: That's gonna get annoying real quick.

The soldier opened their eyes to reveal Thea. She looks around to see she was in the hospital.

Thea: Oh, I was stabbed. Right.

Thea noticed that she wasn't wearing her armor but hospital clothes.

Thea: I feel naked.

Thea looked around and saw her armor on a table but also saw someone sleeping on the chair next to it. They had blonde hair with scars on their face but she recognized who they were by the color of their armor. It was Washington.

Thea: Wash? Why is he here?

Thea tried to sit up but groaned at the pain.

Thea: Bad idea.

Washington stirs awake at the sound of her pain. He opened his eyes to see her trying to sit up. He gets up and stops her from going any further.

Washington: Don't try to get up. Your hurt.

Thea: Yeah, I know.

Thea was laid back down in less pain the before. She looked around to notice it was a nice hospital.

Thea: Where are we?

Washington: We're in one of the federal army's bases. Doyle wanted all of us treated here for what we did. Both wounds are gonna scar up Thea, I'm sorry.

Thea looks at him confused before remembering that Felix whacked her with his knife. She put her hand on it and traced it.

Thea: Huh, that'll be one hell of a story.

Washington: (sternly) Thea.

Thea: I know I know. But at least we won. We did win right?

Washington: Yeah, the message got through before anyone could kill each other.

Thea: (sighs in relief) That's good to hear. I was worried that we were too late.

Washington: Yeah. Thea, the bleeding was severe and if the rebels didn't come in time then you would have died. Why do you have to sacrifice yourself all the time, I was afraid that you died.

Thea looked at him and noticed that he looked venerable and she didn't like it. Thea grabbed his hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.

Thea: Hey, don't worry. I'm fine and we won. That's what matters, sometimes you have to make sacrifices, even if it costs your life.

Washington looks at her with a smile and sat next to her on the edge of the bed.

Washington: I know, you don't have to remind me. Your really wise, (teases) for someone your height.

Thea looked at him annoyed.

Thea: Don't call me short Bumblebee.

Washington: Whatever Strawberry shortcake.

Thea groaned in annoyance but smiled nonetheless.

Washington: And in any case, try to be more careful next time.

Thea: I make no promises.

Washington: Your gonna have to, because I wouldn't forgive you if you did.

Thea: Why-

Thea was cut off by Washington putting his lips on hers. Thea's cheeks turned bright red when Washington separated.

Red vs blue (Female OC) season 12Where stories live. Discover now