Chapter 9

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Trinity's P.O.V

Complete silence, that's all it was for what felt like hours.

It wasn't a awkward silence it was just us trying to process what each other had just said.

I finally decided to speak up.

"What do you feel towards me Lou?" I asked and stared at him straight in the eyes.

He shifted abit and cleared his throat.

"I like you a lot"

He paused and I thought he was finished but then he continued.

"But I think I might love you"

I didn't know how to reply or of if I should say anything at all because I knew I liked Louis, well a lot but I wasn't completely sure if I loved him.

"It's okay if you don't love me back" he said with disappointment clear in his voice.

"No it's not that, I think I might but I'm not 100 percentage sure." I said to Louis

"I have never been in love before so I guess I don't know how it's like" I added and looked down

"I can show you" he said and lifted up my chin with his hand.

He leaned him and kissed me but this time the kiss was felt more than just a kiss, it started off slow then it was deep and passionate. I had never been kissed like this, my whole body was ignited and it felt amazing.

He put his hand on my chin and cupped my cheek and I put my hands on his shoulders.

I pulled away

"Yeah I think I love you" I said and a huge smile spread across our faces

His eyes widen and he wrapped his arms around me and pecked me on the lips.

Harry's P.O.V

Where the fuck is she?

She left like 2 hours ago and I haven't seen her since, no one has.

I thought of calling her but her phone might be off or broken, I did see it completely shattered before.

"Zayn have you seen Tyler?" I ask him

"Nah I saw her leave but no I haven't seen her since" he said in confusion

I groaned and walked outside, the car was still here so she obviously walked.

I got in the car and drove down the road.

That's when I saw her walking with another girl, I couldn't recognise her because Tyler was walking in front of her but I assumed it was a friend.

I followed there car down to a street about 15 minutes away and saw them walk into a house and I decided to go home.

I was watching tv when she came home, she silently opened the door and closed it thinking everyone was asleep.

I approached her and she gasped.

"Harry, you scared the shit out of me!"

"Where have you been?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"I went to get food and I ran into g-"

Tyler's P.O.V

I remembered Gemma telling me not to tell Harry, I don't know why though I thought they could have like a reunion.

"Ran into who?" he actually sounded like an angry father yelling at me for being out past bed time.

"My friend g.. Georgia" I was proud of myself for making that up on the spot.

"Ok.." he said

"You wanna watch tv?" he suggested

"Yeah sure" I agreed, I wasn't really tired.

We walked into the living room and he spun around to say something and he knocked into me.

His head banged into my nose and it started to bleed everywhere.

"Agh fuck" I swore

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry!" He quickly jumbled up and looked and my bleeding nose.

"Come with me" he took my hand and lead me to the bathroom.

I looked and the mirror and blood was still gushing out of my nose and I had blood everywhere.

He got a wet cloth and whipped most of the blood off and now was examining my nose.

"Its not broken but it's bruised" he said still looking at me nose.

"Since when did you become a doctor?" I asked

"I studied at a medical school before I audition"


I can actually imagine harry being a doctor him wearing a plain white coat and his name tag on it 'Mr Styles'

Now that would be sexy.


I snapped back into reality.


"I asked if it still hurts?" he asked staring at me.

"No not really"

"Okay" He said and after awhile I replied


"Okay" he said and I giggled

"We are not hazel and Augustus from the fault in our stars" I said and he laughed, I was surprised he understood what i was talking about.

We kind of just standing there staring at each other, his beautiful green eyes pouring into mine.

He kept on looking at my lips and I did the same.

"Can I kiss you again" he asked looking at my lips.

"Please do" I pleaded

The kiss was rough but somewhat passionate and he starting moving down and sucking the skin on my neck and moved to my sweet spot just under my jawline.

I moaned and Harry did the same, he picked me up so my legs wrapped around his body and he pushed me against and the wall still giving me a hickey on my neck.

He gasped when he took off my top and started kissing around my chest, I took off his top and I couldn't stop admiring his tattoos and his beautiful tanned skin.

He was going to go further but I stopped him.

"Harry stop I know you don't want to do this" I said and my voice was rough.

"Yes I do"

"Only because your horny so stop" he let go and put me down but he didn't move.

"No I actually want to" he said in a dead serious tone.

"No Harry you don't get it"

"Get what?"

"That your just doing this because you want to have sex, not because you want to have sex with me"

"Also I'm still a virgin" I said

His eyes widen

"No I want to do it with you"

"No, but maybe if you wait"

He laughed but not in a hurtful way.

"Ok" he said smiling, then kissed me around my face leaving my lips to last.

I defiantly had feelings for him, I just hoped he might to.




Hii how is everyone? I just watched the fault in our stars so I had to add it in the book haha sorry

Please keep reading!!!!

ily xxxx!!

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