Chapter 16

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I sat anxiously chewing my nails I swear my heartbeat increased every second that passed. I called him about twenty times and still no response, maybe he's just ignoring me but I can't help but think he's hurt or missing.

I stood up and turned on the lights, then started to pad up and down the hallway. Tonight was the first night i acually sayed at my own house instead of Gemma and Ashtons. i felt bad for kinda living in their house even though gem said it was perfectly fine. I tried callling one more time and again no answer so I placed my phone on my table and attempted to go back to sleep.

I wake up to my phone blaring 'What Makes You Beautiful' and instantly knew it was Gemma.

"Hey Gem"

"Tyler please come over Ashton is boring me and I have nothing to do"

"Sure I'll be over in 10"

With that I hang up and try to get out of bed. Then instantly all the memories from last night flood my brain, where is harry.



"Hey Ashton, Tyler is coming over soon"

"Ok cool I invited over the boys as well"

After around 10 minutes later I hear the front door pretty much slam open and I hear shrieking and giggling I instantly know it's the boys. It's always a pleasure having the them over.

"Hey Gem I hope you don't mind I brought a friend. This is Trinity, Trinity this is Gem." Michael introduces me to his friend


She said with confidence but I could help find her odly familiar

"Hey, do I know you from somewhere"

"Um yeah, well I'm kinda fake dating Louis Tomilson but little does he know that my friend Mikey here is just a bit better in bed."

I was shocked and the room fell silent.

"Your fake dating Louis Tomilson." Michael said freaking out.

"Yes Michael. I told you that our thing was open and you agreed..What why is everyone staring at me. Was I to straight forward. I'm so sorry if I was."

"You have to go" I said starting to panic.

"Why?" Trinity asked offended

"Tyler is coming over any minute now and little do you know that she is dating my brother Harry. Now get out."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Trinity started freaking out.

"Fuck she thinks I'm in Australia"


I arrived at Gemma's and I heared yelling so I quickly opened the door. And boy I wish I didn't open that door. There stood trinity my best friend who was supposed to be in Australia

"What the fuck" I said completely shocked "what are you doing here"

"Ah ha ha funny story actually um I'm-"

"She's here because she was planing on a surprise visit" Michael interrupted.

"Uh okay, how do you know Michael" I question, somethings not right here.

"Old friend" she forces a smile

"Alright" I reply

There was an obvious tension in air and everyone was looking staring at Trinity and I.

Gemma cleared her throat and said "Anyone up for a movie?"

The tension was thankfully cleared and we all settled down for a good night, well we hoped.

Harry had been on my mind all day and I didn't want to bring it up in front of Gemma. So I snuck out the front and called harry.

"Hello" His voice was raspy and deeper than usual.

"Wow, you actually picked up are you okay?" I said and pulled the selves over my hands to keep me warm.

"Uhh yeah we should talk about last night"

"What happened" I asked not actually wanting to hear the answer.

"Well after we had that fight and I got into the car, we ended up going to a mates house and I got into a fight with this asshole and I didn't quite win so here I am in the hospital"

"My god harry what are you getting yourself into and I was so worried you were in an accident" I felt myself getting whelmed up again.

"I know baby, I'm sorry but I have to go, i need to speak with the nurse I'll talk to you later. I love you" He rushed into the phone

"Ok I love you too" I hung up and felt tears rim my eyes. its been too long.


Sorry for such a long update omg it's been ages but anywho..

Thoughts on trinity cheating on louis and Michael covering for her?

Drama lama is here and for who knows how long..

Keep on reading please xxx

Also my friend helped me write this chapter give her a follow ;)

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