Masquerade of Secrets Part 2

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With the masquerade still happening with everybody enjoying themselves. Zinnia managed to get away from Thane and to hang out with Tom and Imogen, grabbing some drinks.

"Enjoying yourself, Zinnia? Drink up because it helps with this party already overwhelming of beautiful dresses and some handsome guys around."

"Yeah I noticed and I remembered, I'm married. What about you? You seem busy talking to someone."

"Pretty chatty with him. She smiled."

"He's really sweet and it was nice. But it won't last, it'll be Cinderella by the stroke of midnight if we leave by that time."

"You'll meet someone great, Ginny."

"How did it go with him? The guy named Thane, did he mentioned anything about this place?"

"Only a little, some rooms upstairs are locked but there's some rooms that are opened. But that's all about it as he went on about finally got with me. Yeah that's what he thinks. Where's Isaac, Danni and Parker? You've seen them?"

"Danni is taking photos outside while Parker, well, we don't know where he is. Although I think he wants to be alone for a moment. Since he told us something big."

"What did he say?"


A hand was placed on Zinnia's shoulder, Isaac appeared, they walked outside to get away from the music inside the house, away from the crowd, "Everyone is going to be busy, you can go upstairs and check it out. But I don't know about this, Isaac. What if you get arrested?"

"He can say he really needed to go to the restroom and the other bathrooms were busy."

"I'll be quick, I really need to know, hey it'll be fine. If I do get kicked out of this party, than I'm wrong and it's not the mayor."

"Well be careful and don't get kicked out. Go for it."

"I'll be back."

Leaving again, Issac casually grabbed some wine, drank it so he would have an excuse to go to the restroom again.
Since everyone is too busy chatting with one another, enjoying the music, eating, dancing, that no one noticed Isaac going upstairs, it's a large place with portraits up in the walls, there was a photo of mayor, and a large one of the whole town, however it was an old one.

"Not this one." Isaac was here to find that town map, the one Noah showed him, and find Noah and help him out.
His phone vibrated, than went off with someone calling him, it was an unknown number.
Entering into a room to answer it, "Hello?"

In a deep voice, the voice spoke, "Your making a mistake in coming here. You have to leave, now."

"Who the hell is this? What do you know?"

"You're looking for the stone that contains the shadow figure, are you? You and some friends are here for it, just get out of here."

"What do you know about it? Wait why am I asking you, you probably think I'm crazy."

"What your here for is not here. Please do not go further than this, leave this place before things gets ugly. You don't want to get hurt."

"What do you know? Who are you?"

"Anta's the name and it's all you need to you. Don't want any time but leave now! What you're looking for is not here. It's somewhere else!" The call was cut suddenly, Isaac groaned, calling the caller back but no answer.

"Damn it! I don't trust this person." Leaving the room, suddenly a gust of wind happened, he looked around to where it was coming from, the cold chill came back, he took a deep breath and followed it, following it, not sure what it is, a door suddenly opened. It took a moment for him to enter, he entered to the door harshly closed by itself!

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