Chapter 13

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Harry's P.O.V

Today is the day I will be leaving Tyler for 6 months, I was excited because Tyler and Trinity were allowed to come but for some fucking reason management have changed their mind..

I walked over to my baby and engulfed her into a hug.

"I will miss you so much" she mumbled into my shirt. I kissed her head and she looked up at me so I could kiss her lips.

The boys and I got into our van and sped off. I already missed her.

I should stop being so depressed about this I was going to see her again and we are going on a tour! I missed our girls and I missed singing with my best mates.

Tyler's P.O.V

I sighed as I flopped onto the couch watching my favourite TV series American Horror Story.

I was re-watching the episode on season 1 where Tate scares the shit out of the bitchy druggo and it also scares Violet.

I knew most of my days without the boys was defiantly going to be like this. Pathetic I know.

Trinity had left also, she had to visit her mum so I was all alone. Besides Gemma, I pulled out my phone and dialled her number.

"Hey!" she said cheery

"Hi!" I replied with the same tone.

"What's up?"

"Wanna hang out? All my friends have left me"

"Yeah of course! but um I have all my friends over too so is that ok?" Gemma asked

"No problem at all, I'll be over in a few"

"Ok byee!" I hung up and rushed up stairs to get changed, I put on my usual ripped skinny black jeans and a maroon sweater.

I pulled up at her house and I knocked on the door. I heared a faint yelling in the distance.

"Tyler! hay" she said and hugged me.

"Hey" I said and hugged her back.

"Come meet our friends"

"Our?" I asked confused

"Yeah Ashton and i's" She pulled me into her lounge room and I saw Ashton and three other boys sitting their playing FIFA.

"Oi guys this is Tyler, Tyler this is Luke, Calum and Michael" She said pointing to a blonde haired boy then to the boy with brown hair and lastly a boy with black hair.

"Hey!" they said in sync. I thought they were going to be girls but oh well guys are easier to be friends with.

I smiled and took a seat next to Gemma watching them play Fifa. Minutes later Ashton walked in with food and drinks.

"Hey Tyler" Ashton smiled, and again I returned one. "Do you want to have a go?" Michael I think asked. "Yeah okay" I grabbed the controller and they started a new match.

"How is he?" Gemma asked out of the blue.

"By 'he' you mean harry?" I replied


"Well I guess good, he just left for tour"

"Yeah" she smiled. obviously proud of her younger brother.

"When he gets back you should come see him" I said in a soft voice.

"Nah he properly won't want to" she whisper.

"No he will, he needs to" I reassured.

"Alright, Maybe" she smiled and I smiled back.


Doesn't everything look perfect right now? ha! Well just you wait shits bout to go down. sorry but I'm excited.

Alrighty love youuuu's

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