High Alert

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Arriving to the station to hear Parker announced they have a problem, everyone grew quiet and worried. Parker sighed, "We have a problem. The guy who broke into your place, isn't saying a word. Only said something strange which I needed you guys here."

"What did he say?"

"It's not over."

"Pretty vague."

"What happened to the guy?"

"At the hospital at the moment for the beatings you two did. I wrote it as self-defense in case anyone was wondering. And the clothing, it's new material which means someone made it, whoever it is, the cult may be happening again."

"Are you serious? Again with the cult returning? We beat them once, they ran off like they gave up following orders."

Imogen looked worried, "You don't think there's another person giving orders, right? Someone new who knew the leaders."

"Who would be crazy enough to do that after they saw us stopping them. Isaac, Zinnia, what do you think?"

"We told them everything and Isaac might know but nor sure how."

"Like what?"

"I don't know why but I feel Noah is taking me into somewhere that is a dark place. Only darkness surrounding me, he's seeing what's going on but I don't know what because it's all blurry. I saw myself in a room, with the map of the town we're living in. A nice office, it brought me there so I think Noah is there. I think he's trapped, Storm mentioned she and Devon haven't seen him around the forest in a while."

"Isaac mentioned he sees a stone, right?"

"A stone that may hold Noah, someone has him, if we know who has it, we may take it back, and maybe hope we won't die in six months."

"Really comforting."

"So it's not over. It's happening again."

"Yes. It's happening again and we're not going down for a fight. We're going to live this."
Tom smiled, stood next to Zinnia, patting her back, "I survived from being a zombie. Made it with my fingers. We can do this. We're stronger after last time. We got this."

"Not sure about it if we're not sure if we're going to make it."

Parker cleared his throat, "Alright enough! Enough it's been a long and horrific day. But we're here, all of us, it's been a while since we've been together, I suggest we forget all of this for tonight and hang out. I'm off right now."

"Who's up for a few drinks?" Hesitantly they all agreed and went to the bar to spend some time after so long, catching up with many emotions. Danni was still angry with the fact that Zinnia and Isaac never told her or anyone, slowly she got over it for the night, still congratulating the two, along with Tom, Imogen and Parker. Imogen wanted to throw them something special. For their marriage but between them, Parker hugged the two, along with Tom and Imogen, Imogen offered to take a photo for them.
Everything was going good, Parker had to call his fiancee, Danni went to get more drinks, Zinnia joined her, Tom went to the restroom, leaving Isaac and Imogen.
Imogen couldn't stop smiling, almost said a word to Isaac when a guy walked passed, winking at her.
She blushed but ignored it, Isaac noticed it, "Not your type?"

"What? Oh no, it's not that. Just ended things with an ex, it's been a year now."

Isaac couldn't help the troubled expression on Imogen, her eyes said enough. He sighed, "What did he do?"


"I know that look. Many women and men come to the bar to forget about what their partners did. Just wanted to get away and just grab a few drinks. Want to talk?"

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